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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. If anyone managed to make butter at that party it was Meredith. She was determined. I am still rooting for Monica, but she is not prepared for this show. The other women know how to turn the fight on, go for blood, and then eat and get drunk together. Monica does not know yet how to do that so she is taking it way too personally. When Lisa comes over to apologize you know it was a fight for the camera and to just get over it. Plus, Lisa doesn't want to miss the cast trip to Bermuda and that hinges on Monica and Heather. OPA!!
  2. I am going to put my tin foil hat on and say, how do we know that it was 1pm when Sutton poured her very large Vodka Grapefruit? The editors told us it was 1 but do we trust them? I feel like the editors have fudged the timelines for a few things before so I am not going on faith that it was actually 1. It was light out so I could be anytime up until 5 or 6 in the evening. I am going to need proof!! This is obviously a smear Sutton season. They should concentrate on the Kyle/Mo drama, I find that more interesting.
  3. Like I say every episode, I still like Monica. She is great TV and I can see she is trying with her kids and her shrew of a mother, but this episode she was terrible. She needs to shut her mouth sometimes, that display at Heather's reading was gross. I don't see her ass going out of her comfort zone to sing or (try to) rap. I am also going to hope that when the cameras went down, she stopped her mom and drove her home. Unless she lives like 4 doors down, then she can walk. Also, the Mom's outfit that would give Dorit a run for her money was too much. She is getting bolder with her labels, first it was a Tiffany necklace, then a LV scarf now it's a full Burberry ensemble. It is enough lady.
  4. I saw that and thought that Teddi is just stupid and thought it was a vodka drink, but it's just juice. Everyone likes what they like, I have been known to bring Mio cranberry-raspberry for my drink, It's just a mixer, I am not traveling with a flask of Vodka and my educated guess is Sutton isn't either. Stupid Teddi
  5. Lisa was absolutely abhorrent this episode. She doesn't listen, she talks over everyone, she is dismissive and a raging nacissist. Poor John just got shunted to the side when she got a text, that was hard to watch. My armchair diagnosis of Monica and Lisa is that Monica sees her mom in Lisa so it just sets her off. Lisa doing the ignoring and talking about Monica to some one else right next to her was very triggering ans I could see that Monica was trying to keep her cool but she has very poor impulse control. Lisa doing the whole " Angie is my friend you can't talk to her" schtick was so mean girl. If Angie has made her peace with what Monica said, Lisa needs to let it go. She was literally dragging her away so Angie couldn't talk to Monica. I like Monica, but I think she needs some serious therapy and to stay away from Mom for a bit. I also understand Heather. She doesn't understand why the rules are different for Lisa but not for her. She was a "good" Mormon whatever that means but she got tossed out on her rear for the divorce, but Lisa can prance about and drink and wear strapless tops and no one says shit. Bottom line is don't invite any of these women to something you really care about or are trying to make a good impression.
  6. I think my favorite part of this episode was Robyn trying to convince herself that the Juan hotel story was so nuts that it just had to be true and then they show us the Ashley story that was even more ridiculous with Michael going to the hotel room and just lying down not sleeping with the lady and she took a picture of him in his underwear. But he didn't do anything with her, honest!!! They had a cut of Robyn's face of disbelief after Ashley spouted that web of lies. Oh, Robyn, this is the same story!! What a dumb, dumb. It also made me sad that all 4 of those women had stories so alike. Where are they finding these men?
  7. Jack hates Lisa, which is par for the course for teenage boys. His disdain for her whenever she spoke was obvious. Have fun in Bogota! He will come back speaking fluent spanish, which is always good. I like Monica even though she is super dramatic. Her mother is a narcissistic cow. She is worried about no one but herself, and those tears while looking up to make sure that Monica was seeing that she was crying was some terrible acting. They sure dried up quick when she saw they weren't working. Monica probably has no credit or terrible credit because of the divorce so asked her mom to sign for her car. So mom uses it as tool to get Monica to do what she wants. She needs to get far away from her mother before she ruins her own relationship with her daughters.
  8. For me, when Sutton talks about financial freedom she is talking about being able to spend her money how she wants without her husband, or anyone telling her how to spend said money. She spent her married life being told how much she would get and how to spend it, so to be able to do it herself is a financial freedom. That's how I see it. She stopped working to care for her family for 16 years so he could go and have the freedom to earn and now that they are divorced he gets to pay for the loss of earnings for her. I find it very fair and equitable. He doesn't just get to tire of her(or whatever really happened) and cut her loose and not pay what she is owed. Lisa is in the same boat except Lisa had a prenup.
  9. I haven't watched any seasons with Teddi and I can't stand her just from this one episode of WWHL. How dare she drop that tea on Sutton and the bottle of vodka in her purse. It's a pretty nasty rumor and I haven't seen or heard anything like that about Sutton. What does Teddi know of anything? Someone (Kyle) must have wanted that said. But why? What has Sutton done to them lately? I hope Sutton can give her a taste of her own medicine when she is next on the show.
  10. I don't know, I almost believe that Brynn collects rare books that she actually reads. She made a deep cut George Washington joke a couple of episodes ago that very few housewives would understand and name checked "The Economist" in this one. I really liked her in this episode and her description of which books she likes to collect was insightful and was more than just an idea that collecting books will make her look smart. But then she acts like a THOT at the bar with Jenna and I wonder what is she trying to prove acting like she does.
  11. In those pictures with Shannon walking the glorious, gorgeous Archie, she has a cast on what I am guessing is a broken arm/wrist and 2 black eyes. I can see them through the glasses in the last picture. I think she bruises really easily when she showed her arm after the boat trip she had a terrible bruise. Shannon needs to eat better and drink less. She does look less bloated in those pics, I am guessing she is sober for now.
  12. I don't know, I was on a cruise in Greece and we had to have a pilot steer the ship out, after which he jumped to the little pilot boat once we were out. Apparently at that dock it was required for all boats.
  13. That makes a difference. I thought she was a Dr. She still sucks, and she's still so selfish. Now the girl child is missing and she is still lying. The entire family is terrible, maybe they can go missing.
  14. Meredith has something else going on in her personal life that she is not dealing with. It sounds like something to do with a friends daughter maybe? I don't know but it brings out the English accent and general unstable-ness. Poor Heather throwing up and peeing herself on camera? I can't imagine the level of embarrassment she is feeling. I will admit I have thrown up and peed myself at the same time but I was in my own bathroom. It was terrible. Angie is going for the throat calling Meredith fake and her store not doing any business. It's exactly was Lisa was caught saying on the hot mic so, is it true? And does Meredith have the deets on Angie's husband? I need to know. Monica was not ready for the level of vitriol that these ladies were spewing, i like it so far, but she needs to catch up or these women will eat her alive.
  15. Oh, Shannon, that video is unforgivable. The speed she was going was so fast and she was out of control. I saw a Tik-Tok of the damage and they also showed that she was leaking oil all over the street when she tried to drive away. Poor Archie. She needs help, she should go directly into Rehab. Gina, to her credit hasn't said a damn word publicly and I think it looks better for her if she never does. Take the high road Gina.
  16. I just noticed that the mom is wearing a Tiffany necklace. I have the bracelet so I am embarrassed that it took me so long to see it. I am not crying poor while wearing my bracelet... I also think that Angie needs to treat her poor neglected husband a little better, we all know what happens to marriage on this show.
  17. But are they doing Barbie scissor kicks together on their journey to positive change?
  18. You stick a straw in the drink, cover the top with your thumb bring it up to your mouth and drop what's in the straw in your mouth. I guess it keeps everything clean and limits what you drink. Wasteful with the straw, they should really use a spoon like fancy bars do.
  19. I have no idea why I am still watching as well. I am a sucker for end of the world shows and aliens as well, but this is a slog. I mean, I have no idea how they managed to make this topic so mind numbingly boring, but they did it. I will stick with it, mostly because I am a glutton for punishment and I am hoping that mom is killed soon, she is just awful. Is it bad to watch just for that? She is a doctor for goodness sakes, get out there and help, she is so selfish.
  20. I am not ashamed to say that I squealed with joy like Mariner when I heard the theme and saw the USS Voyager. I also really liked that they flat out said that Janeway murdered Tuvix. I really don't know what she should have done, but she did kill him. Voyager has always been my favorite Trek so I was loving this episode, so many deep cuts of Voyager. I love an easter egg. Loved!!!
  21. Let's not forget that Jenna gave Erin a very lovely blanket or sweater type gift that was like $500 and Erin put it aside like she was handed a dirty napkin. Maybe none of these ladies understand how to receive a gift with any grace at all. They all exist on transactional relationships so they don't understand a gift given in good faith. Poor Jenna, I feel like she has shared a ton and I don't even know what Brynn does all day. Sai is just awful and the less said of Erin the better. Since when do the housewives take pride in flying coach? I thought this was an aspirational show? I don't fly coach unless I have absolutely no other choice and I refuse to feel bad about it so Jenna needs to nut up and tell those cackling hags to fuck right off.
  22. Gina said she was getting a blow out so she couldn't hear. Bullshit, she really hates Shannon to let that stand. That fight though was everything!
  23. Heather is too rich for this show, the other ladies can't understand that kind of money so they are jealous harpies about it. Poke holes in her boat indeed. I might use that. Maybe she would be better off on Beverly Hills, it sure would take her down a notch, she would not be the richest there. Emily was over the top at that lunch, you can't get that drunk at lunch it's embarrassing to everyone. Save it for dinner, I feel like you can get drunker later in the day. She did get some zingers in so I won't hold it against her. Ryan is so gross to me, everything about him turns me off, I can barely stand to watch him. That shirt he was wearing was so offensive to my eyes. What is Jenn thinking? Everyone looks great in Mexico and then we go to the talking heads and they all look awful. oh, and here is Gina questioning a "friendship" again, she needs new material. In fact, i would be happy never seeing her again.
  24. I thought that she was an unreliable narrator too until she found the napkins with the correct name on them. Did she show everyone the napkins? That would put her in the she was right all along camp and Edgar was trying to gaslight her into thinking she was crazy.
  25. Shannon, Shannon, Shannon. I really want to support you, but you are making it very difficult. She needs to lay off the drinking if she can't remember what she says day to day. It doesn't make for great TV and she really needs this job. Tamra has laid out all the pieces and now she can sit back and watch the fur fly. It was a super low blow to bring up Travis and his little guy, that kind of rumor never goes away and he doesn't deserve that. I still can't stand Gina, She is so awful every time I see her I want to claw my eyes and ears off. Heather cracks me up hating on the 2010 Dom.
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