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Everything posted by Driad

  1. I can't decide whether I want Alicia to be totally humiliated, or to decide she can make her own decisions without needing a man around every minute. Would like to see Cary and Kalinda end up together on a tropical island.
  2. Come join us in "The Final Scene" thread! All the wish fulfillment you can imagine, the more outrageous the better.
  3. The decision on what surname to use should be hers, but the Florrick name has been an advantage to her career.
  4. The prime minister of India wore her sari going over her right shoulder. Usually when I see a woman wearing a sari, it goes over her left shoulder. Is it personal choice or local custom or what?
  5. Shoulder impingement means that a tendon or other soft tissue is inflamed in a place where it cannot swell and heal because of a narrow space between bones. Sometimes medication helps, sometimes physical therapy helps. If not, part of a bone can be removed surgically. I had this surgery, and it took many months to heal, but I'm glad I did it. Impingement can be very painful so it's too bad the character in the episode did not have sufficient treatment (except it helped prove he was not guilty). Liked the conversation between Sherlock and Fiona. Wishing that if JLM can't speak louder, they would adjust the volume somehow when he speaks. I have to turn it way up when he speaks and way down when anyone else speaks.
  6. Good for Alicia deciding being married to Peter is not worth it, but I agree it should have happened years ago. I would prefer her to be single for a while rather than having to have another man, but "can't be single" is one of many reasons I have never liked her. What are the odds she will keep the Florrick name, at least for professional reasons? Can Peter insist that she change it, as part of the divorce settlement?
  7. I hope they checked the guy's relationship with his parents before calling them in as the big guns. If he despised his parents and was not getting money from them for college, the skype tactic could have been embarrassing for the SoS.
  8. Annoyed that Abby complained about her work load. She has been offered, and, given, assistants. Surely she would be allowed to choose and train an assistant. But she would rather complain. Many aspects of the Abby situation are unrealistic. If she works only for Team Gibbs, there are other techs whoo could help each other when things get busy. If she works for more than one team, there should be other agents there asking her for analyses. Not getting into her age.
  9. What biting insects and other pests do they have around NOLA? What diseases are spread by local mosquitos etc.? I have not visited the Deep South but have been far enough south to encounter chiggers, sweat bees, and leeches. I didn't like those but I enjoyed watching mud dauber wasps, which are hard working and not hostile to humans who don't bother them.
  10. Did they ever say HOW Castle's memory was erased? AFAIK it is not possible to be so selective. Not that this would be the biggest problem.
  11. If you were writing the last episode of The Good Wife, how would you end the finale? Possibilities: -- Peter admits doing something bad; Alicia stands by him (or dumps him). -- Alicia admits doing something bad; Peter stands by her (or dumps her). -- Alicia gets disbarred and ends up working a menial job. -- Alicia and Smirky run away together. -- Zack shows up with a gun and kills his whole family. Better ideas?
  12. One problem with the Chipotle product placement was the timing, because of all the recent news reports. If someone suggested Chipotle right now, someone else might say, "Eww, food poisoning," which is not the image they want. Having the placement in that episode implied that the characters watch only parts of the news.
  13. Yes, if Howard had asked if it was his, he would have found out what a cage match with a wolverine is really like. Bernadette's possibly accidental pregnancy does not bother me compared to some medical dramas (looking at you, ER) in which many women doctors became pregnant, usually at particularly inconvenient times. It started to look as if the writers kept running out of ideas so they threw in the same old story line again. If the baby is a girl, and they name her Deborah after Howard's mother, I hope they can restrain the fat jokes.
  14. Some stations are preempting Jeopardy for the duration of the basketball. If you discuss an answer, including the clue would be appreciated. The archive may have them but it is not quick. Thanks!
  15. Hnygrl, I wish we could believe those things won't happen, but alas, this show does come from the same sewage pipe as 2.5 Men, so we can just be pleasantly surprised at the good parts. I have never quite been able to "put my weight down" on this show. As the writers use up all the "good" story lines they can think of, anything can happen. I just hope that the last couple of seasons don't have episodes so disgusting that we find it difficult to watch earlier ones.
  16. Did anyone else think Potential House Buyer's husband would turn out to be Yoga Instructor?
  17. Choosing a quibble topic at random … I'll take blood: (1) The hospital should know (or be able to find out) which donors have blood that the girl could use. How about finding the donors, seeing that they are healthy, and asking them for more blood? Too soon for typical donation rules but might work in an emergency. (2) They said the girl's surgery would need 2 or 3 units of blood. This source http://www.utahblood.org/blood-facts/donated-blood-uses.htmlsays a heart transplant takes 2-6 units of red blood cells, which would probably mean more than that many units of whole blood. The girl was smaller than an adult but not that much smaller.
  18. The ending sure smelled like a series finale. We can hope.
  19. IIRC, some of us discussed this on TWoP. On "Monk" Adrian Monk wore his shirts the same way. Maybe it is TV-speak for OCD or "trying to stay in control."
  20. How did I miss Clyde? When did you see him? The Conan Doyle story "Hound of the Baskervilles" has a character named Stapleton.
  21. Yes. I don't see why they think they have to pair everyone up. I was glad to see some techie stuff. Raj could have been involved in that instead. Also I looked up antique sextants (I can't be the only one) and found several for a lot less than $500.
  22. I don't hate Daisy. I don't agree with everything she has done, and she would not be my first choice as a friend, but I can empathize with her. IIRC, Daisy's family gave her little education or affection, and probably did not supply good nutrition or medical care. Since age 11 she has been working in a hierarchical system. She began at the very bottom, likely carrying loads at the limit of her strength, and may still be in pain from old injuries. Probably some of the other servants took out their own hostilities on her. Some people may come through such experiences optimistic and friendly, but some do not. I can understand Daisy's suspiciousness and lack of social graces. Hoping that she will feel more secure as time goes on.
  23. Speaking of Walt Whitman (well, they were), can anyone recommend a biography with good coverage of his Civil War service?
  24. Speaking of money, do contestants get the amount of their final "score" or is there a set amount? Do they pay their own transportation to the Jeopardy! studio? What does Johnny Gilbert do besides pierce my eardrums with "*THIS* is Jeopardy!" I mute the TV until the big blue letters go away, otherwise it it too painful.
  25. Juliana Margulies is one of the people whose ancestry is explored on this week's "Finding Your Roots." http://www.pbs.org/show/finding-your-roots/
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