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Everything posted by Driad

  1. Yes, one of my pet peeves is not putting in a line that would close up a plot hole like that. Even if someone suggested it and someone else explained why it wouldn't work, that would be better than ignoring the possibility. IMO.
  2. On the question about Wolf Hall, I think Alex should have asked for Cromwell's first name, because Oliver is better known than Thomas.
  3. If the characters want to get in shape, they could go to Nerdstrong Gym: http://www.nerdstronggym.com This gym was mentioned on "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me."
  4. Maybe unless Palmer specialized in surgery. Ducky comes from where surgeons are addressed as "Mr."
  5. The 2016 Olympics will be in Rio de Janeiro. The NPR news quiz show "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" mentioned the controversy over sewage-polluted water that could affect athletes in rowing events etc. One of the panelists sang "Tall and tan and young and lovely, the girl from E. Coli comes walking..."
  6. Did they use the masks because the kids couldn't act well enough to do appropriate facial expressions?
  7. Clyde got a photo from his relatives in Hungary. http://onebigphoto.com/140-year-old-turtle-mom-5-day-old-son/
  8. Did Castle and Spydaddy do a DNA test to prove paternity? If not, another possible father might show up. (I know Martha was sure, but she did not say she was not with any other men.)
  9. Hey PBS -- not all of us have recording gadgets. Would have been nice to have a few minutes between episodes 7 and 8 for a pit stop.
  10. I used to live in a house with a large walnut tree. When the nuts were ripe, the squirrels became very possessive. If I stood under the tree, a squirrel would drop a nut on my head. If I moved ten feet away but still under the tree, another nut on my head. It was quite obvious that the squirrels did this deliberately. In tropical areas with trees that have dangerously heavy nuts or fruits, are there squirrels or other animals that use them as weapons?
  11. We liked seeing Ginnifer taking notes at the beginning. Too bad she didn't make a time line as she went along: in years for which you have info, where were these people and what were they doing? Time lines can be very useful for research like hers.
  12. At least we can now be sure that Gillian knows the word "No." :-) Long ago I set my 1999 TV to have the captions come on when I mute the set. (Very handy if the phone rings.) The original remote died years ago and the universal remote is not universal enough to let me change the captions. Anyway I can't have the captions and the sound on at the same time, and captions are often garbled so they are worse. I don't have cable. Oh well.
  13. Two news stories relevant to M*A*S*H episodes: Korean War babies still searching for G.I. fathers http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/07/24/me--korea-helps-war-orphans/30630161/ On a lighter note, recently I heard a news anchor introduce a story about "Composer Richard Wagner" [pronounced the way Klinger did] immediately followed by the correspondent saying "Composer Richard Wagner" [pronounced the way Winchester did].
  14. Why isn't this on? On-line schedule says today at 10 PM but the station is showing Criminal Minds instead.
  15. After seeing her alien grandchildren, Molly yelled something like "I'm with them!" Maybe I was too tired, but I wasn't sure which "them" she was with, the aliens or the humans. Was this clearer to others?
  16. Thank you, Milz. As I said, I couldn't see that scene very well, but since D was making a grand entrance I guessed she had a fancy dress. I'm still wondering about her hair though. Maybe, as in some other historical dramas, someone wanted her to look attractive by 2015 standards (messy hair is not my taste but it is some people's) even though it was not historically accurate.
  17. AIUI, at this time there were standards for a lady's appearance, including keeping her hair neatly under control. Surely Verity would have pointed this out and offered suggestions and help to Demelza. The Christmas Eve dinner scene in which D appeared in the fancy dress was too dark for me to see her hair, but in other scenes with "upper class" people her hair was flying in all directions as it had before. People of the time would likely have thought that she looked like a hoyden, not a lady.
  18. I first thought of Captain Peter "Wrong Way" Peachfuzz from the Bullwinkle show, but then got Corrigan just in time.
  19. Is anyone posting summaries of the episodes? I will miss some episodes because of travel, do not have a recording device, and will not have the incentive to chase down episodes on line. Brief summaries telling what (if anything) happened would be welcome.
  20. For FJ, I guessed "The Ten Commandments." It did win Best Picture (according to IMDB) and I thought it was set earlier than Ben-Hur. No?
  21. Another confused viewer -- What happened at the supermarket and why did Gillian lose her job? Maybe it was the accents but I had no idea what was going on.
  22. My J! pet peeves: Alex T. saying "We all know what that means" about something in a category title. What do you want, Alex, a pat on the head? Either explain it to the viewers who do not know what it means, or don't mention it. Contestants who always say their answer "What is X?" in a tone of voice that sounds as if they are guessing. Sure, sometimes people really do guess, but anyone who gets onto the show should not be guessing all the time, and they should not sound as if they are. IMO.
  23. I object to the clue in the islands category about a "sweet crop." The answer was cocoa, but cocoa/cacao as a crop is not sweet at all. Chocolate only becomes sweet when sugar is added. Picky, I know, but isn't that part of the game?
  24. How many episodes does this adaptation have? How many did the 1970s adaptation have?
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