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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. I have a friend of a friend who lives in Nunavik. Where it gets really, really cold. And they seem to survive without massive cases of frost bite. In fact, they do not lock their doors in winter because they do not want to take off their gloves/mittens to use keys. So suck it up buttercup, Seattle, you are a bunch of wimps.
  2. If you want me to believe that an entire city has been shut down because of snow, do not show me people outside with barely enough snow to cover the pavement. And if you expect me to believe that it is so cold that frost bite is happening, at least show me visible breath when people are standing outside talking in the freezing cold. and finally, really? The City of Seattle cannot cope with a little cold and snow.
  3. Well, crap! I really liked Parker. That sucks. and I don’t believe that Julia would cheat on Murdoch. Poor Crabtree! Shades of Misery!!
  4. Poor Naz. that is always my worry when going somewhere. That I will be dressed wrong.
  5. I really enjoyed this episode. I loved the women banding together to solve the murder. The original Women’s Murder Mystery Club!
  6. Really confused now. Where did the baby come from? It wasn’t Hollys. It wasn’t Kelly’s. So where did it come from. and what if Kelly gaining from this? If Jenny’s Dad had died was she somehow suddenly a beneficiary? and if she was putting Jenny’s meds in the smoothie, doe this mean that Jenny has been taking some type of placebo? so confused
  7. Daminit, I was so cheering for team Beth. Alice will never forgive Kate for this. Things are going to get ugly.
  8. Things are just getting weirder and weirder. Is Jenny sleep walking or creating invisible friends? And is Kelly trying to take over Jenny’s life? Single White Female?
  9. I think that Jenny needs to check into a psych facility and get some serious help. Getting a sleep study is good but she needs to discover the reason for the sleep walking. She also needs to be in a place where she is no longer a threat to herself or others.
  10. Only full time employees would get a drug plan. And benefits may not kick in until after the probationary period which is about 6 months if I remember correctly. I have been nursing for over 30 years and have never seen hazing done. But maybe I am just naive.
  11. Ok, just realized that this is a Canadian show which is why there are so many Canadians on it! D’oh!!
  12. Did anyone one else watch this? I like it. I love the variety of chefs, nice mix of different cooking approaches and representation of food types. i like the 3 challenges. Those home chefs are brave to go up before all those pros. Also nice to see so many of my fav Canadian chefs!
  13. Poor little kitty cat. As soon as he came on the scene I knew he’d be toast but I kept hoping he wouldn’t. 😢
  14. Anyone else watching Coroner on CBC. i am enjoying it although I do find Jenny’s health problems a little confusing at times.
  15. I’d like to see more of Naz’s Story. What drew her to nursing? I’d like to know what hospital has councillors for their staff available 24/7 for their staff to talk to after being hit by a patient!
  16. Did anyone watch the premier of Nurses on Global TV in Canada last night? While it wasn’t great I thought I was OK. I thought the way they dealt with Grace learning that the patient she was caring for and comforting was the perpetrator of the car attack was good.
  17. Thanks but unfortunately Food Network Canada is not showing them according to this schedule. I tried to look on the Food Network Canadian site but no luck.
  18. Are there going to be more episodes or was this a one time only thing?
  19. That one cake was a hot mess. I did like the winning cake.
  20. Yes, the texts were hard to read. This is becoming a nitpick of mine. Greys does the same thing.
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