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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. Thank you. I was pulling for Amy but am OK with Adam
  2. Who won? My Dvr stopped recording before the winner was announced
  3. The person I bought my condo from was just about to lose it to the bank. I got my place below market value because of that. It was priced to sell quickly. My lucky dat.
  4. i keep having to turn on the Closed Captioning on
  5. This! I can’t watch this show because all I can think about is all the bacteria and crap that may be stuck under those nails.
  6. So Alex is hanging off a building by one hand but suddenly is able to launch herself up and over and land on the roof and take down her attacker?? Oh, come on. That whole story line was just stupid.
  7. Thanks. I didn’t see what she wrote because the cat was playing “look at me Mom, not the TV. “
  8. I zoned out. Did Jeff go back to that little girl to see who she voted for?
  9. This is supposed to be a Reunion Show. not promote some stupid new show. Ugh.
  10. Yay! That was so much closer than I expected. I don’t like how Jeff just casually handed Wendell the cheque. It was like, oh ya, you won. Here’s your money. Now where is Dom?
  11. Well. I got a little weepy at the end with the 3 weddings all going on at once.
  12. Well. I don’t care who you are and what your reasons are. If you fill out a loan application in someone else’s name that is fraud. And Dad should have been prosecuted.
  13. I was expecting some kind of throw back to the first episode where June says “i am free” to something about Offred.
  14. My take on why Nick is still safe. Nick has been proven to have “live Sperm”. He made a baby with a Handmaid. I bet while we are led to believe that this is a deep dark secret that in reality, Nick is now being pimped out to other Handmaids. Poor Nick
  15. Perfect. I loved it. I adore grown up Missy and Georgie. Amy’s Mother is a hoot and I love her Dad.
  16. Just want to say I like the added ratings of thumbs down. I hope there will be thumbs up for good cases?
  17. Like Amunet. Hated the Council of Harrys, or whatever that was. What a waste if time
  18. I have often questioned where whould I fall in a Gilead regime. I may have a viable uterus but I have also a progressive neurological disease that I have 50 percent chance of passing on and cannot be detected in utero. So I always thought I would be a Martha. Maybe not. Maybe being an Eco is worse
  19. Interesting. Prosfessional/Prehandmadian Emily wears glasses But Handmadin/colony Emily manages fine without glasses.m
  20. Can someone recap the final scene for me? My PVR cut out just as Hale was talking to the aliens. She said “shield” and that is where my recording stopped. thanks
  21. So when do the other 16 people testing for Captain get to go? Or were there numerous tests going on at the same time?
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