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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. Wow. This was a great episode. It has been a long time since I cried over a Greys episode but the scene of all the female staff lining the hall as the patient was wheeled to surgery destroyed me. Also have to add that the limited sound track was very effective
  2. My impression is that they are calling Extinction Tribe the jury, but in reality, they are still in the game. At some point the “jury” will compete to get back in. Returning player will know all the dirty secrets and will be able to re-enter as a full player.
  3. Andy. If you are so upset about your childhood home being sold, buy it yourself. You should be happy that your Dad is moving to a place where he does not have to deal with landscaping, taking garbage out felt good
  4. Does NYC not have snow plows? If a big storm was coming, shouldn’t the plows be out, constantly plotting the major roads? And no one at the hospital had an SUV that could have been used to get out to the injured people? Or maybe snow mobile or two?
  5. Ok that was fun. we had a fire, sewage back up, a “near miss” with a tree. The usual arguments over budget and then sell it right away and make a huge profit. I loved it. But just once I’d like a house flipping episode where things did not go well and they lost me new. I know TLC had a show once about first time flippers and they were not always successful. I always like that failures were shown because house flipping is not always easy.
  6. I have never liked Buddy and refuse to watch Cake Boss. I was very happy to see Duff beat him. Go Duff!
  7. I thought it was interesting to see things from Diana’s perspective. I thought the ending was a little flat, but overall not a bad book
  8. For someone who just had major abdominal surgery , (c-section) that Mom was moving/walking/ standing pretty darn good. Not to mention the fitted pants.
  9. I don’t get why people appply for these shows , be it Kitchen Nightmares, 24 hours of Hell, Bar Rescue etc if they are just going to ignore the help and revert back their original ways which weren’t working. Why ask for help the ignore it? and a little off top8c if you think Ramsey yells you should watch Bar Rescue! That guy makes Ramsey look calm!
  10. Frack you Greys, first you piss me of by having a Christmas episode in Feb. then you break my heart and make me cry. Then you piss me off again with having Meridith hook up with the entire wrong person. I can’t decide if this was the best episode of the season or the worst
  11. Boring Predicatable. Of course St Meredith was there when Thatcher died. What kind of private nurse takes off because his patients daughter suddenly appears? At best he should of said he would step off to the sid but of still been close at hand if needed. And of course Cathertines surgery was successful! Yawn. Who stole not Greys and when will i get it back?
  12. I think Supergirl and Alex should have just pushed Haley into the same cell as the alien. Problem solved.
  13. Meh. I was underwhelmed with all the cakes. They all looked clunky and messy. the winning cake was cool though
  14. I really enjoyed this episode too, I would like to see more of Charlotte. I missed Jack but I got a kick out of the references “Where’s your 4th member?” “ he wasn’t pulling his weight”
  15. I am a little worried. My Tylenol bottle is almost empty. What happens if I take the last two, throw out the bottle but then am in some type of accident? The people investigating my accident will find the empty bottle and say “ see, here is proof that she was trying to kill herself!” because on TV a empty bottle equals suicide. Not just running out.
  16. I enjoyed this episode. It was fun. i like Stuart and Denise, they make a cute couple, Raj and Anu just need to slow things down but I do like them as a couple. amy was hilarious!
  17. Found you!! Gave you a like and quoted you too. Just to see what happens
  18. Beatrice’s was the most intricate but it didn’t say Christmas to me. I thought the green tree looked muddy and dull. i really liked Stephanie’s. Beatrice was just annoying with all her commentary and remarks about she is so much better than the other two. She may do lovely work, but I don’t like her.
  19. I need a pink knapsack with a bubble for my cat! What fun we could have!
  20. I thought the Blue Haired lady’s Madrid Gras display was a hot mess. I liked the dancing penguins but as Kerry poinyrf out, the outside has a lot of problems. The winning piece was just beautiful. i am looking forward to the final. Except I won’t know who to cheer for!
  21. My biggest tear jerker is from Rilla when Jem comes home and Little Dob Monday greets him.
  22. Well crap. That was depressing. And I was really pulling for Purple Hair Lady
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