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Everything posted by Cementhead

  1. And speaking of hands, the way this bitch always puts her hand over Kobe's mouth during Pillow Talk when he is trying to talk?? Oh, hell no. He needs to push her ass off the bed the next time she does that.
  2. Almost 12 hours later and I'm still trying to recover from Angela twerking in her hotel room while Steven Tyler her latest "friend" filmed her. Girlfriend was really feeling herself wasn't she. Stomping around NYC like she was John Fucking Travolta.
  3. Amy is the poster child for why I will not eat at pot lucks or any other sort of communal food setting. Nope. Not doing it. I get a lot of heat for it but nope!
  4. I think Alex is a total smokeshow. 🔥😍 I thought he was super hot the minute he showed up on my tv screen. His personality and sense of humour definitely add to his charm. He's the total package as far as this franchise goes.
  5. I'm positively shocked that people aren't clamoring to pay top dollar to sleep in the very room that The Famous Rolloff Brothers slept in. Go figure. If things get any worse (which they will) maybe Matt & Audrey can team up for a Young Living / Rolloff Farms collab.
  6. Ha! I thought you were shitting me but google just told me you are not. Too funny.
  7. OMG, I am dying laughing right now. I just saw a preview of the next episode. Have you guys seen it? Is it considered a spoiler to talk about it? I don't think it is but I will keep it vague. Basically, long story short, Matt makes a grand announcement about the house and Amy; sitting there in her scarecrow costume, exclaims in the most deadpan of ways "you have got to be high!" OMG. Dying. Too funny.
  8. I think Matt WAY over estimated the perceived value others would place on his property because it's the Little People, Big World House. The fact that he's having to resort to these other ways to stop the bleeding has got to be a real kick to the head. Especially after using it as the show's main story line the last few seasons. The well has run dry methinks.
  9. Yes! That was a major eye roll moment for me, too. I mean, really. It's Kate Hudson, let's calm down. I was annoyed to hear that she was going to be in this when the cast was first announced because (a) she usually annoys the hell out of me and (b) she is almost always the weakest link. I am happy to say that I was wrong on both counts. She was charming as hell in this and I loved the way she just leaned into this character and owned it; nor was she a weak link.
  10. Goldberg's apathy killed the show for me long before McCain or anyone who came before her ever did. She basically does one of two things: either lectures us plebs in some sort of ignorant, uneducated rant about a topic she deems as being important enough for her to discuss or just sits there practically dripping with disdain while just barely tolerating having to listen to her co-hosts discuss something which she has deemed as being beneath her to discuss. While getting praised and paid handsomely for it. What she lacks in self awareness she most certainly makes up for with her sense of self. My second hand embarrassment for her is off the charts.
  11. Sounds like a good plan to me. She gets credit from me for that, too, but then quickly loses it with her "crushing it." The hyperbole with this family is off the charts. Everyone's always killing it, rocking it, crushing it or owning it and everything and everybody is always amazing. Lol and the one kid looks like a mini Mumford and Son.
  12. I own only 2 complete tv series on dvd - SATC and Felicity. Every year, right around this time I usually do a rewatch of SATC. It's like a Christmas tradition for me because I love(ed) it so much. My husband spent an entire summer a few years back scouring all the local thrift shops to find me the complete collection. I've almost popped in disc 1 a few times in the last few weeks but didn't bother because I just know that it's never going to be the same for me now. And I didn't even have to actually watch AJLT to be outraged by it, there was more than enough information about it all over the place to pretty much destroy any future enjoyment of a rewatch. Most especially the Steve and Miranda stuff. I just can't even bother. The scenes that used to hit me right in the heart are just forever ruined now.
  13. His framed and wall mounted spoon collection was legendary.
  14. Apparently Chris "didn't like his pants" and needed to go change them according to a text from Amy. What a cliff hanger moment that was. I was on pins and needles myself. Editing made it look like the gang was all very panicky waiting for their grand arrival. I think they were like 5 minutes late according to the riveting texting back and forth between Amy and Debi regarding the pants and their ETA.
  15. When one of the goofballs told Angela she looked good of course instead of saying "thank you," she said "I know." Also, I hate myself for laughing every time she said the word goofballs. It's just so ridiculous and weirdly nostalgic now since she's been on here for what feels like a million years at this point and oh look, it's the goofballs again!
  16. Debbie & Colt are the perfect proof that there is no such thing as TMI for these types who sell their soul for the big TLC money. Having to come away from this Tell All knowing that Coltee is not circumcised, compliments of Debbie & that Debbie bought him his first Playboy, compliments of Colt, is information that nobody asked for and nobody needed to know. Another peek into their sick dynamic. I would say that they sold their self worth & dignity along with their soul but I doubt they ever had any to begin with, hence here they are. This franchise really has become the modern day freak show.
  17. I love that you put this in a Spoiler. Too funny. Sounds to me like he was killin' it, Babe.
  18. I am the first person to call out this franchise for being 99% fake and I am not a big Tania & Syngin fan either. With that said and out of the way, I 100% believe in all sincerity that these 2 people genuinely love the hell out of each other. They don't work together, but they love each other deeply and intensely. I totally buy that they were the genuine article. You can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices. And P.S. and by the way: SHUT THE FUCK UP, DEBBIE
  19. Ah, thanks for sharing. I will add it to 90 Day Fiance book. Exhibit #934.
  20. Is this the only job Shaun Robinson has? Does she even do anything else besides this? I just googled her and her last credit is for Access Hollywood 1999-2015. And then she's been hosting ruining these Tell Alls Nothings since 2016.
  21. Yeah, this is one of the many gross and vile things about so-called reality tv shows. The producers decide which person is going to fill each 'character role' and then they manipulate each episode with editing to perpetuate it. So Jackson gets to be the star and Lilah gets to be the clumsy, whiny one. And the more the viewers comment on it, the more the producers push it to keep the narrative going. It's disgusting and I kind of hate myself for watching because I know I am watching Lilah and Jackson get exploited by their parents for money. It's just all so gross.
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