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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. They have somehow managed to get some of the worst couples to try to be funny on this show. I hate all of them
  2. oh shit, Julia and Brandon are on Pillow Talk? Neither of them have shown any humor at all in any situation. I do not have high hopes for them on that show
  3. how do you not know how to make a bed? You just make the square lay on the other square. Most of the time you just put the covers back where they were, it's not rocket science.
  4. Is anyone watching Beyond Salem on Peacock? Lisa's face is fucked. It looks like she did the Barbie nose thing and with the lips the whole thing is unsettling. She had a small part in the first episode so far and I can't wait to see what she looks like for the next season of Beverly Hills.
  5. I have been watching Real Housewives of Salt Lake City and according to that show, everyone in that family should be excommunicated. Divorce is not allowed, so mom and dad are out, and the boys should be married already. Something is off
  6. I don't understand why the Russian girl who thinks your religion is a cult would care that you were a bad Mormon. Did I miss something?
  7. I agree but at the same time completely disagree Lol. Alex is so much better than Andrrrei. He saved a man from drowning!!! He has a much better personality.
  8. I have noticed that most people on Pillow talk hide their feet. I am not a fan of feet so this is something that has caught my eye. They hide them under blankets and pillows and socks, but very rarely do we see actual feet. the only exception is Alex, who doesn't give a shit who sees his feet because he is mega-fine.
  9. Unpopular opinion, but Ari is not as unfortunate looking as I remember.
  10. I didn't realize that Dean was living overseas. He would love to be on this season on TOW.
  11. I am glad that everyone agrees with me that Corey had no issue getting it up, what a strange excuse to use for not cheating on your girlfriend. I dont think she cares who he is with, as long as he pays the bills. She is too busy getting around herself to care what he is doing. Evelin does look better than in the past. Maybe she gained 5 pounds? Whatever it is, she looks...fine.
  12. Can I just come out strong and say that I don't like Deans? girlfriend at all. I don't think she has any idea what is going on, she's not funny, she has a weird moon pie face... I am not a fan.
  13. Summit has lost his passport. Of course he has, par for the course. They are a shit show.
  14. Corey is finally tying down the town mattress. Good luck to him, I hope he can get it up for the wedding night. the secret he is keeping from Evelin is that of course he could get it up and did get it up repeatedly with Jenny. Why does this show put us through these reindeer games?
  15. I am sure they have "flavor" in whatever country curly is moving to
  16. what are they going to do for money/work in Turkey? Also, Steven with a V absolutely has Aspergers or is on the spectrum.
  17. In another non-Mormon life, this guy is your classic stoner.
  18. Of course Ari's parents are funding this little fantasy for her. I am sure Binyam is thrilled this is working out exactly as he wanted it to. He doesn't have to work and can lift weights and try to looks sexy all day on someone else's dime
  19. I am here! It's been a while I have also been watching the Olympics and being antisocial.
  20. Love, love, love Tom Paris! Even in plate form. I loved when Boimler fell out of the ceiling and Paris thought he was a Kazon. I hope he gets his plate signed, you have to have the complete set! Great episode as usual.
  21. I really like this show, but I thought both women looked like lions. The work they have done is way too apparent for me to ignore. The premise is a bit thin, but I like the show so I am in for another season, but none of the main characters are looking their best. sidebar: I can only hope to look like this at 80 so I might be a judgemental asshole.
  22. I enjoyed White Lotus, but I am an easy mark. It was an easy watch with great characters. I know that she is withholding Tony's pain meds, it was obvious that he was suffering from withdrawal. I did like that the mom called Masha out for drugging them. In this day and age, most people know when they have been given something. Are we sure Masha is drugging them, or are they having a spiritual awaking? (I kid)
  23. Can we talk a minute about the swim caps? I think they are getting a bad rap from all the ladies, but they are really designed specifically for black women who have more hair/ hair styles that benefit from a larger swim cap. They are genius! The Olympics actually banned them because reasons I guess. I just wish they would have had one line about what they are and what the point of them are. I guess since none of the housewives are selling them, it doesn't matter. Link about the swim caps. https://time.com/6086242/olympics-lack-diversity-swimming/
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