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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. The show was darker than I was expecting as well. Main girl needed to nut up, I get that she has some heavy stuff going on, but man! Ballet is not for the weak. I hope some dancers chime in here and let me know if she is a great dancer, she looked pretty good to me, but I'm not an expert. I will finish the limited series, I hope it lightens up a bit. ETA: That was her ex boyfriend masturbating on the phone right? I really hope that wasn't a brother or something equally as terrible.
  2. First episode is up On Demand on Comcast and the Starz play app
  3. I have no idea how I missed this show when it first aired, but I did. So I am starting to watch now, so that I am prepared for the next show. I loved the first episode, it has held up well, the clothes didnt take me out of the scene or feel dated to me. I can't wait to see the rest. I had no idea there was a movie, I will have to find it online.
  4. That womans sniffing was about to drive me crazy!! I couldn't hear anything else. The Jarod tapes were the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. What a terrible, terrible person. I can't believe the woman put up with that for 5 years so the FBI could get the "bigger fish" If I was the family of one of the children who were molested by Jarod after the FBI knew he was a sex offender, I would sue the hell out of them. There is a case there I think. Absolutely disgusting!
  5. Vasquez is gross. I'm so tired of him bossing everyone around. Doesn't he know that Roberta is in charge? I liked Doc standing up to his macho crap. I was afraid we were going to lose 10k. So glad I was wrong. I have lost enough on the zombie shows this week. (hes not dead, I won't believe it) I saw DJ Qualls on The Man in the High Castle this weekend, maybe Citizen Z just stepped out to fight Nazis for a bit.
  6. Great episode! Loved that Jimmy didn't just dismiss her obvious issue when he walked away from the car. He was still thinking about it the next day, and tried to help. Gretchens complete meltdown was spectacular, I loved that Vernon wanted to get roasted as well and that Lindsey just dealt with it. She's a good friend, we don't get to see that often. Dorothy heard and wrote down that Vernon grabbed Lindseys boob. That will be back to haunt them later, mark my words.
  7. I have never seen someone so obsessed with breasts in my entire life. Men included! Why did she want huge boobs? They are such a pain to carry around, you can't wear certain things etc.. If I had a choice, I would go smaller in a heartbeat.
  8. Everyone is the Red Devil!!!! I call it, you can congratulate me later.
  9. So glad she isn't cheating. Of course Jimmy still manages to fuck it up by walking away when something is obviously wrong. I guess that's just how their relationship works. Love Edgar finding someone.
  10. What does the CW think they are playing at, cancelling this gem of a show!! I mean really. I don't know what I'm going to do with my time now.
  11. I took a minute to figure out the camel bit as well. It took the star in the sky for me to get it. I did laugh at that as well as the cheese wheel, even though I thought the should have taken some to eat before they covered it in zombie. I thought 10K was passable on the acting front this episode. The better fix his face fast, not messing with the pretty. I thought for sure Addie was going to take Mennonite V card, but it was not to be. That was harsh leaving them to die, I thought another option was going to present itself and the group would not have to be the asshole. It works for me that they did, the end of the world is the time for tough choices.
  12. Jimmy made me sad when he was awake for her whole sneaking out thing. He just looked so young. I hope she doing something stupid that doesn't involve cheating. This episode was very funny, with Jimmy loving the improv and deciding to write an erotic novel. Based on the bit he read... I would read it, maybe with some candles and a scarf over my lamp.
  13. Fulcher is my all time favorite storyteller. I love everything that comes out of his mouth. The other stories were ok, but after Bobby Fisher, I barely remember them. The man is genius at this!
  14. Seal was cute! Gabe was hysterical, running for the hills when he saw it. Seal even waved, but he was having none of it
  15. Everyone should watch Peaky Blinders, its amazing. I also totally got Gretchens running away and maybe sabotaging her entire relationship, I have been there and I think where she has found herself is totally scary and unfamiliar and she is doesn't know what to do. I hope she decides to go back, but if she doesn't, well, that's kind of how life works sometimes. This is a TV show however, so I expect it to all work out.
  16. I thought that the near rape of Dutch was brought on because she smelled like Helga. I thought it brought up memories for him and that was the only way he could express them? I was covering my eyes and yelling at the TV. It was terrible
  17. I have had plenty of friends that had children and didn't act like that. I had two kids and remember that I had friends who didnt have kids. I also left my kids with a sitter to go out. I know!!!! The Horror!! Worst mom ever. You can come out the other side and remember that you are not only a mom, but a human being as well. This episode hacked me off
  18. I like Amy Schumer and her show, I really wanted Drunk History to win
  19. RIP Mack. Your hotness will be remembered fondly. I hope I see him in something else soon. This episode was a bit darker than usual. I liked it, but I don't want it to be the norm. I watch this show for the camp and the humor. Roberta and the Doctor were amazing, I liked Addy kicking Murphys ass. It all worked in this episode
  20. This was a great episode! Jason Momoa was hot as always and did a great job. The little boy who did Louis Armstrong was perfect! All three stories were very well done, I could listen to that horse talk forever, the poop talk was also pretty fantastic.
  21. Boner? I am going to have to rewatch. Thanks for the heads up, errr, so to speak. They all sucked at acting, as usual, except Lacey, who killed.
  22. We had quite a lot of trouble understanding what was going on. We had to stop numerous times to try and figure it out. I also couldn't keep the characters straight, which is usually not a problem for me. Maybe they were all just too dirty/all wearing the same damn thing. I knew that the wife was going to die, her teeth were just too gross for a long term stay on this show. I thought it was interesting that the executioners wife didn't mind a bit that her terrible husband was dead and a new guy was stepping in. I guess anyone is better than the original guy. Plus, a woman alone with 2 kids would have had zero options at that time. I will watch again, I'm a sucker for period pieces, but they really need to pick up the pace.
  23. Well, that happened. Maya Rudolph was brilliant, as was Josh Hartnett surprisingly. I'm pretty sure nothing else happened. Derek still seemed very drunk with most of the narrators, which I enjoy.
  24. I enjoyed Emily having to grovel,even if it was producer manipulation. If all the fighting Kellys can get a license, I'm sure Emily can figure it out. Zeke has no interest in being her partner, I wonder what they had to offer him to do it. I liked how she threw in how she wanted to use him for his dredge, oh yeah, and be friends again. Such crap.
  25. Derek Waters was totally into Tess Lynch. He never drinks that much during a show. Loved every minute of it. So glad my show is back ETA: He was carrying a pillow with him when he went to sit with her. Could you BE any more into her? TM Chandler Bing
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