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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. First reward challenge and it’s grilled cheese? Xander knows there may be an advantage.
  2. Looks like they are cutting back on the drama. Of course, having Duke gone really makes a difference. I wonder when this was filmed. Not a mask in sight.
  3. New season! How exciting. What will be the disaster this week? Flood, fire, animal? Extra points if we see Rick the Reptile guy!
  4. Wow. Really like Evie so am glad she is safe. that was quite the Tribal!
  5. That second Plantiff was a piece of work. “ my kids have the right to be kids”. How much you wanna bet that those kids were stomping up and down the halls, jumping off of furniture and screaming.
  6. I love this show. I think it is the best cake competition around. The first Holiday episode was good. I liked all the cakes, esp the 11 Pipers Piping.
  7. What is this "Cookout" that people are referring to?
  8. “ I did rock, paper scissors to make my decision”
  9. Luvu look just a little too clean and healthy. No tribal!?
  10. We need a scene of Buddy running around the house on every episode. Esp one where Staff plays with him.
  11. I watched with both dubbing and subtitles. There were certainly times when the subtitles gave a much different version than the dubbing. More profanity for sure. Very much a Hunger Games situtation. Kill or be killed? Example in point, the husband/wife team.
  12. Tiffany is sitting out so her tribe has a chance to win.
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