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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. She is so messy. Just what I love in a Housewife. She does need to pull it together, She is coming off a bit too mean and she needs to cute Jen Shah right out. Just admit she was wrong and Jen is an asshole. Then get rid of the attitude and ego and maybe she can reclaim her top housewife status.
  2. Someone needs to take down Larsa. She is so full of herself! Nicole needs to earn her fruity beverage or whatever they hold in the promo picture This season is so good!!
  3. Lenny is so gross. He just wants his wife to disappear so he can "entertain" his girlfriend, but he wants her around to go the wife stuff like buy groceries and take care of his kids, because he can't be bothered. Yuck. My poor husband has been very patient with me while I rant to him about what a terrible person Lenny is, but boy is he in for a rant tonight!
  4. I am not a Candiace fan at all, but she is really impressing me this season. She is acting like an adult and much better behaved than all these older ladies who are trying to use her for a storyline. Can we hope that she has learned how this game is played? Mia can go, she is boring.
  5. Well, well,well... Lenny was cheating on his wife with the new model. Straight from the horses mouth. I am not surprised, he is garbage. They just had a whole scene where he has parties with models and ladies with no clothes on all the time, and then he complains that all he does is work and Lisa is out doing whatever she wants. The less said about Larsa the better, I can't stand her.
  6. So... the "garden shaft" that has been there filled with water for the entire show so far is actually the money pit and you are telling me that they did not know that? Come on! I have seen that water feature for years. I am thinking this is the hail mary, they need to find something, it has been at least 10 years of nothing.
  7. This was all too much. Mia needs to tone it down, she was fighting over nothing. Wendy needs to not take the bait. If she can't do that she needs to use her words, after all, she has 4 degrees. Crater-face bitch is not a good insult for a grown woman to be hurling at another. My favorite moment however was when Wendy was yelling at Gizelle and Robin for being hypocrites(they were) for condoning violence against her, then Wendy getting up and saying if she saw Mia at the house she would "beat her fucking ass." Hypocrite much? Lord! I can handle the yelling and messiness. I can not handle the drink throwing and name calling. Can we keep it classy ladies? Oh, and Mia if you are going to throw things, can you at least hit your target? She missed with the lettuce and she missed with the drink.
  8. This my conspiracy theory. Kathy got drunk and said some mean things in a rage. Rinna sees an opening to embellish this as no one else heard the majority of what was said. Rinna spins this awful story against Kathy and Kathy, who did say something hurtful like "Dorit is a poopyhead" and "Crystal is a dum-dum". Then Kathy feels bad and apologizes to everyone but has no idea the Rinna has made up her own narrative to this. Of course this would get cleared up at the reunion when Kathy says, "i never said that stuff" but the damage is done. Who knows, I probably have too much imagination, but Rinna has cried wolf one too many times for me to believe anything she says.
  9. Maybe Kyle sees the writing on the wall. If Rinna can go after Kathy, she will go after anyone, including Kyle. The only thing that keeps Rinna from going after Kyle is that Kyle is stronger in regards to the show hierarchy. If Rinna sees a weakness she will try to take Kyle down. If Kyle is smart she will see this and try to get rid of Rinna. For all of our sakes, I hope I am right.
  10. Kathy apologized! She apologized with no equivocation, no if's and's or but's! What does Rinna want? She wants blood and tears and heartache. She will not be happy until she burns these sisters bond to the ground. I find her so terrible. Full stop. Just terrible
  11. Harry has been in a bunch of stuff lately. He was in the Hot Zone as Tom Brokaw which you mentioned as well as in the new Anne Rice show about the Mayfair Witches. He is probably working as much as he can to stay away from RInna.
  12. These ladies were annoying for sure but I don't like Kyle not giving his all to this charter. I felt like because these guests were not "his people" he felt like he could be dismissive of them. He is a "service queen" and that should be for anyone that sets foot on the boat. He was right about Steven, but he brought it up in the first place so...
  13. I get what Erica is saying. Let the courts hash it out and decide if the earrings are ill-gotten gains. The problem now, for me, is that the court has in fact said that the earrings were bought with stolen money and Erica has appealed the ruling. So she said she would let the courts figure it out and when they did, she still doubled down. She's gross. I am glad they let Sutton off the hook for a day.
  14. Well, Shit. I had an idea that Chanel being Somali might have a female circumcision in her past but damn! 4 years old is... I don't even know what to say. Can I hope that at her young age maybe things are not as developed and just maybe the damage is less? I have no idea and probably should not speculate on things I am not educated about. I think she has been through more than anyone should have to and she could do a lot in the world if she chose to. On a lighter note, I thought that Stanbury has finally showed up. I think she is pulling her weight and maybe it really was the wedding that was taking all her energy. I like her and she seems softer than I remember her from LOL. Pretty good episode, heavy, but it was worth watching.
  15. My take on the watch thing was that in a painting of two mostly nude people for him to be wearing a watch stands out a bit which is why Charles investigated the watch a bit more. I must also say that the description of the painting by Bunny's friend and neighbor as "very balls forward" is my most favorite description of anything ever and I will be using it for anything I need a descriptor for, no matter what. My favorite cheese dip? The newest season of Stranger Things? Very balls forward. See! It works for anything. As far as the Cinda Canning thing. She is awful so I wouldn't put anything past her, but faking a murder and framing someone for it is evil. Let's see how this really plays out.
  16. Let's not forget, also, that the first time we see adult Erin she is drinking wine directly out of the bottle. She probably isn't thinking clearly. Good start, I have no idea what is happening but I am here for the ride.
  17. I was on a cruise of the Greek islands last week and the crew was mostly Indian and Filipino. I was called Madame by all of them. I don't know if it's a cruise line thing or a cultural thing but it took some getting used to. They called my husband Sir and me Madame or Lady which really cracked me up.
  18. I liked season one so I will give season two a try. I'm going to Greece so I am going to download to my kindle and watch on the plane. I can't wait!
  19. If Marlo was thinking she would take those clothes, put them on Ebay or something, label them Kandi's and use the money to buy brand new clothes. She could get a premium is she marketed them correctly. In fact, get some from all the ladies and sell them on her own website. She would make a killing if they are designer and show worn buy the RH. I don't think the girls would mind last years Versace anyway, Marlo is just being difficult for the show.
  20. I thought this was a lot of fun. I watched the whole thing today. It ends on a cliffhanger so I hope we get the rest soon.
  21. Ellen has been "lucky" so far and no one has turned on her and ratted her out. It is only a matter of time, she is going for the highest office in the land, someone will talk. It's a wonder no one has said something before. Bragg will have a field day with a closeted gay Republican. I think that he will be so horrified about a Lesbian Woman in his Republican party he won't be able to keep it inside and renounce her.
  22. That bitch! I hope she has a huge scar right between her eyes. Angela deserved that and hope if El gets her powers back she scares the hell out of Angela and throws her into next week. You do not mess with Eleven
  23. AND they turned the lights and siren on to transport her! I was fuming, there was no way that would happen. Nevermind the perpwalk in front of all the neighbors. I mean, come on!
  24. I agree. I can see she is shy and find that endearing. I know she has some strikes against her for things she has said, but she seemed nice. Kathy came off a little fake for me.
  25. I watched that little video that Rinna posted what I would guess was at the time of the event and when she did a quick tour of the table she name checked everyone BUT Sutton and her husband who were clearly sitting right next to her. I thought that was pretty bad. If Sutton paid for their tickets the least she could do is say "and this is Sutton" instead of panning over her with nary a word spoken.
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