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Everything posted by Cementhead

  1. That's actually the first time we've seen Chris in a while, I think. And it's just the back of his head, lol. I am convinced that he was more than happy to get Daisy because she ends up in all of Amy's selfies now instead of him. Self bang cutter here. Seeing the shitty condition of hers lately has convinced me to put down the scissors. (Until 2 weeks from now when I start snipping at them again. 😩)
  2. Daisy's face is speaking for all of us.
  3. Mmmm... pink meatloaf stuffed with cheese topped with even more cheese. What in the actual hell.
  4. I think Kelly would look awesome if they would just let her wear casual clothing. Like a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a blazer. Boots, cowboy boots. That type of thing. She would look great and it would suit her personality so much better.
  5. Have you guys seen Ellen Pompeo recently? These photos shocked me! I would never have guessed this was her. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11664223/Ellen-Pompeo-turns-heads-blazer-dress-Atlantis-Royal-Grand-Reveal-Weekend-bash-Dubai.html#comments
  6. Thank you to the magical man in the sky that she doesn't have a son or else she'd probably end up on Season 2 of MILF Manor.
  7. I told my husband that if I start watching this he can divorce me because I have to have at least some standards. I draw the line at 90 Day Fiance. That's as low as I can go before I officially hate myself. Now, off to read all of your comments...
  8. My randoms: Out of the two Nigerian scammers, I have come to the new conclusion that Michael is the bigger scammer, not Usman. There is 'no there there' with Michael. He is just a one note scam artist who found an easy mark. He literally has one hand to play and it's 3 or 4 variations of this over & over -- "Baby, baby, Angie, please calm down." He's the Angela Whisperer. That's literally all he's got. You know when you are on facebook and you see those scammer posts from fake accounts replying under middle aged women's posts with "I love your photo. I want to be your friend. Please send me a friend request. You are so all kinds of beautiful!" That's Michael. Found one of the dumbest, most ignorant American women he could find through his trolling and here we are. I used to like you, Michael. But go away now. You bore me. Kim has revealed herself to be one of the nicest people ever to appear on this show. Who saw that coming? She is just so nurturing and kind to all of the other people on this show. I don't feel bad for her though with regards to Usman because unlike Angela, who is dumb as a box of rocks, Kim is smart enough to know that she actively participated in this. She pursued Usman online knowing full well what she was getting into. But at least in her case, she got a bit more out of it than just "Angie, Angie, please calm down baby." But now she needs to put the phone down, take her head out of her ass and come to her senses. She seems to be halfway there. Go meet some nice man at the local bowling alley. But then again, I am sure she will backslide just in time for next season. Stay tuned! I am now moving Yara into scammer territory. This is a new revelation for me since watching the whole Tell All. The only difference between her and Michael & Usman is that she is playing the long game with Jovi. While those two guys are more short term 'hit 'em and quit 'em' scammers, she is taking her time to set things up and taking full advantage of her time with Jovi and this show. But a scammer none the less. Liz has some major emotional problems that have come to the surface during the filming of this. She is a troubled person beneath that pretty exterior. There is a masochistic vibe going on between her and Ed where she seems to feel as though she deserves being treated like shit and keeps going back for more. It is starting to get too sick and twisty for me to watch and I am no longer deriving any entertainment value from watching them. Unlike the other 95% of these people who come on this show as complete bullshit artists who are "in on the joke," I honestly don't think that Liz is one of them, she is genuinely this person and that is too sad for me to watch. Girlfriend needs to get herself off of the tv and into some deep therapy and concentrate on fixing what is broken in her and get her kid back. Lastly, I think Andrei is completely over this show. Is he probably going to keep sticking around for the pay cheque? Oh, probably. But he is so over it all.
  9. Yeah, she is for sure a horror show of a human being, no arguments there. We can all agree on that. Just pointing out the thank you thing because I've always noticed it since she showed up on the scene. As for the crew, I am sure they are all very prepared for her when she blows into town and probably have a good laugh or 50 at her expense. But hey, the garbage people like her keep them in business.
  10. One nice thing I can say about Angela is she always says 'thank you' to everybody behind-the-scenes at these Tell Alls. I always hear her thanking everyone from the driver, to the person at the studio door, to the person who brings her to her dressing room, etc. I'm sure she's not the only one to do so but she does it so consistently that it stands out to me.
  11. I am finally watching Part 2 right now. Highlights for me: Shaeeda telling Liz she has pretty toes and feet and skin, lol. She does have really beautiful skin and I haven't seen her feet but that is totally the type of weird thing I would say to someone, too. And Andrei calling Ed "Small Ed" in the scene with him and Jovi at the bar. Everyone else always calls him Big Ed so that was out of left field. I'm sorry but I love Andrei. I said what I said.
  12. They were actually both attached to the front of his house. Those typical black metal types that you screw into the siding or brick usually by the front door. His were off to the side by the driveway. How do I know so much about this? Why do I know so much about this? Lol. I just realized I worded my description badly by saying "out front." But thank you for trying to solve the mystery for me! ☺️
  13. I know Shaun used to host Access Hollywood back in the day but didn't know what else she was doing currently besides these Tell Nothings Alls so I googled her a few weeks back. Surely, she must be doing something else along with these stupid things, right? Google told me, no, she isn't. To quote Shaun with her favourite scene killing word -- Wow. I want to throw a shoe at my tv every time she kills the moment when something good is about to go down with one of her 'wows.' That's all she's ever got. Great host. Such communication skills. Such a strong ability to get people to really open up! Ha! That's my guess, too! We have all been watching this shit for too long now. Hell, a few weeks back during a scene where Ed is outside, I noticed that his house has two mailboxes out front and it has been driving me crazy trying to figure out why, lol. Does someone else live there, too? Does he have a tenant? But where? In the back? But it's so teeny tiny. Is this keeping me up at night? No. Do I really, truly care? Of course not. But this is the sort of stuff that makes watching these stupid shows with these horrible people so entertaining. Your Jenny / Regina story cracked me up!
  14. I get a kick out of listening to Andrei. Everything he says comes out so foreboding and dramatic. He probably scares the shit out drive thru attendants and I bet the telemarketers only call his number once. I wouldn't want to live with him, no, but I would get a kick out of spending an hour with him listening to him yell at me for no reason.
  15. It's always the husband, isn't it? My husband and I call this show "Some guy croaked his wife." A line taken from NYPD Blue's Sipowicz about a hundred years ago that still cracks us up and yet still rings true almost 100% of the time to this day.
  16. I just finally got around to watching the finale last night and I just found the whole thing really very sad. Maybe I am too hormonal or too nostalgic right now but I found the empty, family-less, unsold, staged house to be symbolic of what has happened to these people who sold their family's lives and stories for public consumption. I got pretty choked up listening to Amy and felt everything she was saying about the house and how it tied into their family and the series as a whole. I hope it was all worth it to them in the end. Going by what we are watching play out now, it wasn't. I just saw a bunch of nasty headlines about Matt & Caryn and Zach & Tori this morning so I guess they are still dragging this shit out so that can carry it over to the next season. Sad and pathetic at this point, isn't it? Money over family still and enough is never going to be enough. This should have been the series finale. End of. Most LPBW watchers aren't interested in them going all Real Housewives on each other. The well has run dry, folks. Very dry. And that's okay. Every story has an end and this should have been theirs.
  17. I don't know whether Chris would have wanted the listing or not, but as it stands, the property is still sitting there, not sold, so not much of a "get" listing, was it? Also, Chris seems like a pretty pragmatic guy and apart from being "The Famous Roloff Farm," I bet he knew that this property was going to be a hard listing to sell, which has proven to be the case, so I think he was the winner in the end and dodged a big, annoying, time consuming bullet.
  18. Rosie speaks about Barbara and why she didn't attend tribute show.
  19. Classic move during contract negotiation time for next season. In other words:
  20. And they lived happily ever after ....... until next season.
  21. I didn't buy that opening bar bit one bit either. Fake, fake, fake. Their acting was terrible; especially Jovi's. That probably wasn't even a 'one take' scene, it was that bad. Someone on here came up with the genius idea of having Patrick's brother John be the host and I cannot unsee it now. I would donate 20 bucks to make that happen.
  22. If she posts a video for it, 20 buck bet that she pronounces it 'Valentimes.'
  23. And speaking of hands, the way this bitch always puts her hand over Kobe's mouth during Pillow Talk when he is trying to talk?? Oh, hell no. He needs to push her ass off the bed the next time she does that.
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