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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I agree. I know we have seen Jacqueline's kids, but do we know their ages? That seemed to be the reason why they both could not have careers at the same time. I am surprised they did not hire a nanny. If they get a divorce I would assume there would be some childcare involved somewhere if they both were working, but what do I know except I hate this storyline.
  2. I did not know she was a Spartan. That is my alma mater as well.
  3. I am usually multi-tasking while this show is on, because really not much happens. Have they mentioned anything about Ysabel's scoliosis this season? Is she still wearing the ridiculous contraption that did absolutely nothing? Like others have mentioned, Meri could have rented a condo or townhouse. Christine and Robyn could have sized down a bit regarding their houses. Janelle seems to be the only one that does not have some gigantic house. I do not know why I am surprised none of them seem to have any common sense. Also, has really nothing happened on the land they bought?
  4. I think Madison is overwhelmed and frustrated because like she said she is in the middle. She is helping Georgia, but she is the one that Jenna seems to rely on. Probably because she is the second stew. I enjoyed her snark on Jenna hanging in the galley flirting with Adam. I did like how Georgia and Madison got over their fight pretty fast.
  5. I guess I am somewhat the opposite in that I like all of the crew except Jenna and Adam. I did not mind Adam on his second season of BD Med, but not really liking him that much on this season. I thought Paget was the first mate, though on this boat it is the same gig as bosun. I wonder if the primary slid into Glen's DM's after she was off the boat. Since it cannot be said enough Jenna and Adam make me want to vomit.
  6. Hee! Maybe Israel and the mannequin are courting and that is why he can hold the mannequin's hand.
  7. This makes me laugh so hard. Elizabeth clearly has a type, a Mountie. Can you imagine her singles ad? Maybe she can put one in the paper. In search of a Mountie, others need not apply.
  8. I do not mind the name Dove either. I just do not care much about what other people name their children. I do not care about crazy spelling of names either. It annoyed me before, but now I am used to it.
  9. They are probably trying to come up with a way to get more attention than Jill and Derrick signing Israel up for kindergarten. They are the breakout stars after all, not Jill and Derrick.
  10. I thought the captain said something about the lines to Paget and the deck crew over their radios. I think that is where Parker got confused and threw the lines, because he thought that is what the captain wanted. He probably should have just listened to Paget. Paget was not communicating to the captain very well while he was sorting out the whole mess.
  11. I hate the backstories on the contestants. I wish more shows would do what The Great British Bake Off does, where they mention the contestant's name, age, where they are from, and what they do for a living. They might add in some minor things here and there, but basically everyone gets a similar blurb about them. I enjoyed Nick more than I thought I would. He is better than Gwen for me, but that is a low bar. I have the unpopular opinion of not liking Blake at all. I was not particularly wowed by any of the contestants. I think I only enjoyed The Jukebox Hero guy because I wish there were more contestants in the rock genre on this show.
  12. I did not think that was that big of a deal either. He probably should not have said it in front of the guests, but I did not see anything particularly malicious about it either to warrant Jenna complaining to the captain and Paget. It just seemed so minor.
  13. I am still enjoying this show. I would rather have this petty, stupid drama over any of the last season of original recipe Below Deck. That was awful. I kind of expect to see petty drama on these types of shows. I know they do not cast this shows to have everyone get along. It is still early though. Like I said, anything is better than last season of BD. Though, that is a very low bar.
  14. Parker was sleeping in the crew mess, because he wanted to give Adam some space. Parker was loud when he got up for anchor watch in the middle of the night and Adam was kind of a dick about it. I guess Madison slept there to keep him company. I feel like I am suppose to find Parker irritating, but I do not think he is intentionally doing things wrong. I hope he starts getting the hang of his job more. He seems afraid to do anything now without a direct order. I did not mind Adam in his second season on BD Med without all the Malia drama. This season he seems easily annoyed by anyone not named Jenna. Again, I do not mind Georgia either. I could not tell if the laundry area was really a mess or not. None of Georgia's mistakes right now seem to be that big of a deal to me. When she replied "f**K me" to Jenna saying Madison was going to the beach, I thought that Georgia knew she was behind, appreciated Madison's help, and now that was gone. Georgia does seem willing to learn and want to do better. I feel like most of the time I see Jenna in the galley flirting with Adam.
  15. Kandi, in her Speak on it on YouTube, mentioned that Nene and Greg were at some car event that her son was participating in when the others were bowling. Nene was not suppose to come to the bowling event, but the car event was actually in the parking lot of the bowling alley. So I guess, Nene decided to make appearance at the bowling event anyway hence why she was late. Sigh, I kind of hate that I just defended Nene.
  16. Thanks for the info. I just googled 1/4 bath and it said it was just a toilet.
  17. I liked the wallpaper, but I probably would not use as much either. I liked that their house was a good size, but not over the top huge. I think I would like to see more of the floor plans, because I like to see how everything is laid out more. Was there only one bathroom upstairs? They seemed to make a big deal over the three girls seeing it and when designing it the designer made it seem like it was their bathroom. I am guessing there was a powder room/bathroom on the main level.
  18. Kody just watch the episode then you will know their fillings on the one house. Too late we are all judging you. I think they are on the no house or houses plan since they have not built anything on the land.
  19. A yet I keep watching. It is not a good relationship.
  20. Of course, Kody wants to put Meri in the trees. LulaNo did not make a warmer coat for Meri?
  21. Obviously a mull is where they all dill with their fillings.
  22. I agree. Plus, the way they use her does make her seem like a prop in a way I don’t feel with the other grands. My family has always taken tons of pictures, even more social media. Jessa, Anna, Jill, and others seem pretty typical to me. They’ll take pictures of their kids doing child appropriate things, and things they enjoy (well, Jill tries, but those poor boys are woefully understimulated). Sometimes they come off as super posed, but plenty of normal parents pose pictures of their kids in a natural environment. I agree with this. I think pretty much all the rest of the family do stereotypical kid pictures where they think their kid(s) are being cute or funny. I am sure they pose pictures sometimes as well, but they tend to look more natural than JinJer's photos. JinJer's pictures always seem so fake and posed and doing it because they know that Felicity generates more likes. Jeremy is so thirsty for any kind of fame no matter how small it seems.
  23. I think that is a phone or tablet not a kitchen scale.
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