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Everything posted by Driad

  1. Song identification: isn't there an app for that? Shamy: "Oh no, not again!" as the bowl of petunias thought in HHGTTG.
  2. Maybe my public library is more enlightened than some, but it has all of TWW on DVD. Yours might too.
  3. The name of the hospital always sounds a little odd to me. There is an Angell Memorial Hospital in Boston. It's a veterinary medical center.
  4. Off topic but … at the time of Katrina the media showed interviews with people affected. This year for the tenth anniversary they showed updates on a few of the people but I wonder about the others. Especially, there was a very articulate young boy in a blue shirt who was worried about his diabetic grandmother. Is there a site or other source of information?
  5. Not plutonium. Polonium. Like the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Alexander_Litvinenko
  6. F**tb*ll ran late (surprise!). In the East, this ep would have started at 11:01. My CBS station went right into news after The Good Wife, with no explanation. Apparently Whoever is saving this ep for later.
  7. For those of us who know nothing about The Lion King, what was the song about? Was it appropriate for the situation?
  8. With the arm acting on its own, I expected a "Dr. Strangelove" reference. Did I miss one? Maybe they could have worked in "You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company."
  9. And here is the "soft on turkeys" video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luTzmLiVC4I
  10. 371012 -- my schedule says Castle will be on channel 5.2, the MeTV affiliate.
  11. What is Clyde's new diet? Guessing that was what Sherlock was mixing at the beginning of the episode, but in that scene I had trouble understanding what JLM was saying.
  12. George Takei also said (likely in a different interview) that he knew that he and his family were in jail, and as a young child he figured that it must be his fault. There were probably children in wartime Britain who thought they had somehow caused the bombings.
  13. Do you use a darning needle when you knit? I don't. Did I misunderstand the dragonfly question?
  14. Lee Lofland's review: http://www.leelofland.com/wordpress/castle-the-last-seduction-a-good-copbad-cop-review/
  15. Joan has been corresponding with Papa Holmes for years, since she became Sherlock's sober companion. She may well have had strong opinions about Papa before she met him. What happened to Mycroft? He was sick, but is he still around somewhere?
  16. Bob is working for a newspaper or something, rather than the army, right? Is it his decision whether to send Pat any money to live on? She could probably get more work at the telephone exchange though.
  17. Fanfiction.net does not seem to have any Home Fires stories. Anyone who wants to get into more detail about what happens to Bob, or anything else, let's get writing!
  18. Maybe next week. Surely it's on their list.
  19. Way back when ER was on, there was a reviewer who was so squicked out by eye problems that she would write "toe" instead of "eye." If she is watching Code Black, I hope she had some warning about this episode.
  20. The "Wrath of the Whatever" scene is one of my (many) favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1tyiWP9MSk
  21. Lee Lofland's review: http://www.leelofland.com/wordpress/castle-cool-boys-a-good-copbad-cop-review/
  22. When you design a P.I. office, you plan the lighting so when someone comes in, his face is in the dark and you can't see who he is until he is close enough to jump you. Right? If they lighted the rest of the show decently, I might forgive this "dramatic" lapse. For this show it was just idiotic. Can someone explain the use of the "Cool Boy" song? I remember the song but not the choreography. How did Slaughter know what Castle wanted to do, and when?
  23. In the East this started at 10:36 PM. Please, someone write a program to adjust CSI:C episodes for f**tb*ll. Just remove 3 out of every 5 minutes of the episode. Then it would end on time and make just as much sense as it did.
  24. For those of us who do not know English geography, where is this town? How does its position relate to London and the Channel?
  25. Bernadette already has a child: Howard. I agree with Bernadette that she has no obligation to add another child to the family. If Howard takes the responsibilities of an adult in their partnership, maybe Bernadette will be willing to discuss it. Bernadette's parents cannot control what B & H do. Anyway they have other children who may supply grandchildren.
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