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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. I think we need a show on Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons. Can you imagine the gossip both those ladies kept back? I would love to know what they knew. This was an great episode, I really liked the humanity that both ladies showed, even as they were fighting as nasty as ever to each other.
  2. Silver Spoons! Thanks, I could not think of what show that was from. Gail is alive, I am so glad. I enjoyed how she tried to say water, but they all thought she was saying wine. I am sure when the guys get back with Melissa and that one white pill, someone will know what it is and get her back to normal. While I have enjoyed nutso Melissa, a break would be nice. I will hand wave the issue of her being without the pills for years and only now an issue popping up.
  3. Mu husband watched the supersized episode with me, after I had watched once before. He was mostly silent while I ranted a raved about the sheer selfishness and nearsightedness of James. We have taken to yelling Ow, mah legs! at any and all opportunity. I know he has pain and it's hurts to move. I will save any and all empathy that I have for people that make an effort. ANY effort at all. James can't even do that. I am saving my left-over empathy for those that unwrap their own burgers.
  4. They are really trying to redeem Rumple arent they? Even at the cost(almost) of Baelfire.
  5. It is also interesting to note that even though Dr. Now kicked James out of the program, he still allowed his physical therapist to go see him. I am sure James did not pay for that. Dr. Now really does try and try and try, even when the patients don't try at all. His efforts would be better used with any other patient, he is really wasting his time here.
  6. I am going to see a musical in New York next week called War Paint. It is about the feud between makeup giants Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein and is set in the early 20th century. I know it must have already been optioned by someone, but it sounds like a great feud and would love to see it on TV. Imagine the costumes and makeup! It would be glorious. After watching this weeks episode I am adding to my wishlist of feuds: Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons. The dish they diedwith must be amazing, and what they had to do to keep their jobs would be a show worth watching
  7. I must have missed why the pictures of Moira were such a big deal. Was he making fun of her? I thought she thought she was going to get a big trip and then was mad that she didn't. I loved David taking one for the team so to speak, even if I don't quite understand why.
  8. I am not thrilled that next season they will have a focus on Phillip. He is not "The Crown" I want to see the life of the Queen not her petulant husband and the baby fits he has until he realizes he married a Queen and with her comes an entire country she has to answer to. I could see one or two episodes to deal with his coming to terms, ETA: I spoilered the last bit, not sure if it applies, but I wanted to be careful.
  9. My problem with James is not that he is so obese that he can't get out of the bed. My problem with James is that he has had help from a myriad of people and places and has done nothing! He takes no responsibility for anything. If he wanted to change and lose weight, Lisa bringing him food would mean nothing because he would not eat it. James uses up the people and resources around him like tissue paper and then looks around for more. He has a team of people that fetch and carry nonstop for him. It is a slap in the faces of the countless doctors, paramedics, nutritionists and nurses and countless others that have bent over backwards for him and he does NOTHING.
  10. I am an American who has never been to the UK (that will change in 6 months). When the Queen dies it will be a monumental event, one I hardly want to think about. I know she is in her 90s and everyone has to go sometime, but she is the only Queen of England I have ever known, the only Queen my mother has ever known. That is a huge deal. When the pope died(John Paul II) It was also a big deal,I am not a Catholic but he was the only pope that I knew as well. I remember when Diana died and it was shocking, and I think the Queen will be the same, regardless of how it happens. I am sure it will be very orderly and done by the book, because that is how the Queen would have wanted it.
  11. I would guess that a lot of this treasure has been picked up already. It doesn't seem like it would be buried very deep and I would think the locals would have grabbed it close to when it was lost. That would be a hard secret to keep and the locals would have a pretty good idea of where it went down. I am sure there is a good bit there, but I bet most is long gone, melted into something else.
  12. We know that Feud Season 2 is Charles and Diana, but what other feuds could Ryan Murphy do? I vote for Olivia de Haviland and Joan Fontaine. That was a feud that lasted a lifetime.
  13. The British guy who does their metal detecting, Gary, was on the episode with Josh about King John. You might just get your wish. He has an in.
  14. I pulled a calf muscle yesterday at Barre class and all day today I have been yelling "ow, my legs!" every time it bothers me. Makes me feel better
  15. I also believe that not one person in Hollywood believed what BD said in her book, while people were split down the middle on Christina's. Myna Loy a true friend of Joan's for 20 years even said that while she never saw Joan hit Christina, if anyone needed a good slap it was her. I am of the opinion that Joan was tough but I don't think she was the abusive monster her daughter says she was. I think part of the rancor was due to the fact that when Christina was working on a soap opera and had to have surgery, Joan was more than happy to step into her daughters part. Christina was 29 Joan was in her early 60s!
  16. I know that in this show at least the line is that David was forced to abdicate because of Wallis, but I don't think that is necessarily true. I think he took the easy way out because being King was too hard! He loved the perks and money and deference, but the job was too much and took far too much time out of his day that was better spent screwing around. He just didn't have the work ethic and drive it takes to do the job. I think I read that he most of the time he never bothered to even open the red box with the paperwork for the day. I think he did the entire world a favor by bowing out. If he changed his mind later and tried to make a deal with the Nazis to get his power back, it wouldn't surprise me.
  17. Hook didn't know right? Right??!! I can't live if he was misleading Charming that whole time. It would be too cruel. I hope he realized what he did after he read the book.
  18. I have to agree with the above. Silent movies were the beginning of Hollywood. That's when the studios started moving to California and all the great film companies were formed. Remember that United Artists studio was started by Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks, all of whom were huge silent movie stars. I understand that some people don't like the silent films, but I think that is doing them a great disservice. We wouldn't have had Clara Bow, Lillian Gish, Rudolph Valentino and Buster Keaton. Hell, even Greta Garbo got her start in the silent pictures. I had a very low opinion of Joan Crawford, probably because all I knew of her was Mommie Dearest, but her early work is flat out amazing. She is gorgeous! Someone upthread said she glows and it is so true! Bette Davis was also quite a looker in her early days, part of that might be attributed to her incredible acting skills, but she wasn't a dog. I think that many people that would have be considered beautiful in their time just aren't considered as pretty with standards changing. For instance, Jean Harlow does nothing for me, she comes off as harsh and boring looks-wise to me, but in her day she was a bombshell. Maybe the tide is turning the other way for women such as Bette Davis.
  19. The minute Tatiana said she wanted the money to put into her lotion business I knew she was gone. Her priorities were out of wack for this show. It is probably a good idea for her to do with the money, but the show would not like it.
  20. I thought both of the ballerina characters were played by women who had some sort of ballet training. No way does someone walk on pointe the entire length of the stage without that training. She definitely had on pointe shoes. The tailor ballerina was hands down the best work I have seen in a long time. Simply amazing. I think this is their show to lose.
  21. In the US it is on Starz. I am not sure about anywhere else.
  22. So much love! I can feel them in their roles already. I am loving every bit of this. The story really doesn't need much embellishment, but it is doing a superb job of telling what happens.
  23. Loved it. Kristen Wiig kills. Not many people can carry an episode, let alone an episode of a show they are not even on. Very well done. I hope to see see the dog soon.
  24. I thought it was fine. I really hopes it picks up because I love this kind of show.
  25. I read the article on Tony Oretega's website and it seems to me that the high profile of Leah's show is what caused the first victim to get in touch with her. Leah of course told her to file a report and that caused the other report to be reopened ( the one involving his ex-girlfriend) Then another victim came forward. I have to say that I love that this show and Leah in particular are becoming a "safe space" so to speak for victims of all kinds of crap that Scientology has been trying to cover up for years. The LAPD is not looking good, and they seem to be in cahoots with Scientology. The detective is doing next to nothing to investigate this case and giving Scientology plent of time to get their ducks in a row. I an hesitant to brand Danny Masterson a rapist without hard proof, but where there is smoke there is fire. I really hope this gives Leah a reason to do a second season, this "church" needs to be brought down, they have been destroying peoples lives for far too long.
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