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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. I hope we are able to see all of these remakes, I just adore the UK one.
  2. I am watching as well. I love Caroline Stansbury. I don't think she was trying to be mean by telling the girls about the new girl drinking too much anf falling over, that is just her British humor. not everyone is going to get it and think she is nasty. Ayan and Stanbury together was great, I hope it lasts. The new girl has some work to do, she is a nothingburger so far. I will give her some more time to grow on me. Sara came off badly and I think I don't like Lessa, but I can't remeber why. I think the show is more interesting for NJ, which is not hard. I am just excited for another RH show to watch
  3. Omg, that's Jinx Monsoon! How did I miss that she was going to be on Doctor Who? I am 10 times more excited now, and that is saying something.
  4. I am into it. I love the scenery and the glorious Irish accents. I have been to Ireland and it is a beautiful place. The mystery seems interesting and the cast of characters are fun. I liked that Sgt Power was pretending to drink too much to get out of talking to the podcasters. I couldn't imagine they could drink with him and still be standing. I have a pub story from Sligo that would be great if i just could remember all of it... I find it funny, I love a dry humor.
  5. Absolutely filthy. I don't hate it, I personally have a mouth like a sailor, but Peyton was a breath of fresh air with funny jokes and zero cussing. Gronk was out of control.
  6. I watched this when it first came out and now that it is streaming on Peacock I am having a nice binge. I am about halfway through and I think I hate most of these ladies. Cat is absolutely horrible, she has nothing nice to say about anyone or anything, she should not be treating her 11 year old daughter as her confidante. She is a classic can dish it out but can't take it. Lynda is ok, but get her around Cat and Mary and she turns into the worst version of herself. I think she is a bit jealous of Michaele. Mary looks like she is always drunk and the whole coddling her daughter Lolly who is freeloading and stealing her stuff is giving total pushover vibes. I kept getting the feeling that Lolly was taking her stuff and selling it, there were some hints in there. I also didn't understand the Lolly and the stolen polo cups stuff? There were pics on facebook with her in the stuff? That kind of just died so I was left wondering. Michaele. I don't even know where to tart with her. She seems like a fun bubbly lady, but she can get her point across and tell the other ladies when she has something to say. I think Tareq is the grifter and Michaele is along for the ride. She sure dumped him quick when she could and traded up. Looks like she is happy now so good for her. Stacie was mostly great but her stance on marriage is only between a man and a women aged terribly. I was surprised she took that stand on camera, maybe it was based on religion. I wonder if they still feel that way? Stacie is the only one that is still married and you can tell that they are the only ones that really like each other even as the show was filming. Can't wait to see the state dinner episode, I thought they were invited by the Ambassador to India that was why she was dressed in a Sari. The Secret service messed up royally. ETA: The best housewife hands down was Paul. He was the classiest, most human of them all. He is the only one who realized that Michaele is his friend and didn't drop her because of this and had a little compassion. He is a class act.
  7. I am currently at Baha Mar and guess who I just ran into at the Rosewood bar looking fly in a white pantsuit. She is very tall and gorgeous in person. I thought she would be shorter. I got an undercover picture because I’m too chicken to actually approach her. Her insta says she’s here celebrating her birthday. It looked like she as with all girls. I was so excited!!!
  8. Arynm

    S01.E01: The End

    In this case, I think it was supposed to be like the video game. She used the stim pack and she was fine just like gameplay would be. The trope is terrible I agree, but in this case, I thought it worked. Loved the look of the show and Goggins was of course the stand out. Can't wait to see where this goes.
  9. Ok, so is this 2 different women? I also don't believe that Chris got this woman pregnant, but he is being cagey. I have to believe he had some DMs that someone got a hold of and he is choosing his words very carefully in case they do come out and he is proven a liar. Did he send a dick pic? I'm leaning towards no, only because who sends a limp dick pic? It's very strange.
  10. I have one bone to pick with the Bassetts. When Chris was defending himself about the women he just kept saying "I never met that woman" He was very clear and kept saying MET. He was so clear that it made me think that he might have never met her, but he was deflecting from something. I really hate to defend Robyn on anything but I think that was what she was trying to figure out. She asked if those were his DMs and he didn't answer. Robyn needs to stay out of it if she's not ready to talk about her own mess. None of these ladies should be coming after them because their own houses aren't clean, but I would like to know, I'm nosy. I think Robyn, Wendy and Nneka need to go, they are boring and I can't be bothered with any of them. Gizelle and Ashley can stay, they are both garbage but Ashley is earning that check and Gizelle and Karen are gold together. Karen is on notice for that DUI nonsense, I like her but drinking and driving is not acceptable, and to do it twice? Shame! Mia has a golden ticket for next season as far as I'm concerned, Mia came to work this season!
  11. Ryne is shirtless in every photo! He is so strange, everyone is dressed except him. His body is not that great.
  12. Hannah is so pretty, but her attitude is ugly. Who is so worried about a girl sitting next to Marciano with her legs kinda up, with nothing showing. Hannah is a terrible person and her relationship with Marciano is toxic.
  13. I can't figure out what Marciano said that the bleeped out at the first night dinner. Hannah gave him the best "what" of his life? It's making me crazy!
  14. I really need someone to read Kyle for filth. Sutton is not able to do it, I wish she was but not many can stand their ground against Kyle who is the queen of deflection. She also knows when to turn the waterworks on when she needs to and to cry on cue if needed. I need someone to call her onto the carpet for all the terrible things she has done and not let her get away with it any longer. She needs to stop hiding and show her life. If she can't she has no business on this show. In other business, I went to Vail to ski last weekend and was thrilled to take a pic in front of Kemosabe only to be devastated that Kyle goes to the one in Aspen. It was very popular and I saw many ladies in Kemosabe hats. I did not see any of them light them on fire, but maybe next time.
  15. I have also taken Gabapentin, had no side effects and the Dr. said that it may cause drowsiness so take it at night if you do have a drink. She never said I could not drink and take it, just to be careful until you understand the side effects o the drug. YMMV on any drug and I am sure she is well versed on how it affects her. Kyle and AnneMarie can stuff it. Acting like they didn't say Sutton has a drinking problem or an eating disorder. Kyle is still a fucking bitch, bur I felt for her about her friend. I actually just rewatched the season that she was on, so I knew who she was talking about. It is very sad for her, but does not excuse the vile things she spews out about people she calls her friends. Oh and also, I asked my husband to rate me from 1-10 and he of course said that I am a 10. Mostly because he values his life and he is a very smart man.
  16. I am a Monica fan, but even I was questioning this narrative about the family. The whole thing felt staged to me. The running off the bus in tears, the hysterics, the blaming the mother. Monica doesn't know why they declined, my guess is they didn't want the cameras. Monica's mother not showing up for therapy was very on brand for her however. I am sure she will be coming out with an excuse very soon. Meredith has lost her touch with the shit-stirring, she has tried the same trick one too many times. Heather's take about being the only single woman there was strange. What is with the sex hang up she has now? I am not talking about the daughter, because that was inappropriate, but she was always so sex positive I thought.
  17. The singing wasn't great let's face it, but it really didn't matter, Martina loved it, it actually made me cry. It was a very sweet moment. Larsa is a terrible person, who does terrible things and then lies to cover it up. She lied straight to Guerdy's face when she said Guerdy didn't tell her not to say anything. Larsa just doesn't know what the word confidential means. I think she is that stupid. Lisa needs to stop with the Lenny talk.
  18. This is hysterical!! I loved it. Also, there is a companion book to Ghosts UK that puts the characters in historical documents? I must have it. Is it available in the US yet? I looked on Amazon and didn't see it.
  19. Kyle is still a fucking bitch, check! I mean, this fight is so so stupid. Why is Kyle fighting so hard to show that nothing is wrong when clearly everything is wrong, she has said everything is wrong and we know that everything is wrong. Kyle is fighting with Sutton just to fight. She is using it to get her story out about about Sutton and the drinking and the not eating blah, blah, blah. Sutton did not say she had a small esophagus KYLE. She is not listening and reporting back shit she knows nothing about. Ann Marie can leave at any point, I can't be bothered to talk about her. FYI: I have taken gabapentin it has no side effects at all, it is just for nerve pain, my dog has taken it as well. It might make you constipated, but it will certainly not get you high or anything like what Kyle was suggesting.
  20. Meredith was quite the drama queen this week with the taking to her bed and the IV and the haranguing about the tub to everyone else. She is also stirring the pot with the Angie rumors and making the new girl do the dirty work so Meredith doesn't get her hands dirty. Monica hasn't learned yet that Meredith will let her hang in the wind after these rumors get out and Monica gets the heat from the other ladies. That's why Meredith acted like she was so bored by the discussion and the denial about getting the DM's at all. She was the one who called Monica and told her to look in her DM's.
  21. Kyle was so, so awful this episode. What a fucking bitch. She is what I like to call willfully ignorant. She deliberately misunderstands so she can twist words and make the stories fit whatever narrative she is pushing. This season we are taking down Sutton so she drinks like a fish, she doesn't eat, she is getting extra child support (yay?) so stop your bitching about a new court case she might have to go through. Crystal is getting some good points but no one is listening. Garcelle also had some great points and was the only one that said flat out, something is going on with you Kyle, out with it! Kyle and Morgan are together, if they aren't yet, they soon will be, that was some heavy flirting.
  22. Wendy is really working hard this season. It is not a good look. I want to like her but she is making it very difficult with her strutting around and dancing and acting like an idiot. Someone unfriended Iyke in facebook, I don't know why Wendy doesn't just say so. Someone named Susan also called Nneka and they talked for 9 minutes, that is a fact. Is Susan the cousin or the mom? I have no idea, but I think that Wendy activated the family and they are coming for Nneka. These ladies need to pivot, join together and take down Ashley. She started all this. I am not seeing Gizelle in this mess, she has her own mess with Candiace, Chris and ruining their marriage. I am done with Robyn and Juan, he's a cheater, she's fine with it, so let it go.
  23. "Don't ruin Alexis's birthday with your flatulence" is my favorite phrase of the week. My God, these women are perfect.
  24. I have not watched the Denise seasons so I am SHOCKED by her face. She was so beautiful back in the day and I know she is older (aren't we all) but damn. Kyle is sad and brittle and 2 steps away from a full nervous breakdown, she is hard to watch. She is trying so hard to protect her perfect life as she tears it down around her, she is actually spinning in circles. She is one confused lady. Kyle's posse is on the offensive trying to paint Sutton as a drunk to get the focus off what a shit show Kyle's life is right now. Too bad it is working. Sutton doesn't seem to be any more drunk than in previous seasons to me.
  25. My guess is they really want her back for a second season and if Andy puts her in the first chair she has his vote and the networks vote. Plus she has caused a fervor with the other ladies, I think Bermuda will be nuts and will make or break Monica with the viewers.
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