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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. Janine appears to have grown a new eye in this episode!
  2. I believe the theory was that the child would "vomit" up the mucous that was preventing them from breathing.
  3. I don't want Mattthew to die! I am in love with him ! interesting twist with Aunt Josephine. Loved the additional background with Marilla and John Blythe. what will happen to Gilbert? His story has completely changed from the books. How medicine has changed over the years! Rubbing onions over the feet to treat fever. Syrup of Ipeac for croup.
  4. Loved it. like the addition of Anne also getting drunk., not just Diana. That is one beautiful dress that Mathew had made. The addition of a possible lost romance for Mathew plus the mysterious 3rd sibling is interesting. As is Gilbert and is dying (I assume of TB) father. All a huge diversion from the book. Looking forward to next week where Anne saves the day!
  5. Sure Mer, demand to speak with the pilot as she tried to fly a freaking plane through a freaking thunderstorm! And demand she land even after she tells you it's not safe!! i knew right from the start that the rude, mean to children man would have a medical emergency and require care. And finally bathroom sex? Ewwwww
  6. Wow. Just wow. Talk about a complete game changer with one question. I wasn't really paying attention. Then Varner asked the question and I was like What did he say?! Zeke handled it well though.
  7. Holy crap!! They really are introducing stories that are not from the books!! Are you there God? It's me Anne.
  8. I loved it. a complete stand alone from the books, yet everything was completely in character. The expanded character of Jerry is a fabulous idea. I am also enjoying the effort made to keep things historically accurate. The entire village coming out to fight the fire, the bucket brigade, the farming out of the family was all very well done. Just loving this Anne!
  9. Did anyone watch? What did you think? I think it's going to be good. the food looked so good! Was not surprised that Elizabeth went home. As soon as one judge said "I couldn't take a second bite" I knew she was toast.
  10. I am enjoying this show. I have always been a huge Anne fan, my books are all well worn. i like the portral of Gilbert. I also like the way they have increased Jerry 's presence. The bullying of Anne in thus episode was well done as was her reaction to it. You can tell her past experiences are effecting her reaction now.
  11. Is Debbie delusional?? Or just nuts? poor J.T. What a blindside,
  12. Wouldn't NASA be questioning why they sent a shuttle up with 3 astronauts but only 2 returned? Wouldn't the 2 returning astronauts be wondering what happened to that third guy? Loved the opening commentary!
  13. That was a truly depressing episode. All that bickering! I wanted to reach into the TV and smack them all!
  14. I saw a nice short memorium at the start of the show for Judge Wapner.
  15. I knew the minute the pregnant chick put her legs up on the dash that there would be an accident and she would get hurt Alex hiding in the bed was expected though. But a very Lame move. Dude! Communicate with your friends
  16. Howard has lived most of his life in that room and is just finding out now that the floor squeaks? Doesn't make sense to me.
  17. That was a stupid episode. its so cold that everyone is in heavy winter clothing, but there's water in the pool If leaves are falling into the pool, trim the branches that are over your property. Giving someone a shot without their permission is abuse, even if that person is your husband.
  18. I think the first time they didn't know 100% where the car was. Remember, Beth had to shine the flashlight to help Walter find the car. The second item, they knew where the car was.
  19. Poor Andrew. that must have been a terrifying ride with Krystal. She is really scary driver. Its only a matter of time until she kills either herself or someone else.
  20. Why did they not address the fact that Krystal was driving in bare feet?? That can't be safe. other seasons they have addressed women driving in very high heels. I still don't think Krstal will make it to the end. She is going to quit.
  21. I don't think Krystal will make it to the end. I think she is going to quit. she has no interest in improving and does not think she is doing anything wrong.
  22. I think Krstal will,quit. She doesn't think she is doing anything wrong. She's so wrapped up in that damn phone that she can't see what a danger she is. She's that type that will take out a bus full of children and then be shocked that it's her fault,
  23. That was the Carla show. I skipped most of her parts because I find her so obnoxious. But I knew she would win. Carla felt like a plant, put there for ratings and no other reason. Samantha was the true winner in my opinion.
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