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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. Why do all these women want full D's? They are huge on most women. I have D's and would kill for C or even a B. They make me look fatter than I am. The lady in the last ep wanted D and now the lady in next weeks ep wants D too. I am flummoxed.
  2. What I learned from this interview was that Jimmy Feigen really did lie to the police, not just a " language barrier" issue or anything else that could be spun. He said he was asleep in the cab the entire time and didn't see anything. Because of that , I'm not sure Lochte owes him a thing. He wasn't covering for Lochte he was covering his own ass. Which is fine, but he still lied to the Police. Is Lochte supposed to pay anything or are the Police just chalking this one up to stupidity not lying. I think he really is sorry and my heart went out for him. I must be a soft touch. I do believe he deserves whatever punishment is meted out . US swimming has to make sure this kind of stuff never happens again
  3. They said the were DQ'd for passing before the line, it looked clean to me. I hope US files a protest
  4. I really liked it too. Patrick Warburton is hard to beat but Peter did a pretty bang up job. The Tick has to be real! Arthur needs a win I think. It is getting great reviews so I am hopeful for a full season.
  5. If the Brazilians are DQ'd because of this in favor of the Americans we might have another International incident. The booing will be deafening.
  6. I like this story, everyone comes out looking relatively clean. Of course this isn't going to be the way it goes down, but one can hope
  7. The security guard was not dressed like the employees, he apparently was in all black. I think this was stated by the police The employees were pretty obvious in that they were all wearing the same thing. I did find it odd that they must have heard something because a few went over like there was a commotion they were looking at. I also noticed, based on the CCTV video and then the CNN guy who walked us through what may have happened, that the bathrooms were in a separate building directly behind the alley we saw them walking through. I would not find it strange to have a camera facing the other way down the walkway for this very reason. All kinds of hijinks can happen in small alleys and walkways like that.
  8. After watching the press conference I still am having some doubts on both sides. I find it strange that we can't see any of the supposed bad behavior from the swimmers on CCTV. So far all we have is the word of some gas station attendants and the police. They have many angles, but not that one? I also question the fact that the police don't seem to have any problem with the fact that the security guard pulled a gun on them, demanded they get out of the car, and made them sit on the curb until they paid for any damages. Isn't that called extortion? Never mind that they said the security guard didn't speak English, so the guys might have had no idea that they guy with the gun had any relation to the gas station, they might have thought it was a robbery. I think they were drunk, but have no idea if they did any damage or peed on the building. Maybe the gas station thought they would be an easy mark. There is more to come I think
  9. Ryan Lochte is doubling down. He says that the station has doctored 3 minutes of the footage that has them being pulled out of the cab at gunpoint. This is far from over, and getting crazier by the moment http://www.tmz.com/2016/08/18/ryan-lochte-robbery-lie-rio/ Love the title : "my story was mostly true."
  10. Here we go. Tmz has the story. http://www.tmz.com/2016/08/18/team-usa-swimmers-ryan-lochte-gas-station-security-guard/ dumb drunk americans. Maybe the guard did pull a gun, but robbed? nope just stupid
  11. All the booing from the Brazilian fans is not a good look. I think it's incredibly bad sportsmanship and makes the entire country look like assholes. I don't like booing from anyone, silence is much more effective if you ask me.
  12. Well shit. That doesn't bode well for the guys story and the truthfulness of it ETA: It doesn't specifically say Lochte was the one, just a swimmer, to be clear. So they were at the gas station where the robbery allegedly happened, still not sure what happened after that.
  13. Has anyone seen Feigan yet? Last I heard he didn't show up for the plane even though he checked in online and hasn't been heard from since. Thats a little disturbing
  14. I watched online until I figured out that my tv/cable box was smart enough to show the streaming on Tv. Since my TV is much larger than my laptop screen I prefer to watch there. I did at one point have the TV, plus 3 tabs open streaming to make sure I didn't miss any gymnastics. I like the streaming, and I much prefer the announcers. I love having the option to watch what I want, instead of being feed what NBC wants to show me. I have found all kinds of sports that I never would have watched otherwise.
  15. Maybe they were drunk? Or maybe there was a language barrier? I don't see the benefit in them lying about being robbed at gunpoint. It doesn't make sense to me
  16. Abbey D'agostino, the woman who fell and barely made it across the finish line in the 5k, has completely torn her ACL and damaged her meniscus along with a strained MCL. So shes out even though she won her appeal to make it to the final. I think this is why people don't trip each other on purpose to advance. That injury could be career ending, I can't believe she ran 3+ laps after the fall.
  17. Gymnast from GB just grinning after that fall until he realized the camera was on him was a little suspect. I hope it was a nervous smile.
  18. Just watched the womens race called the Laser radial. Didn't understand any of it, but, boy was it fun! The gold medalist crossed the finish line 7th, from the Netherlands and didn't even realize she had won, the Irish silver medalist had to tell her. She was the cutest ever when she found out. My husbands family is Irish from about the beginning of time so I was stoked to see the Irish take a medal. I guess I will stick around for the mens version. The silver and bronze medalists jumped in the water hand in hand at the end, capsizing their boats, and didn't seem to care at all. So much joy in this race, this is what I watch the Olympics for
  19. They are back, but it's still raining so who knows how long it will last
  20. Looks like they called it because of water on the surfaces.
  21. Simone might be my new favorite. Her face when she won was pure amazement, it made me cry. She is still crying and I am just so happy for her. I can't believe there was a tie!
  22. Phelps is crying. I just love him! Lochte, call me when you get home. ETA: He is accepting his medal and is completely overcome, just for context
  23. The Mexican gymnast that is supposed to be so freaking big, weighs 99 pounds. All the haters can kiss my ass. If she can do the work, which she obviously can since she's in the fucking Olympics, she deserves the respect of everyone. Have several seats haters, lets see you in the Olympics before you open your mouths
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