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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. It is why Wayne Northrup left the role of Roman because he said with John present, Roman became obsolete and redundant. Plus, he must have read the tea leaves and realized that John was going to win Marlena's heart in the end. Had he stayed, the triangle between Roman/Marlena/John could have continued for years with lots of twists and turns.. I wish that John had remained Roman afterall.. If Wayne did not want to stay then they could have said that Wayne's Roman was a fraud created by Stefano to further hurt the Brady family and the real Roman was John..
  2. Nicole getting fired from the view was the best thing to have happened to her.. I just love her on her show.. I could say more but it would be off-topic..
  3. If Peter never left the role of Bo and Crystal had stayed, then, I think a Carly/Bo/Hope would have been awesome since Hope's ghost was such a part of the courtship of Bo and Carly.. It explained why Bo was always trying to save Carly in a way he could not save Hope when she was "killed". Not to mention that Carly had a bond with Shawn-Douglas and then add Nicholas Vivian and Lawrence into the mix with an amnesiac Hope back from the dead.. I would have preferred that Stefano did not have Hope all those years and in fact Hope was with Ernersto's son as his captive. Perhaps she even fell for him in her amnesiac state.. We would have been spared that Princess Gina crap.. The show absolutely adored Carly and she was in every story and beloved by the whole town. In hindsight, I could see why her haters hated her cause she was everywhere.. The show showed Carrie going through hell with John not being Roman. We should have seen some of that with Eric and Sami who as kids had bonded with John as Roman for five years without Roman and Marlena. John should have sued them for custody, he was the only parent they had ever known..
  4. Exactly! Hispanics can be Black, White, Asian, Arab, mixed race and Indigenous.. Latin America is truly a melting pot more so than the US.
  5. Genetics is funny though and I have never had a problem with Ari looking more like Will than Gabi. Some biracials look mix and some don't.
  6. Kassie would have been an awesome Melissa Horton with the actress who used to play Serena being cast as Sarah Horton would have been divine. I would also add Noelle Curtis who could have been Eric's love interest or Andrew Donovan's love interest..
  7. Exactly! how about Wilson getting involved with an older kid of color who is in need of loving parents. It could be similar to what Benjy was to Stayla back in the day..
  8. I also wanted to add that he was the reason that Crystal Chappell who played Carly left the show. He harassed her on set as well. She claimed that they would rehearse a love scene a certain way with the director and as they were taping the scenes, he would touch her inappropriately. Like alot of women who have had to deal with sexual harassment, she chose to stay quiet, not wanting to rock the boat and not being believed.. Her husband Michael Sabatino who played Lawrence did have a confrontation with the pervert and that led to both Crystal and Michael to leave the show.. It is why Carly and Lawrence reunited so quickly without dealing with their past issues. Crystal said that she was so heartbroken when Peter left the role of Bo because they had an amazing friendship and he was always a perfect gentleman when they had to have love scenes that were very racy. She also said had he never left the role of Bo, she never would have left the show..
  9. Shut up Allie, I cannot stand her, I just remembered that she is a Horton so that explains my disgust... Will looks so handsome in that clip above.. Go Eve!
  10. I never take pleasure in somebody's death but there is something to be said about tempting fate. Herman Caine was tweeting conspiracy theories, throwing shade on people who want to wear masks, mocked the deadly disease that is killing people, especially people who look like him. Herman knows that Black people are dying at a higher rate than White people. Being an elderly Black man who was a cancer survivor put him at risk in catching the deadly virus and not surviving. My heart goes out to his family and I hope they find peace..
  11. I am on an island but I absolutely enjoyed Will as a child. Mophead Will was and still is my favorite incarnation of Will. He was a schemer like his parents but was not nefarious, I adored him scheming against EJ. I loved Will's maturity at his age, he got that from his Aunt Carrie. He had Marlena's empathy down pat, he used to enjoy reading her psychology books and that used to scare Lucas due to his analysis of Sami. He could be a brat to Sami but she deserved it but he could also be tender and protective of her. He stood up to Kate trashing Sami to him. I loved his closeness with Kate and Roman. He also looked like Lucas Austin Kate and Billie. Whenever they were in scenes together, they looked like family.. Once he got recast, Will lost his complexity and became a weak passive character..I still loved him but I grieve for what could have been had his characterization remained consistent throughout the recasts over the years..
  12. Aunt Nicole, Aunt Nicole, Aunt Nicole, Aunt Nicole, we get it Ron, I am sick of this contrived relationship between Allie and Nicole. Has Allie mentioned her twin, her little sister. How about her Aunts Billie, Carrie, Belle, who have been in her life since day 1, Billie is also her godmother. It is so annoying that Ron is making this Nicole/Allie bond like it is the greatest Aunt/Niece relationship ever.. Nicole needs to stay out of Allie's relationship with her mother, let them deal with their issues..Focus on your new husband and young daughter.. Go Eve, this is who she should have been and not her stupid rivalry with Jennifer.. Had Jennifer's uncle Mickey gotten Ben off for murdering her daughter, then her wanting to hurt Jack and Jennifer would have made sense.. I know in the end Ben will be deified and Eve will be tarred and feathered by the Salemites for daring to hurt the serial killer who tortured and killed her only daughter. I will enjoy the Ben/Eve scenes until the inevitable gnashing of teeth for Saint Ben..
  13. Soaps have been trying to be like the movies and primetime shows and have sacrificed what made them special back in the day. The irony is that so many genres have copied the soap opera formula and have excelled. Soaps have the advantage to develop stories and characters in depth in a way that other genres cannot..
  14. The actress who played Serena should have been Sarah Horton.. The actress who currently plays Sarah should have been Stefanie Kay Johnson..
  15. Chris Dodd who has a sketchy past to say the least regarding women and race should not be trashing Kamala Harris. You guys should google Mr Dodd. If Biden is still salty over a debate with Kamala, then he is not ready.. As Joy said, it is par for the course. Megan honey, Kamala did not run a bad campaign, the media was gunning for her for bizarre reasons, they were constantly dragging her and others while praising their preferred candidates. Nutmeg needs to go on maternity leave yesterday, her going after Whoopie was weird even for her. Of course, she had to play the victim card regarding conservative women, the most persecuted group of people in the country..
  16. They were my favorite scenes of the day... I have always enjoyed the Sami/Belle bond and the Eric/Brady bond when the Brady twins just adored their baby siblings before they were sorased despite their respective beefs with Jarlena.. She is just disgusting and it is a shame that Adrienne who still had stories left to tell via her sons was sacrifice for her. Ron is just a hack.. The show treats Allie's baby like it is an item at an auction with everybody putting up their bid, the baby is a human being.. I have no problems with Sami fighting to not have her grandchild not be put up for adoption.. Are her methods unorthodox? of course this is Sami, Allie seems to be doing this to spite Sami. I suspect if Sami wanted her to put the baby up for adoption she would have wanted to keep the baby. I just cannot stand Allie, Ron just fucks everything up.. I love your post because it is so true and that trend started years ago and I believe this is what has caused the genre to collapse..
  17. I think Nicole should have remained a vixen and she should have been paired with Alexander Kiriakis played the actor who plays Xander. He can do an American accent. I also felt that Nicole should not have had a biological child with Doctor Tan. Doctor Tan should have been the necktie killer..
  18. Stefano was going to perform some diabolical operation on baby Joey because of his birthmark and Stephen Nichols with Mary Beth pushed back on that and that awful storyline was jettisoned..
  19. I agree with you about Ron. I was not saying that Ron was creative or good but past writers have complained about too many cooks being in the kitchen regarding the writing of the show. Sherry Anderson, Hogan Sheffer, JER have all had conflicts with the suits at NBC regarding their stories for the show. There are times that the suits need to be step in when there are issues but they are overbearing at Days and that stifles creativity. Hogan Sheffer hated EJ and never intended Ejami to be the golden couple, it was always going to be Lumi, Johnny was supposed to be Lucas son, Nick was never meant to go crazy over Melanie, Abby was supposed to fall for Max Brady, Hogan never wanted him to date Stefanie and Chelsea, his nieces. Max/Abigail and Nick/Chelsea were supposed to be a foursome continuing the long tradition of Bradys dating Hortons and they had an interesting dynamic as a quartet. Abigail was so awesome at that time, she looked like her mom but was more like Jack..Sherry never wanted the possession storyline for Marlena, it caused her to leave the show and she never wanted to make John not be Roman. Ron is a hack but there are times that he does have good ideas but he needs a co-headwriter who is more grounded in character driven stories to temper his worst instincts.
  20. I agree with your post but I think Tom speaking out over ABC's decision to put a polarizing figure on dancing with the stars may have cost him his job. I don't want to say too much since it would be off-topic.. I loved Tom Bergeron and he grounded the show with his presence and grace. Tyra is a buffoon and I cannot stand her. Her crazy over the top attitude and nastiness on America's next top model showed me the real Tyra Banks and it was not pretty.. It is just like the View regarding Whoopie Goldberg.. Familiarity breeds contempt..
  21. The trolls on tweeter will have a field day, damn! I almost feel sorry for her..
  22. Why is Allie willing to give up her child to Rafe and not her parents.. Sami and Lucas would raise him or her, not to mention Kate.. Allie is just not sympathetic to me.. She is shrill entitled and nasty.. I did love Lucas coming to Sami's defense when speaking to her, Nobody knows Sami as well as him. Lumi just makes so damn sense, I wish Ron would give us Lumi fans some crumbs.. You have Lumily together, why not write some family scenes between Lumi, their kids, granddaughter Arianna and unborn grandchild. Ron just sucks..
  23. I think you are hoping in vain, the K ladies with the exception of Kourtney love fetishizing Black men, I should say a certain type of Black men. I cannot see them going for a Black man who is an accountant or a doctor who lives a regular life away from the cameras of Hollywood and TMZ. I don't think Kim will ever let Kanye go and she could have Van Jones who has been revealed to be an ass..
  24. Whoopie is the same regarding powerful men, she will defend them while shaming the women, really disgusting and vile..
  25. I also wanted to add that shows that are shown on cable and streamed on other platforms show the complexity of people of color and the LGBTQ community. They are not just about their oppression, it is part of their identity but they are allowed to be human beings flawed and all. To be fair to Days, the show is run by too many people and that stifles creativity...I don't care for Ron but rumor has it that some of his stories have been changed and the suits at NBC are constantly trying to dictate storylines, in addition to Ken Corday and different producers on the show. A writer should be able to realize their vision..
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