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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. I think the strongest link in each round should have immunity
  2. First time seeing Lisa Vanderkamp and gotta say not a fan. Not sure if I will stick with this but will try.
  3. Well done Kenzie I am so tired of Liz
  4. Another Liz pity party. and a Ben pity party
  5. My fellow Canadians! CTV is not showing this until Friday. So we have to watch the American feed
  6. This is got to be the dumbest group ever. play your idol!
  7. They better not kill off Claire!
  8. this challenge is a lot harder than people think
  9. Finally. Someone who knows to keep their mouth shut about having an idol.
  10. Yes I think the Canadian feed is just a little ahead. Same with Amazing Race. Sorry. Sometimes I forget that.
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