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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Is there any news on whether we are getting another season? I really enjoy this show and the characters.
  2. I do not believe Derick's book will tell much of anything. Everything with Derick is semantics. I do not believe what JB says, but I do not believe Derick's rendition either.
  3. I think my favorite part was when Kandi called Dr. Jackie who said she could walk them through delivering a baby. Kandi was like nope, Eva is going to the hospital. Gee Kenya how blatantly obvious that you want to start some shit by leaving ten minutes after you arrive. I would not want to wait for Nene either, but Kenya is trying to hold on to that peach for dear life. Nene you are a toxic friend and person. I was hoping Cynthia would not chase after Nene, but of course she did.
  4. I am worried about this as well. I think, and I could be misremembering, but in the original that during the first season or so they built more practical sized houses. Then somewhere in there they started to build ridiculous sized houses for families and added the horribly themed bedrooms for kids. I hope this version is a bit more practical, but who knows. I did not mind the first episode. I liked Jesse Tyler Ferguson and the designers. The house was bigger but did not seem that over the top. I do hope that they are keeping in mind what the family can actually afford.
  5. I will be at my table for one, but I do not think Jeremy would have looked Jinger's way had it not been for the bit of fame she (and her family) have. Jeremy is so thirsty for fame. I am sure he cares for her, but he loves that fame more.
  6. I think if people want to point out to the company an influencer's values so be it. It is up to the company to decide if they want to partner with someone that does not share the company's values or not. Ultimately I would hope companies would do better research in who they send their PR stuff to, but if it is pointed out to them that an influencer's values do not reflect what the company represents I am fine if they decide to end their partnership with the influencer. Sigh. I already typed the word influencer more times than I would like.
  7. I agree. I like that Rhylee works hard and seems to know her job, but she cannot take any criticism. Then again, it seems like no one on this boat can take criticism. I agree with this too. IMO Simone was nowhere near the worst stews to ever appear on the show. It did seem like Simone got better on service and improved during the season as well. Also, didn't Kate have a training day with the stews during the season where Jen was a stew? Who was the flakey blonde that was on one season? I want to say her name was Sierra, but I am probably wrong. She did not know a fair amount, but did not get treated like Simone. I do not know if I want to watch part two of this reunion, because I really do not like most of the crew. I do not like the guys and I am so over Captain Lee and Kate. The rest of the crew are just meh for me. No one wants to admit they are wrong and the rationalizing gymnastics that was happening was ridiculous. I really hope casting is better next season. I admit I had to roll my eyes when Captain Lee was getting so mad at Kevin for telling Brian about the Courtney/Kate conversation. Really? Has Captain Lee seen the show they all do the run and tell that. It is like a Real Housewives show in that regard.
  8. She got a part on the Showtime series The Chi. I think she spoke about it in one of her early YouTube videos during this season. I guess she was disappointed that she probably would not be able to take the part due to RHoA filming, but said that they were eventually able to work the scheduling out. I felt so bad for Mike's daughter. She looked so uncomfortable during that whole discussion. Also, Cynthia is so cringe with Mike. She acts like an insecure tween. I do love hearing Eva's food orders at the restaurants during their lunch/dinner/meet-ups. Pretty much everyone here covered my feelings on the Tanya and Kenya fight. Kenya was awful.
  9. I did not watch because the same thing happened during some of the previous years. I doubt a lot of the more popular winners care to stop by the show after a long night of celebration. I cannot see Joaquin Phoenix, Brad Pitt, or Bong Joon Ho appearing on the show in the morning. I do not know why they do the After Oscars show anymore if they cannot actually get any winners. They could show clips of Kelly talking to people backstage during their regular show. I find Kelly is so annoying in those backstage clips.
  10. I will be at my very lonely table for one with liking Billie Eilish and being fine with her performance during the memoriam segment. I loved her as Amy March. I would say that Greta's version of Little Women is probably my favorite.
  11. The actress that plays Val does a lot of dance. I think mostly hip-hop, so maybe she will just be decent from the start. Did they say what level the class is?
  12. I do the same thing, basically for the same reasons. My friends and family are either spread out all over or just different groups of friends. It is more going out to eat or doing some trip/activity. Though, I know some people will keep on exclaiming that it is there birthday month or some other nonsense which I would assume most people who do something similar do not do. I am one that thinks that if Jessa really wanted to cut her hair or wear pants she would do it. I do not think Ben would care and realistically Jessa is the headship in that house.
  13. My mom still gives me some sort of valentine (usually wine) from my cat.
  14. I agree. I think he initially started off trying to replicate how good that speech was, but he veered way off track.
  15. I am so happy for everyone involved in Parasite but especially Boon Joon Ho!
  16. I loved the recap rap, because I saw Freestyle Love Supreme weeks ago. I am easy that way. I am liking this Julia and Will bit.
  17. Now I am wishing the Academy Awards would include more rap. Anthony and Jazz sighting!
  18. Lin! He really does not have to do anything. He just makes me happy being there.
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