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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. I got a kick how the warning were things like violence, suicide and smoking. Smoking!! 😂
  2. Loved it. It’s nice to be back to the lighter toned episode. love George’s Aunt! What a hoot she was! I think Julia will open a private practise/surgery just for women.
  3. The guy just had his leg amputated. You really think he is going to be able to go out and plant a garden? He has months of healing ahead of him. Not to mention obtaining and learning to use a prosthetic limb. Assuming he can afford one. Considering he can't manage his diabetes he has a long road a head of him.
  4. I don’t know if he gave consent for surgery though. He was wheeled away screamingly for help. He didn’t even want to go to the hospital in the first place.
  5. I am pretty sure that the patient has to agree to have his leg amputated. If he does not give consent you can’t just wheel him into the OR and amputate. People have the right to refuse treatment. If he didn’t want amputation they would have to try antibiotics and wound dressings. They can just wheel him into the OR and amputate. just like a Jehovah Witness person can refuse a blood transfusion even if it means death. good or bad, people still have control over their bodies.
  6. Sure, when Tiffany can’t do the balance beam she is a loser. Heather can’t catch a ball and Jeff admires her for trying.
  7. Loved Murdoch with the baby. Some truly funny moments there. The ladies on the train were good too. Good team work.
  8. Yeah, that was one big baby. ESP considering the mother was in prison and receiving less than optimal health care.
  9. It was someone from one of the Real Wives of whatever.
  10. I would have liked to see more emphasis on the special artifact that had to be incorporated into the design. It seems to me that was ignored i some of the cakes. Don’t like Zach. I have no idea who he is other than annoying, Really miss the pumpkins!
  11. Season 15, Episode 3. Sorry don’t know the name. This was a great episode! Enjoyed it so much Norse than the past few episodes Loved the volleyball scenes!
  12. I did not know about the "break the fourth wall" theme. Thanks I don't think Canada is showing the videos. But I was flipping to the Blue Jays game during commercials so I might have missed them.
  13. At some point in the challenge, the camera showed a poster with a word puzzle. Did anyone else see this? it was like W - something & something. sorry I don’t know more, I was watching Survior and the Blue Jays using PIP. but I am sure it is some type of clue? anyways, yellow team is really stupid to keep the person that lost them them the challenge! +
  14. Sure, keep the person that lost yiu the challenge!
  15. I can’t believe they killed off Jackson! He was my favourite!
  16. Yes! I had to put the close caption on!
  17. Please, someone help Yolanda. She is just a child who killed someone. surely there is someone somewhere that can help her
  18. Way too many stories. I think I counted at least 8 Murdoch looking for Anna Brankenfield looking for his son George forced into marriage /Effie being held hostage The Chinese woman missing/murdered Dr Hart doing something to her husband. Julia curing a pt with a new procedure Julie/William/Anna triangle William is a father.
  19. How come the girls on the reward didn’t get a cute guy to deliver them drinks?
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