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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. This. Marlo then dragging her other family members in it saying how they expected Kandi to cater it all or basically pay for everything, when this was an ex-employee of hers. I feel like Marlo is doing anything to hold onto her peach. I remember Sheree and Marlo attempted to try to come for Kandi last season with some BS about not being there for them. The other argument that Marlo tried to make is that everyone goes easy on Kandi and do not go after her, which I think is untrue. Drew seems to be a good terms with Kandi, so she probably tried to bring the shooting up in a more delicate way than someone Kandi is not on good terms with. I think that people have tried to come for Kandi before. Do we not remember Phaedra's made up rumor about Kandi that she used Porsha to broadcast it? I distinctly remember Nene and Kandi getting into arguments. This all just feels like reaching on Marlo's part. I should watch Kandi's "Speak On It" to see what she says about everything.
  2. I always think of Mindy Kaling saying a best friend isn't a person, it's a tier.
  3. Now Taylor is going to do a remix of Karma with Ice Spice. This feels like a performative cover your ass move. It's not working for me, because her new boyfriend's problematic behavior does not get swept under a rug because she is doing a remix with someone he said offensive comments about.
  4. I am older than Raquel and I kind of love Squishmallows. I may have one. If they made some in the shape of a wine bottle or wine glass I would so have more of them.
  5. I thought they tried this last season as well with some lame grievances about Kandi. Are they trying again this season too? I cannot remember if it is Marlo or Sheree who keeps implying that Kandi slept around or is some kind of skank. Kandi is open about her sex life, but that does not mean she is out whoring it up, and really as long as everyone is a consenting adult who really cares? Drew was just trying to give her side about the situation, but I wonder if Marlo was just mad she did not go all in on the shooting at Blaze to Kandi. I admit to forgetting about it. I really hope that Marlo and Sheree do not make Kandi not talking about the shooting a storyline. I just can't with Courtney. Maybe I am the only one that thinks BravoCon looks like a hellscape.
  6. I will be at my table for one for not minding Scheana. She is self absorbed and I have not liked everything she has said or did, but she always seemed less vindictive than a lot of the cast. I never warmed up to Stassi. Katie is very hit or miss with me. I think the one season where she ditched Stassi, I liked her more. Kristin seemed liked she was growing, but the shit that she and Stassi pulled with Faith really made me dislike her. Don't get me started on any of the men in the cast. For me, Scheana has always been sort of the less bad option with this cast. I don't think Scheana knew. I think her reaction in NY would not have been as extreme if she did know. Like you mentioned, the whole Sandoval being nice to her when everyone was horrible to her that first season did make me feel for her too. I listened to her and Lala on her podcast a bit ago and it sounded like Scheana did a lot for Raquel. So I can imagine there is a bit of hurt about that friendship ending and her supposed friend actually being a callous person. I was not a fan of James calling Raquel to almost gloat. It just seemed so petty, even worse that mean girls Lala and Katie were there. I think Ally may have been the only one in that scene that came off well for me. I remember thinking early on in the season before things blew up that the way Tom and Ariana interacted that it was like they were strangers. All Tom had to do was end things with her. Of course, he then tried to push a narrative that she was the unreasonable one. He is so smarmy. Of course he cheated on her before. Have any of the men on this show not cheated on their significant other? Then again basically a majority of the cast have cheated on their partners. Schwartz has annoyed me for years with his dopey passiveness. He will always try to say what the other person wants to hear. I do not think he will ever give a straight answer. He always waffles back and forth. I admit I am kind of over this scandal already. I do not like what Tom and Raquel did, but some of the reactions are very extreme with the vandalizing property and death threats.
  7. I just know him from old school Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He gave ridiculous soundbites when interviewed during field pieces.
  8. I could see either of those instances happening, but Layla may realize that she gets more attention from her parents if she performs for the camera more. I may hate their beliefs, but I think that a majority of Carlin's siblings that have children do a better job parenting than Carlin and Evan. I realize that is a low bar. They seem to brag about this stupid taco salad so much. It is the saddest taco salad that I have seen.
  9. I cannot stand both Schwartz and Katie, so it is a draw for me. Schwartz is so passive and wishy-washy it would drive me crazy and I just think Katie can get mean real fast. I wish she would stop with the rage texting, though I am not sure if she actually rage texted Schwartz about the dogs or whatever. I am so over their argument about not hooking up with anyone in the friend group. Realistically it was bound to happen, this group is so incestuous. I have the unpopular opinion of thinking that Raquel was not too terrible to Terry. I found Terry annoying in that shouting match anyway. Though, that conversation that Raquel had with Ariana was all kinds of messed up. It does feel like Sandoval and Schwartz were trying to lay the groundwork for Sandoval to breakup with Ariana, because she is unreasonable or some other nonsense. I wonder if Sandoval was hoping Ariana would break up with him first. Ugh, I cannot stand Lala. That is all.
  10. Yup. My parents did this near Traverse, before they ended up buying a vacation home there. We like to be near the wine. People do this around my hometown in west MI, because it's on the lake. I think Janelle would like a home, but sometimes I think she would be fine traveling around to family in her RV.
  11. I am just assuming that Bill was added to the wedding party because when Dina dropped out Teresa added Dolores and Jen. So maybe Louis had to get another groomsmen. I am one that had the opinion that if someone wants a big wedding, have a big wedding. I do not care if it isn't their first marriage. If that's what they want do it. I do not have to go, but if I do please have an open bar. Joe and Melissa getting upset every time they hear someone else was added to the wedding is a bit much when they both said no when they were asked. Do they want Teresa to beg them to be in the wedding? Joe and Teresa basically have the same personality. I hate that Joe gets so much of a pass when he flies off the handle, but Teresa doesn't. They should both be called out on it. Joe saying that the Giudice girls were raised with hate was awful. Then he said how he just wants everyone to get along and some other bullshit. Sure Joe. He is a little bitch. Like someone upthread mentioned, the Giudice girls are getting older and can see for themselves what is going on and have their own opinions about it. I do not think they hate their cousins. I think they are just tired of it all. I am tired of it all and I am just watching it. I still like Danielle. I think some of the women are coming at her hard for some reason. Marge was really awful to her at the end. By the way Marge, I do think you have an arsenal of information on these women.
  12. I have a stupid question, is it speculation that Christine left Kody for David or was interested in him prior to her leaving Kody? Are there facts or evidence backing up those claims? Maybe one of the family members let the cat out of the bag? I feel like I am missing something. I just thought it was a possible theory.
  13. I agree that Teresa should not have brought up Antonia. Though I do think she did so as more of a dig to Melissa and probably Joe. As in blaming them that Antonia would not go to Milania's party because Melissa and Joe would not let her or something like that. I think the line that struck me the most in that whole fight was Melissa saying something like if you want to set a good example for the kids put me in the wedding. That is when I was like so that is what this is still really about. Melissa, I think Teresa would put Caroline Manzo in her wedding before you. It is probably just me, but it seems like the mean girls are targeting Danielle. Too bad they did not realize that the more they go in on her the more screen time she gets, which may have resulted in Jackie being demoted. Gasp, Danielle called Rachel a rat. Who really cares? I do not particularly care for Teresa. I guess these days I am pretty indifferent to her. I find other housewives irritate or annoy me more than her. I know it is unpopular, but I will admit I probably would not watch this franchise without her. I just do not think the other ladies are all that interesting. I do loathe the Gorgas though. I would give anything for someone to knock Joe down a few pegs, or even have some of the men not kiss his ass all the time.
  14. I assumed Robyn had been feeding her kids some half truths or maybe even lies about certain things. I thought when I saw that scene that maybe she told the older kids Christine did not want a relationship with them, when Christine basically said she needed some time. I may be misremembering, but a season or two ago when Janelle and Christine were not going to attend Thanksgiving at Robyn's, she sat her kids down and told them, but made it seem like Janelle and Christine were being unreasonable. For some reason none of her kids could grasp that besides Kody's Covid protocols that Janelle and Christine preferred to spend the holiday with their children.
  15. Well, hopefully her grifted wedding dress will be better than her last one. It's an unpopular opinion and probably makes me a horrible person, but if I had her follower count I may be tempted to grift some stuff too.
  16. Hasn't it been a couple of years since Christine left Kody? On the show it was more recent, but isn't the show like a year or so behind? So maybe she has been single for a bit of time depending on when Kody and her actually split. I mean really she has been pretty much living a bit of the single life even when she was with Kody. I do hope it all works out for her. I do like the various family members being happy for her. I just wish I could have seen when Kody got the news, because it would have been hilarious.
  17. Interesting. I would think the former friend would focus the rumors about Margaret and less about the other cast members. Though the former friend could be trying to prove that Marge has an arsenal of information with the possible rumors. I do not doubt that Marge does have an arsenal of information about the other ladies. I remember during the Evan cheating rumors that Marge's Joe said he heard the rumor before. I kind of assumed he heard it from Marge. Also her outing Bill's affair as well. Marge really does not seem to have a storyline besides this stuff. Is it wrong that I want the former friend to join the show now? I wouldn't mind seeing Margaret knocked down a few pegs. I hate Joe Gorga. Yup, that is all.
  18. I just love that Janelle has a full wine rack. Get your drink on Janelle!
  19. The bolded selection is basically why I am still giving the show a couple more episodes as well. If they would ditch the Cash/Missy romance and give Cash something to do besides stare longingly at Missy I would probably give it more episodes, but I doubt that will happen.
  20. Just to add on to this. Scheana and Lala speak about all this on Scheana's latest podcast. It seems neither are very enamored with Schwartz's girlfriend Jo.
  21. I assumed that she was using the money that she won to pay off Alden's cryptocurrency debt. I thought there was a throw away line that she said they were still paying it off. It is also, what I assumed Alden was doing when he was selling his robots. That was just the impression I got. I could be wrong though.
  22. Can I get a season where someone, anyone knocks Joe Gorga down a few pegs? Please? I just cannot stand him. All the guys sit there a nod their heads at whatever he says. When he throws his temper tantrums and flies off the handle everyone acts like it is basically no big deal. Teresa and Joe have very similar personalities. I hope Teresa gets something out of therapy. Seriously these people all saying that inviting Melissa's mom is the right thing to do. I am not married, but if I was I wouldn't invite my sibling's in-laws, and the in-laws would not expect it either. I see them at family functions that involve my siblings and their spouses. They are nice people, but would never expect to be invited to my wedding. I did not think Melissa's mom seemed all that hurt to not get an invite. I did not think that Teresa was was talking shit about Melissa's mom by saying there was history there. Delores had a talking head how basically they should not mention kids or parents. I thought it was surprisingly diplomatic for Teresa to just say that there was some history there. I cannot believe I put diplomatic and Teresa in the same sentence. Also, Joe again with the Melissa bridesmaid nonsense. Her and Teresa are not close, so why would Teresa put her in the wedding? If she was Teresa's sibling I would say put her in the wedding, but she isn't. She is not obligated to put her sister-in-law in the wedding. Again, I cannot with Jackie. How about she talks more about why she and her sister are estranged. Honestly I am fine with Danielle giving minimum details on whatever happed with her brother. The mean girls really want it to be all Danielle's fault. I liked Margaret the first few seasons she was on, but over the past several seasons I have grown to dislike her more and more. I would not be surprised at all if she gathers information on the rest of the cast.
  23. I agree. There is absolutely no chemistry between Cash and dead brother's widow. I really liked the actor who plays Cash on Good Trouble. The widow is the blandest of the bland. I knew it was not happening, but I really wanted her to go to Houston. I rolled my eyes so much at Cash needing a pep talk from the widow, just to ride. Please. I will give the show another go just to see if some of the characters become less vanilla. I thought the other brother and I think Val might have some potential as characters, but so far it is a low bar. It is disappointing. I had higher hopes for this Hallmark series, because I too, enjoyed The Way Home a lot.
  24. I read or saw something that Lala said that she changed her tune on Brock, because he is so good with Ocean, so I would assume that she would have filmed with him. Brock has shown up to some of the group events this season and we are probably going to see the wedding, so that story seems a bit off in my opinion.
  25. So if Louie does invite Melissa’s mom to the wedding, does that mean Joe will have to find another reason to keep this Teresa storyline going? After Teresa said Melissa can be in the wedding, which it was fine of Melissa to decline, Joe then got mad about Melissa’s family not being invited. Why do I think that next season Danielle’s brother and sister-in-law will join the show to take Danielle down?
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