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Everything posted by jah1986

  1. I didn't hate Suicide Squad, I'll even go so far as to say I enjoyed it.
  2. So sad, I always enjoyed her work as an actress. Didn't she also have a role in ER during its early seasons?
  3. Just saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 this weekend and forgot that you guys mentioned that Ben Browder was in it and let out a squeal of pure happiness as I recognized him immediately using his Peacekeeper voice. Glad he's still getting work.
  4. It's generally means it is so it would read Glasshouse Village Trust Celebrates It Is Second Birthday which is incorrect. I believe it should just Its Second Birthday.
  5. I finished the entire series in one weekend. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I admit I've never read the books so my only influence is the Megan Fellows' movies and the Avonlea series and the 1934 movie and sequel. I was struck by the sheer meannest of people towards an orphan, it was almost unbelievable. I really enjoyed Rachel Lynde and I never thought anyone would surpass my love of Jonathan Crombie as Gilbert but I really just loved this new Gilbert. There were so many new dimensions added to characters that we know so well. I was holding my breath hoping Matthew would make it until the end of the season. I was not expecting such an abrupt ending to the season and like others have mentioned I hope this plotline with the criminal boarders is wrapped up quickly in the next season. I think my biggest complaint, and it's not serious, is the theme song, it seemed so out of place. Overall, I really liked it and will be back for season 2.
  6. Is this thread only for discussing the 1985 version of AoGG? I don't see that anyone has mentioned the 1934 big screen adaptation starring Anne Shirley. I came across this one day on TCM and the actress that played Anne actually changed her name to Anne Shirley. It's not great but for some reason I have a soft spot for this movie. Like most others though, I love the 1985 Megan Fellows version and the sequel Anne of Avolea. I'm looking forward to seeing this new adaptation this weekend on Netflix.
  7. I had a similar flashback. Yes one of the mom's thought she was dying and decided to leave her twins on the side of the road because she didn't want to die near them and bring them bad luck. When she survived, she was devastated because she had lost her babies. At the end of the movie her youngest daughter is reunited with the twins. Love that movie.
  8. jah1986

    The Star Wars Saga

    That was just wonderful, she was just fantastic, still can't quite believe she's gone.
  9. Not sure what ChelseaNH's motivation was but I would say because the movie really was about kids and how they get the opportunity to see the world outside of their small village. I really enjoyed that movie and thought the child actors were really good.
  10. I just hope there's not secret love child from Mr. Barden and Helen, the long-term affair is bad enough. I also wonder if the 20% will go back to Mrs. Barden since Helen is dead or if it will go to her next of kin.
  11. I'm glad to have this show back but I think the main problem with the show is what everyone has mentioned in their posts, we don't really connect with characters. I remembered who everyone was eventually but at the end when the newly married guy got to the car and kept saying "keep Mrs. Barden away" I was saying who is Mrs. Barden? We don't know any of the characters names. I mean they tell us and use them in the show but we don't or can't remember them. Like the newly married couple and they just calling each other Mr. and Mrs. Whatever I still can't remember and I really like this show. I thought the woman in the car with Mr. Barden (yay, got one) was the woman his wife said to bring with him to the service if they were running late. Of course I could be wrong. Of course abusive husband is coming back just as his wife is finding some peace and happiness, ugh.
  12. I'm a fan of her work. I especially like What Alice Forgot, although I think I'm in the minority there, and The Husband's Secret which I think was one of her biggest sellers. Not all of her books are great but I don't think there are any real duds in the bunch.
  13. I found it interesting that we finally get to see Bonnie and Nathan at home and it appears that Bonnie is not so sweet or Zen when it comes to Maddie. Didn't she call her ex-Miss Thing or something like that? It wasn't a sweet moment at all. And her remark to Ed that everyone has baggage or problems or something. There's definitely more to Bonnie than she's showing the world.
  14. jah1986

    Room (2015)

    I finally saw this and was really impressed. I thought Jacob Tremblay was the real stand-out, such a good child actor. I got excited when Joan Allen showed up on screen because she's just such a good actress. I felt sorry for Joy's parents and their break-up, probably over her disappearance and then the dad not being able to look at Jack, so sad. Of course Brie Larson was just fantastic. Such a great performance. My heart was pounding in my chest when she was planning Jack's escape and then the execution of the escape I think I was watching through my fingers. Someone else mentioned that uniformed cop getting a promotion etc., I'll second that was some great police skills right there figuring that all out and being right. I was expecting Joy to be dead so I was relieved when they found her alive. It was a good movie but I don't think I want to see it again as it tends to stay with you after viewing, if that makes sense. But I would recommend it to others.
  15. Very sad, always an entertaining actor and talented. Such a shock.
  16. So I finally got around to seeing this over the weekend and I enjoyed it. I think Amy Adams is a really good actress, she always seems to just play her part, no ticks or "tells" she just plays the character and I love that about her. That being said I don't feel like she was robbed of a Best Actress nomination, she was good and the film as good but personally I don't see Oscar worthy, just my opinion. I also didn't feel the final act was a big "twist" as soon as I saw her teaching at the University I said to myself she looks younger than when her daughter died, is this a flashback? I did appreciate a sci-fi movie where the aliens weren't evil and was more about the human reaction. I thought it was good and would recommend it to others.
  17. I binged the first season this weekend and wow, it really holds up. I forgot how good the first season was, how different. And that theme song is just hauntingly beautiful. I can't believe how young Kyle MacLachlan was. I'm kind of nervous to start season two because I definitely remember thinking this show went off the rails at some point but what a great first season.
  18. I just saw this again not long ago and remember loving that scene as well, it did get a bit dusty in my apartment at that moment.
  19. Count me in as another that liked Vic Fontaine. I'm almost finished my re-watch, it's slow because season 7 just drags for me or more to the point I resented and I guess still resent so much Ezri. friendperidot the episode you mentioned when Nog got hurt was The Siege of AR-558, Vic wasn't there but Julian had a recording that helped keep Nog calm after losing his leg. While It's Only a Paper Moon is one of my favorite Vic episodes. I guess you suspend so much disbelief with sci-fi shows that a hologram that knew he was a hologram just didn't bother me as much as it did others.
  20. Wow, am I the only person here who totally got all the Color Purple refrences including why they brought up Oprah? They were singing God is Trying to Tell you Something in the car and that is from the movie, a big highlight. And the song Sister is also from the movie and is one of the better scenes where you see that someone on the planet recognizes and values Celie. But yes, anytime I see The Color Purple I get a little sad that Oprah didn't have more of an acting career. I thought those were some of the funnier scenes in this episode, which I enjoyed very much.
  21. I feel the same way. The actress playing Zoey is beautiful and I like the character but not enough to watch a whole show revolving around her. She is almost too much like Denise Huxtable. Honestly, A Different World didn't really take off until Lisa Bonet left the show, she was the weakest link on that show, I'd hate to see the same happen to Zoey. She works much better in an ensemble.
  22. jah1986

    The Star Wars Saga

    Yes, that's what I meant, not exactly a soft spot (obviously) but something there that kept him from just killing her.
  23. jah1986

    The Star Wars Saga

    That's how I remember it too. It's been a while since I've seen the original trilogy but I thought it was after Obi Wan started talking to Luke that Vader kind of senses "this pilot is a bit different". Also, although they had no meaningful contact in any films I always thought Vader had almost a soft spot for Leia (not the right words) but he never seemed to hurt her physically and if I remember correctly he was the one that postponed her execution. And I never saw his holding back during the destruction of Alderaan as menacing (maybe I need to watch these movies again).
  24. I love this movie! You're right it really does fit a lot in those 75 minutes especially with the prisoner/convict (?) turning out to be the better man. It's been way too long since I've seen this movie. Wasn't there an inferior re-make?
  25. I stayed to the end with Voyager and while it wasn't good I did resent it becoming the Seven of Nine show. I was a Kes fan so that might have had something to do with it. I also thought part of Voyager becoming the Seven of Nine show had to do with Jeri Ryan divorcing her husband and becoming involved with a producer of the show. Did I imagine that? I just hate all sci-fi that seems to think the fans won't stick around if there's not a hot girl to ogle.
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