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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. Amy can not be dead, I will not allow it. Phillip was so sweet, sitting there hoping she would rise again. I love his mom, she really put Kierens mom in her place. What his family did to him was so sad. What Gary did to him was criminal, I hope he faces repercussions next season. He needs to pay for forcing Kieren into that situation, not to mention Jem. I can't wait for next season
  2. I am going with only those that were taken saw something, and because dogs can see(and hear) things that we can't, the dogs that were with humans when they were taken had a psychotic break and ran out into the forest. The humans that were left were so consumed with what happened with humans they basically forgot about the dogs(or they thought they were taken as well) which led to the rumors of feral dogs in the forest. Or something like that. The baby saw something it did not like just before it was taken.
  3. I watched the baby(Sam) in the first minutes of the episode and noted a couple things with his disappearance. The baby was unhappy to begin with, but he saw something that caught his attention and made him stop crying for a second, Then he started screaming like he was terrified, or in pain, and then he was just gone. Like he never existed, just gone. If that happened to me, I don't know what state I would be in, even 3 years later. How do you cope with the fact that your baby (or anyone) is just gone? I would go crazy, trying to find some kind of answer. The kids are coping by acting like stupid teenagers always do, but this time, they just don't care what happens to them, so their actions take on a nihlistic? (don't know if thats the right word) edge. They could be gone at any moment, so who cares what they do in the meantime. The dogs basically snapped. If they saw whatever scared that baby so badly, it could have caused a break in their minds that they can't come back from. It's not like they have dog therapy, and no one really cares about the dogs anyway, they all have their own problems to deal with. I don't know if we are ever going to get an answer of why these people disappeared, but I would bet it happens again.
  4. There were 14 Al Queda and I counted as they all died. They actually had the right amount. Color me impressed. I was not impressed with the guys without their masks on greeting new guy with a handshake? No thanks, my mask would have been on. Still love it, I am glad they explained the disease vectors, it was bugging me that I did not know how it spread. It seems like it has 100% fatality though. We haven't met anyone that had it and survived.
  5. I thought that the GR were people that saw the people just disappear, and could not cope.Now I'm not sure. I guess the dogs are the ones that saw the people leave and they snapped. There was some stuff scrawling under the TV about strange disappearances, but I am not sure If I should be watching this like Lost, or if I should not make myself crazy, because, it's really nothing. The deer was very strange. I liked it and will watch, but I would rather not be jerked around for an entire season, unless it's worth it in the end.
  6. Who were the two angels that came from Gabriel to fight Michael? I must have missed something. Michael is totally freaky and I guess that's a good thing for an angel. I'm in for the season
  7. I am also a huge fan of the 1993 version. So much pretty... I like this version as well, I'm in for the season.
  8. I also turn in to find out the height of Giorgios hair. Imagine my chagrin when his hair is not sticking straight up, like it was in the special. I think the episodes are just better the higher his hair is.
  9. My best friend growing up thought you peed out of your clitoris so that story line had me rolling! I had to show her a picture in a textbook(pre-internet) to prove to her that it was 2 different things. The stalking scenes were incredibly creepy and disturbing for me, but I did think that she should have moved the seating chart around for fun, just to really mess with them. I actually thought that they had more of a relationship than they actually did. Just coffee, really? But yes I like Moreno, but she is hella creepy and unhinged.
  10. Mercy is just beautiful! I could see how she might like to take a bit of her power back and finger someone who actully deserves it. We will see if Mary lets her get away with it for very long. I could see the fear in her eyes when she was not controlling the situation. I am binge watching since my husband said he was going to watch and has since changed his mind, so I have quite a few episodes saved on the dvr.
  11. My mall in GA has a trackless train that fits both kids and adults. I has been there for at least 5 years so I am not sure that their concept is new. I always worry that the train is going to run someone over, because people are always trying to dart in front to get to where they need to go. I think they charge 3-5 per person.
  12. I love TV Sansa! I thought book-Sansa was boring and a total waste of time, so I love what they are doing with her. She looked great at the end in that dress. Poor Arya, she is never going to find her family is she? The Mountain was poisoned for sure, they mentioned it on the show, after the episode. I wish Oberyn had been able to get what he wanted with out dying, but it was a great scene regardless. I can't wait for the rest of the season! Some of the best scenes are coming up and I can not wait to see what happens! After that... I havent read the newest book yet, but I read a synopsis, and I can't remember a single thing about it. That worries me.
  13. I am really ok with a darker more serious tone, to a point. The Oz books were full of whimsy and wonder and I would hate to lose all of that. I will watch no matter what they do, who am I kidding. I loved the Terminator series so I have faith in a series by the creators.
  14. Todays show was boring! Twin adult daughters that were mad their dad remarried and didn't give them any money!! They all were bratty and entittled. Except the new wife who was charming and almost nice to a fault. Yesterday with the psychics I just could not figure out his angle? Is he going to make an app, so we can talk to the psychic like the doctors on call? How is Dr. Phil going to make money?
  15. I would like to see someone remember that the series was more than one book, and had a ton of super-interesting characters. I would love to see Ozma and the Patchwork girl, the gnome king and more Glinda, she was so great in the books.
  16. I loved that comic book guy ( can't remember his name) found his niche with Leonards mom. Every peg has a hole, so to speak. Sheldon made me cry, he just seems so lost, of course he had to ruin it at the end, but he will be back and as rude as ever.
  17. I read that article as well, I'm glad you linked it. The story with Bev and the mattresses slayed me, those mattresses have to be 30+ years old! I am so glad it got a second(and many) season.
  18. Renewed!! My life can go on. I was really worried about this one. So glad we get another season of this crazy family
  19. I thought that toy was a stuffed Ronald McDonald and I squeeled with joy because I had that toy! Imagine my sadness that it turned out to be Hulk Hogan. Another solid episode, this show deserves a renewal, we should get the news this week or next. The upfronts are soon.
  20. It was ok. Josh Hartnett was hot (as usual) Eva Green was fine, I would like to know what she is that repels vampires. I got bored and cleaned out my pantry, with one eye on the TV. I guess I will watch a few more.
  21. I am heavily medicated, that's my only excuse for crying when those people volunteered. I am also invested and will stay with this show until the bitter, bitter end. Still love the space stuff better than the ground. I have no idea how they are going to get everyone to the ground, they have what? 6 months now? Space people better get to stepping.
  22. I also love this show. I graduated HS in '92 so I have a soft spot in my heart for the '80s. I wish the sisters hair was a little bigger, everyone had bigger bangs than she has. I would like this show renewed ASAP.
  23. I saw the trailer a year ago ( or so it seems) and I am super excited to see this. I was going to get the book,but when I read the reviews,they sounded nothing like the show. The show looks great, and I love the main actors.
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