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Everything posted by Driad

  1. Yes. Diane is a wife, and surely she is good at that, as she is at everything. Removing the focus from Alicia would be a good start.
  2. So we are no longer pretending that Abby was in high school 16 years ago?
  3. Liking this show but confused. Is there a list somewhere of (1) what we know about NZT, and (2) what each character knows about NZT and other important stuff?
  4. Back in maybe the early 90s I watched Jeopardy for a while but gave up because I noticed they were accepting quite a few incorrect answers. Not just spelling, but (say) that a quote was from Hamlet when it was really from Macbeth. I was watching in the hope of learning things, so I figured that if some of those I knew were wrong, probably some of those I didn't know were wrong too, and I didn't want to learn misinformation. Recently I started watching again, and have not noticed wrong answers, but maybe that is because I am paying less attention. How does this compare with other viewers' experience?
  5. Bear from "Person of Interest" has some spare time this year [snif] and is smarter than some people we might mention.
  6. Watching Pat and Bob scenes alternating with the doctor's daughter and her new husband, I wondered if P & B married after knowing each other just a short time.
  7. Is the French Quarter NOLA's equivalent of Rock Creek Park, as far as dead petty officers are concerned? For a while I thought it might be the Mardi Gras warehouse.
  8. The crowded cabin scene from "A Night at the Opera" -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZvugebaT6Q
  9. Speaking of absurd, I was pleased to see the Martian Popping Thing http://mcphee.com/shop/martian-popping-thing.html If you squeeze it, the eyes and ears bug out.
  10. Always glad to watch a show that knows you can't shock flatline. But the bit about "He needs a doctor. Are you a doctor?" annoyed me. Residents are doctors. Interns are doctors. They have all graduated from medical school, but they need more experience. Old joke: "What do you call the guy who graduates last in his medical school class?" "Doctor."
  11. Betsyboo -- which episode is the gif from?
  12. What was the treatment for lung cancer in 1939? I guessed surgery and expected that in this episode the doctor and his wife would discuss plans for surgery, but they didn't. He still smokes too. Maybe he has decided not to do any treatment, but it would help viewers if someone said something.
  13. Basically I agree with both of these. I started watching because of the writing aspect, and still hope it will come back. Not a shipper.
  14. If Castle really wants to win Beckett back he should get a coffee cup with two handles. Or a saucer. He holds the handle of the cup and hands it to her, so she has to grasp the body of the cup. If the cup were actually filled with hot coffee, she would burn her hand. If the murder victim was not Famous Author, where is Famous Author? I'm tired.
  15. Surprised that the owner of a comic book store would not know about filk. Stuart was apparently the designated exposition target for that scene. I enjoyed the song and could dance to it. But H & R should have probably have waited until they had more songs to do a performance. Would not have had to be all original songs; there is plenty of filk.
  16. Boss Man Doctor told Blonde Resident something like "I thought your name might be Susan." Maybe that was an "ER" reference, because "ER" had a blonde doctor named Susan?
  17. Knowing a thing or two about DNA testing, I'd say Tony got scammed. No "find your ancestry" DNA test can tell you that you are descended from a particular individual. A real test might have told Tony that he was related to the Whoever family, but not specifically Lord Whoever. If Tony believed that Lord Whoever was his father or grandfather (not much farther back than that) he could try to have Lord W. exhumed to see if testable DNA could be found; then a different DNA test could tell him whether the relationship was what he thought. Basically I think Tony didn't read the fine print before he ordered his first test.
  18. Did someone say that to get the faculty position, Castle bought himself a PhD and made a donation to the university?
  19. More fashionably dressed turtles -- http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/australian-scientists-create-poop-catching-bikinis-turtles
  20. Why is it called Minority Report? I did not see the movie. The title does not seem to be a good match to the show. I might expect a show with this title to be about government (legislative or judicial).
  21. They can have a second season without me. They had their chance.
  22. I enjoyed this one more than the premiere. Hoping someone can correct the spelling in the thread title. [/OCD] ETA: Someone did! Thank you!
  23. I laughed near the end when the woman cop was wearing a low-cut top and a jacket fastened at the neck, leaving just her cleavage exposed. Reminded me of female Klingons on Star Trek: Original Series, whose uniforms had an opening generally referred to as "Insert Dagger Here."
  24. I took this as another example of Sheldon thinking that as a brilliant theoretical physicist, he would obviously be brilliant at all "lesser" pursuits such as law.
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