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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. I am Jewish and I was like "am I wrong" It's eight nights of Hanukkah right? There are 9 candles, but one is the shamash which lights the rest of the candles. So eight nights plus one for lighting. 9 total!! Of course the one in ancient times had 7 candles, but they need to be more precise and state that before they make everyone confused
  2. They found some round wood! I thought that was the shape trees came in, but I must be mistaken, because they were very impressed. I couldn't believe they didn't dig over the big rocks, if its a drain it has to go to the shore as well right? They had a whole area to dig up and only dug one pit and gave up! Typical. I guess next season we will see them digging there again.
  3. I was wasting time today look up lost treasures and the Oak Island treasure appears on a few lists. The one that caught my eye was this one http://britainexplorer.com/top-ten-lost-treasures-of-the-world/ It had a list of the things that have been thought to have been buried on Oak Island. Various theories pertaining to the contents of the Oak Island Money Pit include: – Captain Kidd’s Treasure – Blackbeard’s Treasure – The Fortress of Louisbourg Treasury – The Missing Jewels of Marie Antoinette – Spanish Gold from a Shipwreck – The Treasure of the Knights Templar – Treasure of the Freemasons – A Storage Pit for Walrus Ivory – Documents of Sir Francis Bacon So, I think we might be in for a few more theories on what could be buried on the island. I haven't ever heard of the Fortress of Louisbourg Treasury or the Walrus Ivory, which frankly sounds ridiculous. I will have to do more googleing
  4. They were all saying it wrong because you have to sing his name! That's the only way I hear his name anymore, because he sings it in EVERY song. He is so basic I can't stand him. I like Courtney but she is a total whiner. I agree that she is looking for anyone to pay attention to her, since her early life seems to have sucked. I believe her, I think she is dramatic, though a need to tone it down. Blonde dude needed to reign it in, he wasn't paying for this out of his own pocket and I didn't see where she cost the show any extra money. I find India gorgeous in a Kate Hudson sort of way
  5. I always thought he could have married Elizabeth and Mary off, then they would be out of the way of the throne if he really wanted to. He decided to close his eyes and pretend they didn't exist instead. Who knows what would have happened then, maybe Jane Grey(Gray?) would have stayed Queen longer.
  6. I have such a girl crush on Lucy Worsley! I have watched every show of hers that I can get my hands on. She is doing one airing now in the UK called British History's Biggest Fibs that is really good as well. (youtube) I like how she is a background character in the scenes and that the costumes are accurate. I get so tired of the ladies with their hair showing. They would have never had their hair down normally.
  7. I agree. It seemed unnecessary to turn the Bankhead ladies into mean girls, when by all accounts Tallulah at least was a very nice person. I can't find much about Eugenia( except she had terrible eyesight) so maybe she was nasty? I know nothing about Edna, so I wont comment on her.
  8. Winona Ryder's face was worth watching this entire show! Her facial expressions were hysterical
  9. Every time I see Carrie Fisher I cry. Every, single, time. She was in Rogue One for 3 seconds and I was a mess.
  10. I love Lily Tomlin. My daughter thought she was in her 50s she looks so good!!
  11. Mahershala Ali is a fine looking man. A little long winded, but he deserves it
  12. I binged this over the last 2 days and they all I can say about it is they are terribly unsuited for each other. He is an alcoholic, he said in this episode he was going on the wagon, but barely made it to Montgomery before he had a drink. She seems to be lost in the whole new world she is thrust into, and trying to make the best of it. He steals her work, and then tries to make it seem like he is just using it for inspiration, when he is taking entire passages from her journal and passing them off as her own. He sees her getting a hug from a man and his reaction is to get a blowjob from another woman. Eugenia no less! Then he blames it on being drunk. He's always drunk as she points out, but she still takes him back, and doesn't even get an apology or a promise to never do it again. I know that this show is focused on Zelda and so would always portray her in a good light, but dang, if he was as bad as he is shown, I don't know if she should have stayed for the day after the wedding. She even had to get naked for that to get his attention All I am taking from this is that she is the talent behind the man, and if she had broken out on her own earlier, she would have been a star in her own right.
  13. Dash the dog is the cutest ever! I have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, 2 actually, and they are the sweetest, most even-tempered dogs ever. Their job is to sit on your lap and give love. They were actually breed as carriage dogs to keep you warm and keep the fleas off, and if I ever find myself in a carriage, my dogs will do their duty admirably. I hope I hear her say "we are not amused" very soon
  14. That's what I took from this episode. That they did a search on his military records under the freedom of information act (I think) and the military said it was all crap. If he was in the special ops or a spy or whatever scientology made up to defend his record, they would have the same records the LRH had. Everything they say is bullshit. He was a washout with pinkeye!! I have never laughed so hard in my life when I read that.
  15. I liked seeing Langwidere? She was a total pain in the ass, but I liked her ability to change her head. She was unkind to take those head from living people, but I digress. I had forgotten that she was from Ev. The shows changing from actual heads to just masks makes it less creepy and it loses a bit of the effect, but I will accept it. I hope we get to see the nome king and the Queen of Ev and her 11 or 13 children. That story was one of my favorites.
  16. Loved the twist! I should have guessed they were all in the bad place. I thought that Tahani was a little full of herself, but figured that the good outweighed the bad. I really hope there is a second season, I want to see where this goes.
  17. The youngest child is always taking something very bad for him, nicotine patches in this one and birth control pills in an earlier episode. What could be next? I though Omicron was going to be Mikki's boyfriend who wanted the kid to get nude pictures of the next door neighbor. I was a little bit off.
  18. It must have been 3 years or so, I have no idea what they are doing now or if they are still in this program, but I do know that their entire team from Hygenists to Dental assistants have all left shortly after I did
  19. I worked at a Dentist office a few years ago and they were trying out a new program that required the entire office to go to Florida for training. I did not go and when they came back it was obvious it was a Scientology based program. They started talking about SPs and how people that didn't want the treatments that they were telling them they needed ( some unnecessary, if you ask me) would be declared SPs because they were useless to the practice. So basically if you just needed cleanings you were lesser than the people they could talk into crowns and expensive other work. It was sick and I didn't last much longer after that. I do know that it was very expensive for the practice and they had to go to Florida quite a bit for "training"
  20. I thought they had said in a previous episode that if they don't go as soon as possible after Flynn gets there, he could change time around them and they wouldn't be able to go, because they wouldn't ever remember they had to go. They have to go fast. I liked this episode but Wyatt is fast becoming useless. He is still pretty so he has that going for him. Love Rufus, he is the best thing going for the show right now followed by Lucy. I liked her using her knowledge to get into HH Holmes head. When I saw it was the Chicago Worlds Fair I was hoping they would bring him into it, how could they ignore the worlds first serial killer. I really like how they highlight women in history that I would otherwise not have ever heard of. There are many and it's a nice touch.
  21. I loved the song at the end. Who were the children on the other side of the bench? They had the other side of the spyglass. Can't wait for the second season!! Fingers crossed
  22. I am also due for a reread. I love the later books, so I will most likely read the lot. So glad to see Ozma, I really hope to see some of the other characters from the later books, Patchwork girl might be fun, the nome king would be nuts.
  23. Ok, what?! So the parents aren't the kids parents, they are some other kids parents. But they were in the picture right? Great twist, but I was really hoping the parents were alive.
  24. I also noticed the little lie that Snyder told to make him look better. He was also embezzling from the "second-rate institution" that he worked for. I think that if he really wanted his exwife to be saved along with his daughter that would have been allowed. He controlled all of the block of Hollywood, they would let him save more than one person. He was being selfish and I am sure things are not working out with his daughter right now. I sort of liked Snyder before, now not so much
  25. I really like the kids. They are resilient and smart and pretty good actors. Count Olaf is very mean. I like the way the show looks and feels, but it is a bit dark.
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