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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. Me. I was just coming here to see if I was all alone. I'll ask the question in the Site Business forum unless you or someone else already has.
  2. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Speaking facts that were prepared for him by the PR folks and put up on the TV screen by the tech people in the truck. I think most of the broadcast crew is kinda shitty, but he's the best pbp guy we have. I'm so pissed off about this. Almost as pissed off as I was about Jon Miller (I adtually wrote a letter about that and mailed it to the team!). It's just so stupid and a totally unforced error. Sell the team already.
  3. I got the shingles vaccine as soon as I was eligible, about 5 years ago. Then, 2 years later, they released a new one. My doc made me wait another year or so to get it - which I did also as soon as I was eligible. I'm a huge fan of vaccines (although not of shots, but what can you do). I think I've had 11 (covid, flu, shingles and pneumonia) in the last 3 years. So far, they're working.
  4. Most of their catalogue is better than Stairway to Heaven.
  5. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Don't despair. It's still early...
  6. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Huh... maybe I should have gone tonight.
  7. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    The name of the minor league hockey team around here affiliated with the Caps for a while. Named after the boat. I honestly missed most of the conversation (because I tend to tune out Smoltz whenever possible) so I'm not sure how they got to the point where he said he didn't know what a skipjack was and why the team would be named that. That part of the convo caught my ear. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skipjack_(boat)
  8. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Definitely should have gone to bed early for this one... Did Smoltz actually not know what a skipjack is? Bless his heart.
  9. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Well, that was worth staying up for.
  10. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    And...I just got an alert that the game is about to start. So no doubleheaders.
  11. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    As long as it's not Sunday. Bad enough that they moved the game to Sunday night. I'd rather not have to deal with traffic leaving the first game. I'd actually rather not go at all, but the person I gave the tickets to at the start of the season can't do night games because of kids. Sigh.
  12. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    The power went out and came back about 4 times. My phone is charged in case the cable goes out. I think the rain is stopping, but I still hear thunder...somewhere. We'll see how this plays out.
  13. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    It might look this cool outside my house, but I'm afraid to open the door. You may have to wait a bit for the Judge return.
  14. She was so fabulous in the show. RIP
  15. ebk57


    Not that this answers your question, but Jen Psaki announced at the end of her show today that she's in this week for Chris Hayes. I looked at the website and the Twitter feed and I think the network doesn't really want you to know when the hosts won't be there so you'll tune in. I guess they don't want to think that anyone will tune in specifically to see a guest host.
  16. Yeah, I think what we had to do back in the day was show up and wait till the last possible second to make sure the seat would be empty, then they would let us in. Sometimes, we had to wait for the first late-seating break, but still... If you didn't get in, you could scout around the 'hood for a nice outdoor restaurant... 😉
  17. I don't suppose if you just show up they'd let you in? That's what we used to do back in the stone age. I don't understand this policy. If there are empty seats, they should want to fill them. How stupid.
  18. I share your love of Nancy Pelosi, but she is not unemployed. She stepped down from leadership, but she's still in Congress. Someone has to do the job. I believe everyone should be talking about the Os right now! It's the story of the century!!
  19. Tentative agreement reached, so it looks like we'll be okay. As long as it passes with the membership. Here's hoping!
  20. ebk57

    NFL Thread

    The local all-news radio station (WTOP) played in the story with Three Dog Night's "Joy To The World". Heh
  21. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    First place!!!!!!!! (I gotta enjoy this for the one day it lasts...)
  22. My introduction to Andre Watts. Love this. The picture is nice, too.
  23. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I just couldn't pick the correct reaction emoji for this post since there were a few that I could have used... 😄 Therefore, since I like you despite your incredibly flawed judgement in what teams to love, I'll just suggest that you push through and enjoy what you can. It will get better at some point. Meanwhile, there must be something good to latch onto. Or, you can sign up for @janeyjay's TED Talk. I'm sure it's quite inspiring.
  24. I find Flo, Jamie and the gang annoying enough on a regular basis, but that Barbie movie tie-in with Jamie ranting about insuring the Dream House... I just want to slap him. Hard.
  25. It does, indeed, happen on my phone (a Galaxy using Chrome). No confirmation needed. I do have the confirm popup box on my laptop (also using Chrome). I just never posted about it because I thought it was normal.
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