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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. Just discovered that Rogers Cable has the CW. YEAH!! channell 166 for anyone in the GTA
  2. Well that really sucks. Stupid CTV. Thanks. does that mean they won’t be airing Legends either??
  3. Does anyone know if CTV will be airing the Flash in Canada??
  4. Thanks for posting that. I haven’t figured out how to,post videos on my iPad.
  5. There is a new Red Rose commercial that gets me every time . a man is having tea with his daughter. There is a knock at the door and she lets a girl in. The Dad makes a comment that he didn’t know she was having a friend over. She rep,it’s that this isn’t just a friend but is her girl friend. The Dad gets up and walks away. The 2 girls are devastated. Then he comes back, puts a cup of tea in front of her and says “ So tell me about yourself” getsme everytimd
  6. All the more reason he should have been more closely supervised. He has a track record of screwing up and being overly confident. So everything he did should have been double checked by his supervisor. That being said, he looked devastated and was not given the proper support post death. I suspect next week we may see him in a suicide attempt.
  7. Webber was an ass in this episode. Karev was thrown in over his head with no,prep, training or guidance. He should have spent several days withBailey, learning the ropes and getting up to speed with everything. Roy screwed up but he was right. He is just an Intern. Someone should be watching over him.
  8. Loved this episode. but my gosh, operating with bare hands, no masks, no antibiotics!! How did people survive??
  9. I felt like there were too many stories for 1 hour. the grifters, the bullied boy, Gilbert, haunted wood, Jerry learning to read. i want to see more Anne and Avonlea.
  10. Well, that was just devastating. to go out on an injury on what, day 2, 3?? i wish they had given an update on how Pat is.
  11. I see that the babies are invisible again. or at home with Stuart. i am not survwhuch one is more disturbing!
  12. Did not like this episode at all. Anne was annoying. No paper in the house? Please. And baking tons of bread, scones, etc that cannot be eaten before it goes bad is just ridiculous. Jerry is the best and smartest person on that farm
  13. Well poop. i am Ok with the winning team but really wanted the Mounties to win. really liked the last challenge. I liked that there were multiple items that would work. I also liked that getting to the final line involved a little bit of work, the zip line, the rafting and finding the location
  14. Well crap. Well done Martina and Phil. I was rooting for you the whole way. You certainly gave it your best. First time in a long time I got a little weepy at an elim.
  15. Well crap. I really liked the cheerleaders and am totally bummed to see them go. The food at the restaurant task sounded amazing!! I want to eat there.
  16. 1. I want to go to that museum. 2. The ballet task was interesting, but really hope that is the last of the dance challenges. 3. LOVED the magic roadblock!
  17. There is no way I could eat an entire pie. No matter what flavour. I loved the fairy doors and want to go on a walk to look for them. the knot tying was HARD! Don’t know if I could have done it.
  18. Great episode! I was cheering for everyone! The campsite challenge was well done, requiring a good attention to detail. The gold coin challenge was fun, and I loved how teams found the express pass. those Can Can dancers must of been tired by the end ! What good sports. and I was happy to see it was a non elimination leg.
  19. Well crap. My favourite team is out first. That just sucks. Imdo like almost all the teams. No one is sticking out as a team I hate, yet. The challenges were great. I think this will be an interesting season
  20. Very happy that Adam won. I found his cake robe just a little too fussy, but understand that he was showcasing his skills.
  21. As soon as Supergirl turned back time I knew that would be the set up for the next season.
  22. I was amazed at how good prime rib was when I had it medium rare as opposed to “cook it TIL it was dead”. My mother , God love her, cooked everything very well done. Dry, dry, dry. When I started having meat less well done it was en eye opened! I don’t like almost all of these contestants. Manny is annoying. So is Rebakah (I think that is the woman who was in the bottom three). Very glad to see Jason go. If he lasted another episode I might have thrown something threw my TV
  23. Thank you. I am actually. I am not surprised by this as Valerie and Tyler did sat they were having a hard time making a decision
  24. That has always been my take. She is trying to get her annoying, lazy ass adult daughter to move out
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