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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. The scene at the Residential school was heartbreaking. I hope Ka’kwet makes it out.
  2. Where are that little girl’s parents? She should not be told she has a brain tumour without her parents there!
  3. That was bad. That was so so bad. Sorry, I can’t even. As a medical professional all I can say is: that was so so bad.
  4. Everyone drinks coffee. No one says “make mine a tea”
  5. The defendant in the dog case was a piece of work. Too bad Judge Marilyn couldn’t have add punitive damages. The plaintiff in the landlord case was certainly giving the judge some death stares!
  6. This show needs better medical advisors. 1. Heparin does not come in pill form. Carol’s daughter is identifying the pills and points to one and say Heparin. Heparin is an injection, not a pill. 2. While it is possible that the patient got multiple meds from multiple docs, most people just deal with just one pharmacy so I am sure a pharmacist would have picked up on drug interactions, 3. Abdominal CT scans require patient to be fasting for a certain number of hours. You can’t just order a scan and take the patient to it right away.
  7. If you are going to reveal results of other shows please spoiler them. Halloween Cake Off has not aired in Canada yet and I was really looking forward to it. 😢
  8. Undecided. Will have to see another episode or two before I make up my mind.
  9. Can’t stand Boston Rob. Every time I see him I want to slap that smug smile off his face. I am very glad that both Vince and Elaine survived. But that guy that also voted Vince better do some scrambling because he is obviously not in with the popular crowd!
  10. I knew Georgia was dead when a) he said it’s always my turn, b) he took the baby to work and c) no one asked about her. and no Max you can’t come to Canada and take all our insulin. Our diabetics need it.
  11. $4000 for pain and suffering because she had to wait for her glasses? Unbelievable!
  12. The mid-matched bathroom tiles would drive me nuts. And that colour was ugly!! The product placement on this episode was crazy. Are they so hard up for money that they have to advertise products and services to afford them?
  13. New episode this am. Keith’s fall off the ladder was so fake it was funny. And Jason’s “hammer through the window” was such a product placement ad it too was funny! i thought Ashley was dressed pretty casually for her open house but then again, she looks like she is about to pop so maybe her wardrobe is limited. Love the master bedroom with the loft!
  14. I enjoyed most of the finale. The candy cane task was a little lame, but the rest was good. My heart broke for the sisters losing the clue. The sprinkler task was hard. Very worthly of a final task. I was cheering for all 3 teams, but was still very happy with the outcome. Disappointed that we didn’t get an After The Race Episode like previous years.
  15. Got new episode today, full of shenanigans!! OMG! There’s a drone over head. That is terrible. Rather then just giving it a friendly wave and ignoring it, they escalate it into a huge thing. Keith falls into the pool, then they shoot it with paint guns, causing damage to the house and they finally get it in the end.
  16. Yay!! Best episode ever!! Right now I am happy with anyone winning. I like all 3 teams equally but am sure a favourite will appear when the race resumes next week. Still good bye Dave and Irina!
  17. How can you not know the lyrics to Farewell to Nova Scotia??
  18. Oh, I just want to reach into the TV and give Sarah a big hug and tell her “ It’s OK. You can do this!”
  19. I would love to see one where they lost money. there was a house flipping show on TLC years ago and there were more failures than successes. House flipping is not the guaranteed thing that this show makes it out to be
  20. Irina and Dave continue to be a**holes. Really, there is no need to write that they are “ first again”. I love Gouda and now really want some. Still routing for anyone but Irina and Dave. And those falls were beautiful! Now I want to go to Thunder Bay just to see them.
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