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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. I really enjoyed this episode. It was fun. It made me laugh. and the ending has me on the edge of my seat!
  2. Loved it. Jo was amazing, standing up to her ex. And trying to help the current girlfriend. I think the current girlfriend did the hit and run
  3. Too many over the top,personalities. Not sure how long I will last.
  4. Not sorry to see the Ring Girls go. I also don’t like the competitive eating guys, but mainly because eating competitions gross me out, Like the skiers that won, I hope they go far. overall, a good episode.
  5. Thank you. I don’t watch Arrow so,had no idea who this guy was. guess I have to do a little internet investigation
  6. I think her head covering ( sorry can't think of the correct term) should have been double sided. One side black, the other side another cover, say red. She could have flipped it over and delayed detection as they would have been lookingformthe woman in black.
  7. Apparently this household does not have any food that does not have to be cooked. No peanut butter, no bread, no cheese, fruit etc. So when the power goes out, they just starve.
  8. I think the Grandma of one of the nervous girls is going to be my favourite. She's the one that when the girl was panicking about dieing said "There's a cemetery over there"
  9. Interesting mix of characters. 2 have fears related to personal injuries that will need a lot of support. The lady with the 4 children also faces some special challenges.
  10. Yippee! Can't wait. And TV Gods? Enough on Monday. I now have 4 shows at 10:00 Monday I want to watch. Thank goodness for time shifting!
  11. Did I hear correctly that Jackson inherited 1/4 of a million? That's not really that much. $250,000 won't even buy a small condo where I live. It's a nice chunk of money, don't get me wrong, but it's hardly a huge sum either. Really enjoyed this episode and the season. They have brought the fun back
  12. Christina is looking a little dowdy. What happened? I had to google her before I could remember her. I don't think it was right to send someone from the winning team home. A Red team person should have been sent home first and the Blue team member. (Ben??) and even then, I think he should have been given a chance to pull things together,
  13. That is a seriously depressing commercial and does not make me want ice cream. It makes me want to cry.
  14. That was an amazing episode! The challenges were great, and my favourite team won!
  15. I felt so sorry for Bert during that challenge. I would have been out after about one minute. But I am not sorry to seem them go. I am still cheering for Sam and Dave and the Giffers
  16. Nope nope nope nope!! I would not do that Roadblock even for a million dollars!! I am freaking out just watching. This is worse than the snakes last season.
  17. My favourite times are in the top three so I am good. That was a brutal leg though. I loved the Marching Band part!
  18. I love the hosers! They just seem to be having so much fun with everything. They are actually my favourite team and I was quite worried when they were U Turned. But they handled it well, and everyone has to admit, they rocked the Citizenship Test!
  19. I wish they would post the Citizen Test. I want to see just how hard it was! enjoyed the episode and was glad it was an non-elimination.
  20. I've watched this episode at least 3 times maybe 4. To me, it has 3 very powerful scenes where very few words ar exchanged. first is the scene in the back of the van between Emily and her Martha lover. Such compassion, so much love between those two. then the scene about the protests. Again, no words are spoken, but you understand what the protest is about, and clearly understand the publics reactuion to the government Finalllly, the last scene when a Emily realizes just what was done to her. Wow.
  21. Sorry to see Connie go, but her heart really wasn't in it. Potato chips for a challenge? Really Connie, you disappointed me.
  22. Nicole is starting to bug me. A little too full of herself. I am ready for her to go. some of that food looked amazing!
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