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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Same. I watched last season even though it was so underwhelming. I have not watched any of this season, but I keep reading here to see what happens or if it is getting better. I guess not. I wish Iris got better writing. Hell, I wish the show was written better. I will be at my table for one, because while I like the actors, I cannot stand the adult/future children Bart and Nora. I just hate that story and concept.
  2. I am one that prefers BDDU and BDSY a lot more than original recipe BD and BD Med. There were annoying and irritating people on both shows. There are some exceptions, but overall I liked most of the cast on both shows. I really like Glen and Jason as captains. I have been over Captain Lee and his folksy sayings that I feel they amped up on, for several seasons now. The less said about Sandy the better. I did enjoy the last season of BD Med, because with the exception of Lexi I liked most of the crew. I also, liked that season because of the crew camaraderie and I really liked that there were not really any boatmances. I really enjoyed Aesha and Tumi in this series. I would love to see them both again on this show. Tumi was great all the way through the season. I would love to see her get to be chief stew somewhere.
  3. My nieces went to Goldfish for swimming lessons. They are in the west suburbs of Chicagoland. I went to some of their lessons when I babysat them. I just remember that it was a saltwater pool.
  4. I am surprised Jill has not claimed that she saved a bunch of heathen Plexus people at that dinner. If I ever got seated at Jill's table at some event I would have to drink more just to cope.
  5. We are not very far in the season, but it feels like Sheree is trying to find reasons to be mad at Kandi. Sheree's supposed two strikes against Kandi seem rather small. I do not know, maybe it is just me.
  6. So was Drew saying that Lebron James sent her drinks, listened to her music before games, and whatever else? I missed part of that scene, but is that who she was talking about? My knowledge of sports ball is very basic, so that is who first came to mind when I saw part of the scene, but I am probably wrong at who they were hinting at.
  7. I was fine with both Crystal and Sutton saying that they moved past all of last years garbage and didn't want to rehash it all. Of course the coven will continue to beat a dead horse and act like they are owed to know whatever was said. I initially thought that the coven wanted to split the Sutton and Crystal friendship up, but it was Garcelle who asked the question to Crystal. Damn you Garcelle, you are my favorite. I do not think Crystal set Sutton up. I do think Bravo would show potentially problematic statements if they were made, but I also, do not really believe Kyle about anything. I do like that Crystal usually stays relatively calm when she is arguing with others. Also, she tends to stick to her guns. I think it was sometime last season when one of the women asked her to use a different word than violated and she simply said no. Sigh. I really wish Garcelle, Sutton, and Crystal would team up and drag the coven, because that would make this franchise infinitely more interesting. Oh and anyone taking Erika and her bullshit down. Is it bad that I am already sick of Dorit's storyline? I am probably a horrible person for thinking that. I do hope she is getting some actual off camera help. I am also sick of watching Kyle co-opt Dorit's trauma.
  8. I am sure it is an unpopular opinion, but I love when Ricky Gervais hosts anything. I liked my comedians to have some bite. I love that he isn't afraid to go in on celebrities. Most of the time when comedians (and even non-comedians) host they tell jokes at the expense of some of the famous people in the audience.
  9. I do. I prefer Academy Award movies over pretty much any blockbuster movie. I think blockbuster films are fine for what they are, but I do seek out films that are nominated at the various award shows. I think the reason why so many superhero movies do not get a nod is that there is so much more action than dialogue/story. I will be at my table for one for being lukewarm about most superhero films.
  10. I thought it looked like Chris Rock knew the joke did not land due to the reaction of the whole audience and was moving on to whatever he was going to say next. There was a moment in the unedited video when I thought Chris seeing Will come onstage may have thought they would riff off each other or something. It seemed like a lukewarm response from the rest of the audience. It was a bad joke, but a lot of these celebrities get mocked by whatever comedians are onstage at award shows. Will's reaction was horrible and messed up. I do not care if Chris has made jokes about Will and Jada before. Other public figures have jokes made about them repeatedly, but do not go around hitting people because of it. Will's speech was basically gaslighting. I was pleased with the Coda wins. I really enjoyed that movie. I was glad Ariana DeBose won, even if I am the one person who just does not like West Side Story (any version). I cannot stand the actual story, but I saw her in Hamilton years ago. Questlove winning was great, but his moment was overshadowed by Will slapping Chris Rock. I was disappointed in Lin not winning. I have been a Lin fan since the Electric Company and early Freestyle Love Supreme. Hopefully he will EGOT someday. I knew Andrew Garfield would not win, even though I wanted him to. He was fantastic in Tick Tick Boom. Amy Schumer has always been very hit or miss with me, but I liked her here. I did not like Regina Hall's bit of groping men onstage. I was fine with her calling them onstage, but then it went south.
  11. This. I think I spent most of the episode fuming that they killed off Andre DeShields off so quickly. I saw him in Hadestown, which he was fantastic.
  12. Did the men really expect Bill to say that his wife is a terrible person? Would any of the other guys say that about their wives, who are not exactly wonderful people either? Evan, if there isn't anything for Jen to find out why do you seem to care so much in this episode? That was probably the most I have seen Evan emote. Hell, he had more reaction to this than the last episode with Jackie talking to him about her eating disorder. I see Marge's Joe is doing her dirty work, by bringing up more Luis rumors with the guys. I do not really have a read on Luis or I just do not care about the video/rumor storyline that they keep bringing up. Oh and JoeGo is still a little bitch. I think Jen had the correct assessment on that one.
  13. I would not be surprised if Frank knew more than he lets on. Didn't Margaret's Joe mention something that he heard rumors last season? I thought there was a clip of him speaking with some of the guys. I thought that Jennifer eventually told the ladies that Bill told her what Joe said and of course a screaming argument followed. I don't think it was ever fully addressed and that Margaret glossed over it all at the reunion or something. I could be misremembering though. All the screaming pretty much runs together at this point. I do not like Tiki, but I loved that he was wearing an "I believe in Chris Jackson" shirt. I cannot stand any of the mean girls trio. Also, Joe Gorga is a crooked little bitch. I wish one of the women would say he is crooked. My unpopular opinion is while I do not particularly care for Teresa (I do not particularly care for any of these women or even the men) I probably would not watch the show without her.
  14. This. I try to block Plushenko’s hip thrust routine out of my mind. I am scarred for life with that one.
  15. I do not follow any of the kids (or adults) on social media. I was wondering for those that do, if Kody seems to have any sort of relationship with any of the non-Robyn kids?
  16. Wait, so people actually pay money to see Joe Gorga's comedy routine? I mean, if you call that comedy. What do the other husbands do in the show? Maybe I do not want to know.
  17. Jennifer's nose job was bad, but Marge should not be talking trash about it with whatever she had done to her lips. The first couple of seasons Marge was on I kind of liked her. Well, as much I like any of these ladies. The past two or three seasons I just cannot stand Marge anymore. I am disappointed Jackie was back because I feel she barely adds anything to the show.
  18. Maybe he is at Hudson University. If that is the case we should expect an episode where he gets murdered. As someone who is into wine, I rolled my eyes at the wine tasting scene. Of course that is how they reacted.
  19. I would turn on the television for background noise too when I studied in college. I preferred something that I already had watched many times or something basic that I did not need to really pay attention to follow. It worked for me.
  20. If I remember correctly, some of the reaction shots of the kids during that picture reveal were awesome.
  21. Could she do Kody's hair next? Please? Preferably when a camera crew is present. If she decides to get her hands on a razor to shave Robyn's eyebrows off, she would become my favorite.
  22. Wasn't Kody going to Christine's and Janelle's houses sometime during the start of Covid? Wouldn't him visiting them make the rules be basically nothing? Unless he was masking and social distancing during his visits with them inside the home, which I doubt, him running back to Robyn the next day would make the rules useless. I wish someone would bring that up to him or Robyn. Also, Robyn saying that Sol and Ari could not be away from Kody for two weeks, but it is okay for him to be away from his other kids for two weeks. I think one of the reasons Kody is being a petulant brat to the non-Robyns is that he wants them to throw in the towel on their relationships with him. He does not want to do it because he does not want to be seen as the bad guy. Christine got out, but I wish Meri and Janelle would to. Dumb question, but when did Kody get Covid?
  23. I did not think Davina's apology was all that sincere, but at least at this point she seems to be trying to maybe be less obnoxious. I concur about her fashion this season. I did not think she dressed horribly before. She has a ways to go to compete with Christine's ridiculousness, but she is heading in that direction. The last couple of seasons I always thought Amanza had Christine's number, so it was strange to see her be so chummy with her this season. Amanza did have a lot going on about her ex. I felt bad for her and her kids regarding it all.
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