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Everything posted by jah1986

  1. Not trying to pick a fight at all and I haven't seen the latest episode yet, but is Jacob's interaction with Jack shown? Because it could have been body language too that lead him to say "not at all". Kids rarely complain about things they don't like (except vegetables). If they love something or like it they say so. I remember when I was a kid my dad would ask me how I was feeling and I would say "fine" and he would say "fine fine or a little bit of fine" and if I said "a little bit of fine" my parents would know I was really sick. Not saying Jacob's not projecting, but it's possible he saw something that made him say not at all.
  2. Nice trailer. Something inside must be dead because I was not the least bit saddened by this trailer. I think I'm ready to see it end and see how it all ends. January will be here before you know it.
  3. Just caught this last night and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. So happy for Zach and Tori, they seemed genuinely happy. I agree that Zach looked great, not just in the suit even in the talking head interviews he looked better than he's ever looked to me. I did feel that Matt and Amy handled the wedding well but probably had regrets that they were going through a divorce while their children were getting married. As much grief as I give Matt I think he nailed his speech, it was so good. And I really enjoyed Jeremy being so supportive of Zach. I don't know what to make of Audrey, maybe she's just not used to not being the center of attention. It was nice to see Jacob interacting with the family, although he doesn't appear to be a happy person. I hope he finds what he needs to make him happy in life. On another shallow note, I think Amy's hair and makeup looked much better this time than at Jeremy's wedding.
  4. I agree this season is better than the last but it's telling that the most interesting characters aren't the maids. I felt no sympathy for Carmen, I'm sick of Rosie (maybe it's the voice) and Marisol is no longer a maid. I don't know where her story is going, is it with Jesse or with Olivia? BTW, love having VM back. My favorite part of this episode was the discovery that Deion is a Powell after all, loved it.
  5. I just don't understand why Ross seems to go out of his way to antagonize people. He couldn't show just a bit of kindness when George's cousin died. I mean why go on about how you wouldn't have saved him if you could have that just seemed so unnecessary especially after his going on to Demelza about the consequences of not thinking things through. Don't get me wrong I loved this series but sometimes I just want to shake Ross.
  6. Yeah, that totally took me out of the scene. I couldn't even concentrate on what he was saying I was so sure someone was going to turn him in or arrest him for having a porn magazine around an 8 year old and hugging him etc. I was just so worried that scene was going in a different direction.
  7. One thing that keeps going through my mind. Do you think Jeremy's (and by extension Matt's) head would explode if Zach and Tori (well just Tori) wound up pregnant first? Jeremy comes off as the designated 'leader' and I think there might be more than a little resentment if Zach were to become a parent first.
  8. Not trying to be sarcastic but what do you mean? Do you mean he was trying to make her change or make her be the one to leave first?
  9. Just caught this episode and thanks to all of you just caught up on the entire first 4 episodes this weekend. I really like this. I have never heard of the book or an earlier TV version so I'm enjoying it on its own merits. Time does seem to be moving weirdly. Capt. Blamely saying the years he's tried to forget Verity but Elizabeth's baby seems still very young, not quite two. I love Verity and I hope she finds some happiness. I don't hate Francis, I don't like him but there's potential there for him to be a decent human being if not a leader of men. I cannot figure out the Warleggans, are they just evil for evil's sake or is there some backstory? For the life of me I can't see what is so great about Elizabeth that Ross is still pining after her for all these years. I think he does love Demelza but he also seems to just love being able to say "my wife". Honestly, how many times does he say that in an episode?
  10. Wow that is fast! I guess it's not surprising because they did seem to spend a lot of time apart. And also, similar to what Padma said about not getting off to a good start. Still you don't wish divorce on anyone.
  11. I agree it's not surprising. It's too bad they couldn't make it work.
  12. I was thinking the same thuganomics85, I'm really happy for Braugher but I wish the show had gotten a nomination.
  13. Was just coming to see if anyone had posted. I'm very excited about this years batch of honorees. I agree about finding it hard to believe it took this long to honor Moreno and Tyson but so glad they are finally getting that recognition. I know George Lucas gets a lot of flak for the choices he made with Star Wars but I always felt he never got the respect he deserved IMO so I'm glad to see this happening for him. I wonder if they'll tap Spielberg to do his introduction. I hope I don't forget to catch this when it comes on.
  14. I'm not hating this season, just Rosie's voice and sometimes Carmen. The mystery is still a mystery but no one seems all that concerned with solving the mystery. And is the big mystery about Katie or about the murdered tennis pro, because no one seems to care about him too much. Also I wouldn't mind if the killer was a woman but it seems unlikely with the way Blanca was subdued. All the women we've seen so far seem too small to be her abductor/killer.
  15. She started annoying me way back in X-Men The Last Stand, she had some kind of weird hatred of Storm. She had something weird going on with her eyes then, what's up with her?
  16. Aww, I hope so. Tori makes Zach seem normal among his crazy family. I hope she's sincere. Someone in this family deserves some happiness.
  17. Jon Voight (what was his character's name?) in The Champ. Little Ricky Schroeder saying "wake up champ" just kills. It's not a death but what leads up to Maggie's death in Million Dollar Baby I cannot watch that fight and see her head hitting that stool ever again. Sonny in The Godfather broke my heart and I was not expecting it. I wasn't around when the movie first came out and wasn't allowed to see it on TV until I was an adult, still just didn't see that coming. The First Lady in Independence Day. I remember just being outraged that they killed the FLOTUS. I don't think I would have taken POTUS death so hard.
  18. I'm now starting to just fast forward through all of Rosie's scenes. I prefer Jesse to Ernesto so I'm hoping he's a good guy and not at all related to the horrible Katie SL. It's just horrible, just not interesting. Is part of it the child actor? I don't understand what we're supposed to be getting from her. She doesn't seem scared or traumatized just bratty and weird. I didn't used to be so annoyed with Zoila before but she needs Genevieve to make her interesting. As long as Valentina stays on the phone and doesn't show up in person I'm happy with her. I agree with others that Carmen needs Odessa (thanks Slider) back in her life or at least someone like her, that was the last time she was interesting. More Evelyn is always a good thing.
  19. I just saw this last night (I know) and I really enjoyed it. Of course ER got the flashier "oscar bait" role but I thought the subtle choices he made early on to show you the start of the disease were really nice and he did an overall great job especially with just his facial expressions. I was just floored by FJ though, I knew she was nominated for an Oscar but I had no idea how good she really was with such a different, quieter role. Of course I was racking my brain trying to figure out why Jonathan looked familiar and not until the credits did I realize it was Daredevil, nice to see a completely different character for him. Of course Harry Lloyd plays another sweet guy, I think he only ever played evil on GoT. Great cast all around and enjoyable.
  20. I first saw Sis. Monica Joan in Ever After. I've been a fan ever since.
  21. Thanks for sharing. I just saw Selma last week, I'll admit it took more than one sitting to get through it but I thought it was an excellent film. Unfortunately a lot of what happened all those years ago is still raw today and I continue to be horrified at the gross inhumanity we are people are capable of. One thing I really disagree with is the portrayal of LBJ as a villain , I didn't it that way at all. He was acting as politicians act but I just didn't see him as evil. All the actors did a wonderful job. I don't think I would watch it again but I'm glad I saw it.
  22. Saw this yesterday and was surprised my theater was packed. Like others have said I think this movie holds up really well except for some of the clothes (Larry) and the cars. We didn't have any commercials just the intro by BM. Really enjoyable, glad to finally see it on the big screen.
  23. So glad to see a thread for this. I was searching on the 6th and couldn't find anything. Just loved watching American Pharoah win the triple crown. I couldn't believe how much I was screaming and clapping and I had no money on the race.
  24. Well I loved it. Nothing too deep, just an entertaining summer movie. The kids weren't too annoying and I didn't hate Bryce Dallas Howard, she was not just some damsel in distress, I thought she was very human throughout. Absolutely loved the return of the Queen T-Rex, the audience I was with actually cheered when she showed up and the Raptors were great too. Were those some kind of hybrid pterodactyls? They almost looked like mini T-Rex's with wings.
  25. I just caught the first episode, not good enough to binge watch. Is this show like Under the Dome? I don't actively hate anyone yet but I've only seen the first ep. I don't understand when everyone around you is dying why you think if I'm next let me go joy riding in a pick up truck. And how old is that prison guard, she looks older than 22, but so did the two remaining prisoners. How does a show like this expect to make it past two or three episodes?
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