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Pepper the Cat

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Everything posted by Pepper the Cat

  1. And where do they go to the bathroom? And why don't they have a bed to sleep on? I know they are bad people but come on! They need so e basic things. A bed, a toilet, something to pass the time like a TV or computer.
  2. I was waiting for Ward to push his bro down the well anyway!
  3. I don't understand how they could keep someone who made a dish that was a complete disaster over someone who just made a cookie that was a little bad.
  4. I noticed that Bernadette is now wearing a Star of David necklace instead of her Cross.
  5. I would have liked to see the "playground pick" for the teams for,ghe Reward Challenge. A lot is leaned by these choices, including who was picked before Missy. I am finding this season a little lack luster.
  6. I think the distracted driving challenge should be part of driving school. Stop this foolish habit before it starts!
  7. Wow! Not one but many smack downs in the first case today! MM was on fire! What a pair of creeps. I'm not sure which guy was worse.
  8. Oh yes! Amy should have worn the tiara! Loved this episode! Penny and Leonard were very cute together. And Amy and Sheldon were even better!
  9. Pain and suffering because I couldn't watch myTV! The suffering she must have gone through!
  10. Not only does he leave creepy messages, but he does this to multiple people! And does nor see that this is wrong"
  11. Was this pre-emptied? I was PVRing it on a Canadian channel as I watched Survivor. Then went to watch Hells Kitchen and had a episode of The Middle! YUCK! Schedule showed Hells Kitchen on both the Canadian channel and Fox.
  12. Looks like a good season with a lot of bad, scary drivers, and a lot of swearing. The best was " shit, shit, PERSON!" ( hope I can say that!)
  13. My two favourite teams are 1 and 2 so I am happy. Also happy that the scientists made it though! Over all, a good episode I think
  14. Thanks for filling in the gaps. It was confusing missing those few minutes.
  15. Any one watching live? How did they re-configure the tribes? We lost a few mins of show here in Canada for the Prime Ministers address.mwas it a random thing or did Jeff dictate who went where? Thanks!
  16. Awesome! The guy that threw the challenge gets voted out! Karma is a bitch Drew! Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya! I was chanting vote him out! And they did!
  17. I enjoyed it. But the ending seemed a little abrupt. Happy saving Paige was cool. Happy is quickly becoming my favourite character.
  18. Add me to the people annoyed about the treatment of the teenage girl. "You are cute so you must be sleeping around" She could be gay. She could be asexual. Maybe she doesn't want to risk teenage pregnancy. Ugh.
  19. Natalie didn't really pay much attention to John until she heard some vague, third hand info about things done years ago. She was just still sad that her Twinnie was gone and needed to lash out.
  20. I want to like this show. I really do. But how many scenes of Beth closing her curtains and turning on her security system will we be subjected to? And scenes if Jack in his empty apartment. Boo hoo. The premise was good, but you knew they would get the boy out alive, so the suspense was really not there,.
  21. John may be a strong player, but it's not like he was winning challenges for his team. Glad to see him gone
  22. So is Guess I have to do some Googling and bring myself up to speed! LOL
  23. Sorry then. Still don't know who he is!
  24. I don't read comics, so I have no idea who
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