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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. Ah, Shin Min never change! She is just so nasty, when she says something nice, it is always followed with something horrible. I love her. The small scare was pathetic, One of them looked like a teddy bear eating lollipops. My favorite large scare was the scarcrow thing, but the eggs in the chicken one were amazing.
  2. I love this show! It made me laugh more times than I care to admit, and for stuff that my husband just shook his head at. I am not sure he has figured out the humor of this show yet, he just thinks it's stupid and campy. He is still watching with me, so maybe he will come around. We both thought that Doc was dead, but then I realized, with this show, nothing is impossible, and I was right!
  3. the double and triple crosses were thick this week. Did this get a second season? It kinda ended on a low note.
  4. Ah, the mix tape. I got a few of those back in the day. Left my favorite one in a rental car. I wish I had them now. Another great episode. Loved the laser light show and the fake id. I am a huge fan of David Spade, so I squeed when I saw him. He was awesome, as usual.
  5. When my sister was in a hospital due to a ruptured appendix that turned septic, there were other kids that stayed full time for long amounts of time. There was one girl I remember that had a blood clot in her brain that could move at any time so she was there for months at a time. She did not look sick, but I guess she needed to be there. This was 15 years ago, so maybe times have changed, but that has stuck with me. My sister was there for a week as well. I liked the show, I guess we shall see who gets super sick and makes a miraculous recovery just in time for sweeps.
  6. Eph can just fuck off. I am so tired of him and his holier-than-thou crap he keeps spouting to Fet. Maybe Fet just processes things differently than others.That doesn't make him wrong. I got what he was saying when he said that all that stuff in the tunnels was not what defined a person. If someone said that my iphone defined my life, I would be a little taken back. Nora was ok this ep. Helpful, not dismissive like usual. Kid was stupid, but not as stupid as I thought he was going to be. I thought he would think of somewhere his mom might be, and run off to rescue her, it's not like anyone told him she might be dangerous and most likely dead. This is really not the time to be keeping anyone in the dark about was is going on. Full Disclosure People!! I thought the Master was better this ep, maybe the mouth moving helped me a little.
  7. My good deed of the day is to explain in layman's terms, the "Pearl Necklace". It is when a man ejaculates on a woman's chest. People say it looks like a pearl necklace.
  8. Loved it! I am all in. Zombie baby was cool, but I wish main dude had not died. I have enjoyed his work since Lost (Walllllt!!) I am also a huge fan of Dj Qualls, so I love his part in this world.
  9. I have never been so irritated by someone on this show, then that douche Kelly, the father, of course. He dives for 10 minutes and gets another cut of the gold? How do those guys put up with him. And then he has to go and do some prenatal stuff with the sidepiece. I guess its the wife's fault because she did not come up to Nome with him.
  10. The Syfy website lists season 2 for November 2014. Lets hope they stick to that and we get to see it! I see that there are 3 seasons so I hope Syfy shows all of them.
  11. I must say, I don't miss Scott Meisterheim, but yet, I kinda miss his brand of crazy. If I had to know him in real life, I would not be able to get away fast enough, but on screen? He was riveting. Maybe he is in jail again? I can't believe that the old guys(can't remember his name) wife let him out of the house to lose yet another million dredging for gold in the money pit called Nome Alaska. Really can't stand his next in charge, that guy has a huge chip on his shoulder. Glad to see Zeke, I knew he would not get any time, I bet in Alaska they have a little leeway for crazy. Plus it was a first offense.
  12. WTF!!! I thought this was a done deal! I am so disappointed. It says they are shopping it elsewhere so maybe it will land somewhere else.
  13. You make me want to love again!! Seriously? I snorted, I was laughing so hard. The episode was nerve wracking and quite intense, and then the writers had to bust out with that line. If I was looting a town, in a place I did not know, I would wear a mask. I would also quarantine myself for 2 days after I went anywhere, so I would be sure I didn't give my kids the virus. I would also leave with the new guy because he is Titus Welliver for goodness sake!
  14. Valerie Bertinelli was a lot of fun. She was so excited to hear all about her origins and the coat of arms. My husband has a surname that has a coat of arms as well, so I think it is very cool. She seemed genuinely interested and connected to the stories of her ancestors.
  15. KLG got on my last nerve today. She is so out of touch with music and technology it's almost painful. She was so out of her depth in the segment about apps that help control your house and TV and other streaming stuff. She had nothing to say, just stood there looking awkward. Poor Hoda was trying to cover, by being extra interested and loud, but it was not helping. I wish she could pretend to care when new artists come on or during IHoda.
  16. The lawyer lady is very interesting. Maybe she is going to beat it. Then the lady Dr. can find a cure and put all the bits back on! Either that or she is in control of the worms not the other way around. Nanny was hoofing it double fast, Nice of her to take the kids with her, If the nanny was Regina King, she just would have left the kids to fend for themselves. Solid episode, I can't wait for them to get deeper into the outbreak, that's the part I find most interesting, how they try to put the genie back into the bottle. These things have to bee everywhere by now. The German guy was in charge of the camp, but he was in the sun so I think he was still human.
  17. Why did the women have to be so stupid! I am not usually too sensitive to all the usual women in peril crap shown on tv, but both the women totally pissed me off. Dr Nora. Seriously? Lets try to heal these people, who are no more than a cardboard box to conceal the worm within. I am sure you can reanimate and reattach all the limbs and bits and pieces that have fallen off. Stupid, stupid women, the only way she redeem herself is if she saves the guys, guns blazing like a badass. Or she finds a cure and proves me wrong, and puts back all the bits. And the wife, poor thing, she was obviously medicated to the hilt and incapable of any decisions on her own. She decides to feed the thing that was her husband. Not a bad choice, the man was vile, taking off his belt to hit the dog, just gross.
  18. Solid episode, the actress that plays Nora is fantastic. I really felt for her as she was buying the same food every week and then having to throw it away. The paper towel holder is what really sold it for me. The fact that she could not make even that small change really showed her pain and loss. I was a little shocked that after Holy Wayne hugged her, she changed the roll without a thought. I guess he really can take the pain away. I guess I feel like she should have had to work for it, but after 3 years I guess she was just not able to. I probably would not be able to either. Nora was not going to change her last name with the divorce, she likes the notoriety that comes with being a 3 times legacy, she wanted the name badge with her 3 orange stickers. I did however allow her to see what the other side felt, the people that haven't lost anyone close to them, I bet some are sick of bowing and scraping and saying how sorry they are whenever they meet one. I totally missed that the woman at the playground was the woman her husband was having an affair with. I just thought she was watching kids around her kids ages. I really hope that Holy Wayne is the real deal and able to do what he claims, and have it stick, I hope it's not a temporary thing,
  19. I thought this ep was ok. The part where the Seals just waltzed into mainland China made me almost turn the channel. But then they shot the hostages and I changed my mind. I like a show that doesn't always have a happy ending for everyone. Maybe the main girl will turn up pregnant now that her boyfriend is dead. I think the other girl with the 6 year old will be pregnant. She is fertile and Kyle is very fertile, so it's a match made in heaven. Can't they use his sperm and change the DNA or something? If they figure out how to fertilize more eggs?
  20. Wow! What a huge mess. That must suck when you can't find a single redeeming quality about your great-grandfather. He was a total con-artist, but I bet he was a smooth talker. Tried to divorce a woman because she complained about the water in St. Louis. Nice guy! I would love to find out what happened to the 2 former wives and 4 kids he left behind without a backward glance. Did anyone else notice that there was another daughter named Irene after his grandmother? Where did she come from? The maid? maybe another wife? What a crazy episode, I would really like some more info about this one.
  21. I was in fear for the dog the entire episode. If they kill the dog, we are going to have some serious problems. I knew rockers genitals were going to fall off, I laughed at the sound of them falling off into the toilet. I assumed he was fully integrated into being a vampire by then, so he was all "whatever" when they fell off. Still trying to figure out the difference between the dead ones, and the live ones. They both have those tongues, but I figured that the dead ones were like foot soldiers, and the 4 were being groomed to be the big wigs. I guess time would tell. I would love to see a show where we actually see the downfall of civilization, from beginning to end. Maybe we can't beat these vampires, and they take over, would that be so bad?
  22. Ephs wife really gets on my nerves. I can't believe that she has not only let that man move into the house that her (still) husband is paying for, He is turning Ephs study into a media room! I have to say, I don't think she is going to come back to him under any circumstances. I hope he understands that. Is she just going to kick her new sidepiece to the curb, and let Eph move back in? So strange. The friend was pretty nasty, you never talk badly about a separated friends spouse, when they get back together, you look like an ass. Love the rest of the show, but I think we are stuck with this plotline, I was reading an interview and the writer? made a point to mention that it was a season long plot device. Sigh.
  23. This episode was very interesting! I wish there was more info on the daughter she had in prison as well, Sarah. I would have liked to see how she fared especially since her beginnings were so rough. The judges wife Mrs. Brown was a real piece of work, keeping a pregnant woman in a freezing cold cell with no food, and having her give birth basically alone, and then leaving her there for a week, hoping she would die! The sheer inhumanity of what she did is unbelievable! I thought that maybe the father of her baby was the judge, that's why the wife treated her so badly.
  24. Julie was reading the Velveteen Rabbit to Ethan. I have no idea what that means, I haven't read it in years. They better not kill Sam! She is in the running for my favorite character. The kid is very scary, the thing with the bird it serial killer 101, it all starts with animals. Love the relationship between Halle and Goran, they feel very real to me.
  25. Just boo-hooed my way through Christina Applegates. That one gets me every time. It's just so sad. I did have it put together in my mind with the one that had the grave missing and the body dumped into a mass grave. Who was that? I cried during that one as well. Who am I kidding ? I cry through most of these. I love this show and I hope that enough people tune in that we get many more seasons.
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