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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Did anyone catch what was written on Joey's arm/hand/whatever? I thought Gia or Teresa asked what something said, that I assumed he wrote on his arm or something, because one or both of them picked up his hand. I thought he answered them, but did not catch what he said.
  2. I may not be remembering correctly, but wasn't there a man last season or maybe the season before that was angry that Joe Gorga didn't pay him for something? I do not know if the guy's wife was a friend of or something. I thought that Teresa was somewhat friendly with the wife (was she Teresa's realtor or something?) and said that the guys should work it out between themselves. The Gorga's were scandalized that Teresa did not defend them to said guy and his wife. Joe threw a fit and I believe the guy backed down. None of it is really that surprising with Joe. Again, I could not be remembering the whole thing correctly, but it was lather, rinse, repeat with this group.
  3. I believe I read fairly recently that Gia got a job at an immigration law firm. I could be wrong on that though. Though, like you said this season was filmed last summer.
  4. This is what my take on the return of Rachel was as well. I was disappointed, but not surprised that it turned out this way. I wish the Reagans could be wrong more. They barely, if ever, are shown to be wrong in these stories. I hate the Erin DA storyline, because it feels like it has been going one forever. We know she will not lose. I wish she would. The longer this story goes on, the more I want to vote for her boss. They will have to figure out some convoluted way to keep Anthony around.
  5. This. So much of this. If he wanted peace with his sister so much he could have went to the party and been cordial to Teresa and Louie, then go hang out with the other dude bros the rest of the time. He wants to keep it going for the storyline. Hell, I would have gone to the party just to shove pizza in my face. Everyone that has said Joe is a little bitch isn't wrong. I admit I laughed at Teresa's chosen family comment, but Melissa, you are included in the chosen family, because you were there! It's your husband that wasn't chosen! Seriously, what is with everyone acting like not inviting your sibling's in-laws is the worst thing ever? If Teresa was close with them, then I would say invite them, but she isn't. I do not remember much about the Teresa "away" special episodes, but I recall Joe Guidice filming with Rosie. I thought his brother and his family appeared, but I could be not remembering correctly. He was filming with his daughters as well, so it isn't like Joe and Melissa were the saving grace for them. I also, thought at that time Teresa and her brother and Melissa were all at a decent place (for them) at that time. Correct me if I am wrong, but the cast prior to Teresa leaving was pretty bad. Melissa saying they were going to dump the whole cast but her was probably somewhat true. I thought after that seemingly disastrous season that the impression I got was they were going to wait for filming to start to see if they could get Teresa back when she finished her sentence. I am glad Jackie got demoted as a housewife. She seemed to be giving off mean girl vibes toward Danielle. So far I really do not mind any of the newbies. I am indifferent to Paulie, but I thought for many seasons now that Dolores needed some boundaries with Frank.
  6. This is similar to what I think as well. I do not particularly care for Teresa, but I probably would not watch this show without her. For some strange reason I do tend to root for Teresa over the Gorgas. I am so tired of the Gorga/Teresa feud.
  7. It is not your wedding Joe! Seriously, watching him yammer on about his in-laws not being invited was ridiculous. I guess since Teresa asked Melissa to be in the wedding, which Melissa declined (I have no problem with her saying no), that Joe needs to find some other possible slight to keep this shit going. Lusi seems smarmy to me, but I did kind of enjoy his handling of Joe. Joe proclaims he just wants to be loved or some other bullshit, so Luis tells him to talk to Teresa. Then in Joe's talking head he says he knows how Teresa is going to react so no he will not talk to her. I rolled my eyes on that one, maybe Teresa will act the way he says, but he seems to be trying to keep this storyline going so why try to solve it. Also, the majority of the husbands/Frank acting like not inviting a sibling's in-laws to their wedding is a crime against humanity was so over the top in my opinion.
  8. So Jill's announcement is during prime map watching time? We all know Dave will be watching the map at that time. I wonder if he watches the map's halftime show.
  9. I do not see why JoeGo and Melissa are upset about not being in Teresa's wedding, unless it is a more camera time issue, which I would not put past Joe and Melissa. I can see why Teresa had Dolores and Jen in her wedding. She has been friends with Dolores for a long time and She seems pretty close with Jen as well. When Teresa and Melissa were supposedly on better terms they still were not that close. In my opinion, I do not think one has to be obligated to put family members from either family in their wedding. I do not remember, but did Teresa ever ask her brother to walk her down the aisle? If she even wanted to be walked down the aisle. I can see Joe having the opportunity to be in the wedding in some role as Teresa's sibling over Melissa who is a sister-in-law that she is not particularly close with.
  10. I laughed at that as well. I really liked the reaction shot of everyone in that scene. Elliot did have some good lines in the two episodes. The Buffy/Giles reference and past Elliot saying there was no way that guy became president, when Alice was heading back to the pond and trying to convince him she was from the future, both made me chuckle as well. I thought maybe the newspaper guy that Dell seems to like sent the letter. I too, thought Past Alice may have done it, but if the letter was written recently I am not sure if she could. I am with all the others that said this was better than they expected. I do like the cast as well. I hope it continues to entertain me.
  11. The PSA was so clunky. I vastly prefer when the attorney general for my state does PSA's. They are usually fun and usually cats make an appearance. Grandpa Teeth going undercover and the whole sting operation was so cringe. Also, Victoria Lord can do so much better than Grandpa Teeth. I liked the Joe storyline. Oh and I liked the dogs. That is pretty much all I liked about this episode.
  12. Can someone please point out to Kody that a majority of Christine and Janelle's kids are adults. They can make their own opinions about Kody they do not need to have their minds poisoned, as Kody likes to claim. Oh and Robyn, maybe you should blame Kody for taking away your so called dreams and not Christine. He chased off three wives, so maybe the problem is him.
  13. I really do not see Christine shouting that she is in a loveless marriage at a family event, especially if Truly was around. I can see her being upset or mad at something, but I just do not see her shouting that unless the gathering was just the adults. If she did say that then Robyn and possibly Meri cannot act like they were so blindsided when Christine told them she was leaving Kody. It may be true, but in my opinion Christine's angry or bad moments are not comparable to the constant awfulness that is Kody and Robyn.
  14. I have always been pretty indifferent to Sandy. I do not really like or dislike her. I have been over Captain Lee for many seasons now, but it was hard to watch him in so much pain and not being able to do his job well. I would have preferred Captain Glen (though not sure if he does motor yachts), Jason, or Kerry over Sandy, because I really enjoy those three more than Sandy and Captain Lee. I cannot with Camille. She seemed so proud that she got expelled for telling off the principal. Ross is going to make out with every woman on this boat isn't he? I believe all the other BD franchises make the deck crew do anchor watch, so I did not think it was that big of an ask for this deck crew to do it. I kind of want them to put Camille on anchor watch.
  15. Maybe someone has some spoilers on this, because I was assuming that maybe something happened in the drunken shenanigans that caused the black eye. I thought that the cause of the black eye would be tame and not someone attacking Heather. Heather's text to Meredith and the way she and Jen were acting like something dramatic happened. Another assumption I made was that if something major did happen that it would have been leaked by now. Maybe it was, but since I do not follow any of these ladies on social media it would have escaped me.
  16. I may not be remembering correctly, but I thought Nicky was done with college and moved to California for a job. Was it California? I forgot what the job was, but I think it was a career move for her.
  17. Everyone here has summed up Kody and Robyn perfectly. I dislike them more and more every episode. It just keeps getting worse. Kody acting like he was at deaths door with his covid experience made me roll my eyes so hard. Seriously Kody? If Kody (and Robyn) really wanted the family at their house for certain holidays they can always send out a group text with an invite, but they do not. They seem to want to bitch about not having family there for the holidays instead of actually making an effort. Kody does not seem to get that only two of Janelle/Christine's kids are minors and the rest are grown. They can make their own conclusions about him and do not have to be influenced by their mothers to see that he is an asshat. Oh and Kody going through Janelle's apartment saying it was so small and other petty comments made me want to punch him in the face. Not everyone can live in a mansion Kody. It does not matter since he probably isn't there much anyway. I do not even like Meri, but at least she said she would do the same as Janelle and pick a holiday with Leon over a Kody and Robyn holiday. I believe that. I would rather be at a Janelle/Christine/and their kids holiday than a holiday at the Precious Moments mansion. Also, Logan's wife Michelle looks like she is good at planning holiday festivities and such (judging from photos). I wish she would invite me to their get togethers.
  18. I am so tired of the Erin/Jack constant get together then break up storylines. I honestly do not care if they are together or not, even though I always enjoy Peter Hermann. It is the same story, different season. They get together or are friends with benefits then Jack does something bad or somewhat shady and they break up. Same thing every time. I tend to always roll my eyes at Frank and his three stooges. Garrett is the more tolerable of the three for me. I find them all annoying or maybe just sick of the characters. This is why I liked when the woman from a season or so ago wanted to be a part of their team. It gave them a new voice and interactions. I can pretty much recite what the stooges will say in any of these Frank storylines. Was it just me or did it feel like important parts of Jamie and Frank's stories were offscreen? Jamie with finding out Eddie's partner wasn't shady and Frank who, of course, already talked to the cop. I had to laugh at the not so scary gang riding up on scooters and one person looked to be on a hover board or something.
  19. Kody is insufferable. A majority of Christine and Janelle's kids are adults, who can decide on their own who and where they spend Christmas. Some of those kids may want to spend the holidays with their partner or spouses' family. Kody acts like Janelle and Christine can just command their adult children into doing whatever Kody wants. Hell, last season I was surprised that Meri spent Thanksgiving at Robyn's. I would assume she would rather spend it with Leon. Does Kody even visit his adult children that live elsewhere? Then again, I am assuming he does not see the non-Robyn adult children that live near him that often either. I doubt he communicates with any of them via phone or text all that regularly. As always Kody and Robyn are the worst.
  20. Does anyone remember offhand where Janelle spends Christmas last year? Please tell me she did not go to Robyn's. Yeah, Kody instead of Janelle spending holidays with her kids, she would rather spend them with Robyn's kids at Robyn's house. Sure. It sounded like pretty much all the non-Robyn kids have Kody's number. When Janelle mentioned that Maddie and Caleb might try to come to Flagstaff for the holidays Kody seemed like he would rather not see them. Did they side more with Christine? I may have gotten the wrong impression from that brief part of the Janelle and Kody conversation. Also, Kody telling Janelle it isn't right that a wife goes to visit their kids without the husband. We have been told repeatedly that Kody cannot be away from Sol and Ari for more than a couple days. Janelle would never see her kids if she had to wait for Kody to go with her. If the kids go to Flagstaff to see Janelle, Kody probably would not go to see them anyway with all his covid rules. Of course, now that he had covid he feels he can relax the rules even though this is fall 2021 where I think a majority of places already relaxed their covid guidelines. I rolled my eyes at Robyn saying she doesn't tell her younger children much about what is going on. Those kids might here it indirectly. I just remember the conversation she had with her kids last season where she told them basically Janelle and Christine were going to spend Thanksgiving elsewhere. Also, judging from the two older girls at the Christine send off I would assume that they are hearing an earful from probably both Robyn and Kody. Poor Gabe, but we do have the same birthday. I hate Kody (and Robyn). As for Halloween, in 2020 where I live there were ways to have a socially distanced Halloween. In 2021 Halloween was basically normal. Did Kody and Robyn have the four door Halloween because they were coming off covid or some other reason?
  21. The only thing I can say about the Nurthan family photos is that they are slightly better than when Jill tries to be a photographer. They look less awkward than when Jill uses her nonexistent photography skills. It's a low bar.
  22. I agree with everything you wrote. Franks plots are so dull. His plots are pretty much him sitting at his desk while he talks to his three underlings, all of whom I have grown to dislike. Nothing really happens in his plots or it feels like it all happens offscreen. I rolled my eyes at Frank's climate change line. Of course, Frank does not believe in climate change. I thought it was out of character for Jamie to miss why the lady gave up the kid's name so quickly. Jamie usually is a bit more thorough. Of course Danny cannot be wrong. Joe was right about Erin's department. Seriously she went to yell at him, then throw in his face that his dad wouldn't like him saying what he did to her? Really? Just because he is your nephew Erin, does not mean he has to respect you. This family is so sanctimonious. Run Joe. Run far away.
  23. But what about all those boxes of books in Christine's garage? 🤣
  24. I was hoping during Kyle's constant crying that Sutton or Crystal would tell her to stop being so dramatic.
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