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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I was baffled that Bill didn't know this, or someone on the staff correct this. I don't 100% agree with Bill, though I agree with a lot. It's his show, and he can talk about what he wants, whether I think it's interesting to me or not. One thing is that he's informed. This is just way out there. His response to Bellantoni was highly insulting and condescending as well. Again, he has a point about wokeness on campus. The articles he cited are factual. So, ok, you've got someone on the panel whose job it is to be in the classroom with 100s of these people on the regs. You can't dismiss her experience with 'well, you're not everywhere,' and then, when she agrees, and continues to point out additional information on a case Bill cited, just handwaves her. I mean, come on, you're just talking diverse points of view and have a professional in that field to speak on it. I don't really get the gist of the conversation as whole this time. I don't know if he was saying too much of colleges are making everything about race, which is fair, but I don't agree that's really happening. He's been consistent that real history should be taught. A lot of it unfortunately does boil down to race. He just laughed her off too, after she talked about what she does so they could experience diverse opinions. You've got the expert on; you have a chance to engage.
  2. Please tell me they're going to sell them for real.
  3. That's the problem. It's a larger systemic issue because that's what's going to get reported. No one is reporting on my class or university because it's not happening here, and frankly, I got way more on my plate than worrying about class that much anyway. I have no doubt there are cases of overreach, but I think 97% can be fixed by telling people to stfu and go teach the class. Or throwing a student out of class for doing a deal because they're being disruptive. That's really not being done. I take Bill's point about nutrition. I mean, try to get foods that don't have added sugar. It's near impossible. I understand that he's kind of beating it into the ground. I don't think it was the best place to bring it up with vaccines. His data is correct, but on the flip side, we don't want those people dying either. Plenty of people who are healthy are catching the virus too. Sure, they're not dying and symptoms may be mild, but you still don't want people catching it and spreading it either. I can get using those stats as a springboard to raising awareness, but no, the government can't mandate fitness, but yes, the government can use the bully pulpit to get doctors to talk about it to patients more. That's really the level where you're going to affect change. Will (who I also don't care for) was correct about the smoking analogy. And I am sad to say, but I think he's right on OSHA not being able to enforce the mandates legally either in terms of separation of powers. I thought the same thing when I heard it yesterday. However, the government *can* enforce a vaccination mandate. That's been decided in court like a hundred years ago. It was for smallpox in Vermont or MA. Actually I think it was the states can mandate vaccinations. So he's kind of not technically correct there. Which is the best kind of correct. I don't think necessarily Biden doesn't think OSHA can't; the key point is he's out of patience. I think in this case he's just using the bully pulpit to spur people into some action. People who are refusing to get vaccinated at this point aren't going to change their mind unless they can't get on a plane, go to their favorite restaurant, etc., so I think that's his angle.
  4. I don't think they'll open the show the same as the book. I bet it will be a flashback after Moirane does some exposition after getting to Rand et al. You want a non book viewer to understand that one of them is actually the Dragon Reborn. Actually, I agree with the other comment that the show should open with the Foretelling.
  5. Did we know Lana went to Berkeley? Which makes me first degree Lana! I do like when Archer and Lana are on the same page. It was ridiculous that they couldn't bring guns on an anti poaching mission. There was really enough for each plot to be its own episode.
  6. Do they? Tickets for T2 weren't this much. Or is it that you have to clear $100 on opening weekend or it's a failure? How do Netflix and Hulu produce movies without ticket sales?
  7. I do recall the line about the reports. I can buy that.
  8. I doubt this would fly. I'm not a 'traditionalist' in most cases; typically, that's just an excuse not to do anything new because this is the way it's always been done. Practically, this would ruin player's careers. On top of the pro season and various champions' leagues, it's too many miles on their legs. They're not addressing how a qualifying schedule would go either. You'd have to effectively eliminate the continental tournaments.
  9. Well, I respectfully disagree, and I'll be watching on HBO Max. If they want me to go to the movies, don't price a ticket for a single movie exceeding two of my streaming subscriptions.
  10. I didn't really mind the change as much as I did love Ivanova. They just ended a big war. She'd been on B5 for years, and the station was transitioning to something else. She was instrumental in both the current and the 1000 year old shadow war. She had a chance for a promotion and captaining a ship with brand new technology. I can get she wanted a new challenge and a change. To be fair, it was asinine to have Lochley be Sheridan's ex. Scoggins is a good enough actor that she can do something with the character without saddling her with that. The situation with a new B5 captain and former captain Sheridan being there is interesting enough. I think they dropped the ball there on thinking about what B5 is now in the post Shadow-Vorlon galaxy. Really though, the season is worth it in terms of setting up Londo for the books.
  11. I was kind of surprised that they actually broke Steve's legs. I knew they would blow the money though. Even though no Hayley for much, her reading of 'I'm sick of this Sunday stroll shit' earned her paycheck. I was actually surprised they got 'victorian women sixty-nining' by.
  12. Not great casting for Byron either. Even with Ivanova, you still need for them to find out they were made by the Vorlon. I mean, Ivanova knows, but it's more visceral with Lyta.
  13. Really, you take out most of Byron; on paper, telepaths being created by Vorlon for a war that's past and asking for essentially reparations isn't a bad plot, and S5 is good as far as I'm concerned. One of the key parts of the series is that there's significant show and drama *after* the Big War ends. Now what? And really, we're seeing it still today irl. Now, of course, I'm in complete agreement with 'shut up, Byron,' but I can't trash the season as a whole.
  14. I don't remember that, but I wasn't calling ooc on this particular aspect of the show. There is a level of buy-in and I can roll with the analogy.
  15. From what it said there, technically it's 8 + 16, so it could be a lot of set up. One thing I do like about the current tv landscape is you're getting more guaranteed hours of show, so TPTBs can set up an actual story rather than squeeze everything in and shove an ending in case the show isn't renewed. 8 episodes doesn't necessarily = 8 hours either. They're not tied to time constraints. Final season aside, GOT routinely had episodes well over 60 minutes.
  16. I think DIY has been on my PBS for most of the summer or whenever I last commented. They only had the Make Do on for 3 weeks or so. I like the latter better. I can't find it, but I read that the whole shebang is on Peacock.
  17. I don't know if they were being generic, but they said 'young crew'. I'm wondering still if they're going with KS and just waking up a whole new crew.
  18. As silly as the show is, to be fair there, Daniel uses it on all the billboards and commercial, and the event center that hosts the tournament has banners for all the champions. I can't imagine it's only a single use facility. There's apparently dojos all over the place. It's probably hard for people to avoid.
  19. Trope - someone makes up a fake bf/gf and have their friend be the person. They have to go to a party/dance, but don't bother to go over the basics, how they met, favorite date, etc. Hilarity ensues. I'm watching Taxi (weird there's no thread), and Elaine makes up a bf because of an arrogant friend. Alex plays the fake bf, but totally goes against the trope and spins all these sugary tales and totally makes the friend totally swoon. Absolutely hilarious because Elaine doesn't know what he's going to say either.
  20. Honestly if the whole episode was the setup for the motorboat punchline I would have paid for it. That is how you stick a joke.
  21. That's kind of weird because book 1 is a fairly straightforward story with a Big Ending.
  22. I found the channeling to be interesting in a good way. I like that it looked like there's physical exertion to it. I agree that you want some distinction as to air, water, etc. I would like to see there to be a weaving effect too. But, Moirane isn't super desiel either so maybe with Nye it's way different since she doesn't have control for a while.
  23. It's tough to beat John Glover. I know the show probably isn't well known, but it would be great just for him to pop up in a cameo.
  24. I never watched the Fresh Prince before. It was brought up in this series repeatedly, possibly more than any other sitcom. There was a single segment on the Honeymooners, and that show arguably has been the blueprint for married couples in sitcoms for over half a century. That alone is an episode. They did mention the 'very special episode' at some point though. I think it was when Facts of Life was first brought up. It was only a few comments
  25. That is my take. I think he meant more like 'doesn't want to smack him.' I mean, I have no time for Reed, but I have to be fair that he was making a sincere attempt to be affable, and wasn't just barking out talking points, nor did he try to steamroll Kay. I certainly don't agree with anything he's talking about, but I can't say the conversation on religion was that bad, for example. Kay reasonably refuted him on important points like the opening topic. When you're looking long at the body of the show, how many times here have we rolled our eyes over how many panels where they're just jawing at each other and blowing hot air? You know the 'run your mouth constantly' tactic. How many times have we seen the title here and been like, 'this guy?' tbh, I'll take this version of the show any time. I'll take this episode over the Donna Brazile Variety Hour, and I way more agree with her.
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