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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. Yeah, I think what we had to do back in the day was show up and wait till the last possible second to make sure the seat would be empty, then they would let us in. Sometimes, we had to wait for the first late-seating break, but still... If you didn't get in, you could scout around the 'hood for a nice outdoor restaurant... 😉
  2. I don't suppose if you just show up they'd let you in? That's what we used to do back in the stone age. I don't understand this policy. If there are empty seats, they should want to fill them. How stupid.
  3. I share your love of Nancy Pelosi, but she is not unemployed. She stepped down from leadership, but she's still in Congress. Someone has to do the job. I believe everyone should be talking about the Os right now! It's the story of the century!!
  4. Tentative agreement reached, so it looks like we'll be okay. As long as it passes with the membership. Here's hoping!
  5. ebk57

    NFL Thread

    The local all-news radio station (WTOP) played in the story with Three Dog Night's "Joy To The World". Heh
  6. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    First place!!!!!!!! (I gotta enjoy this for the one day it lasts...)
  7. My introduction to Andre Watts. Love this. The picture is nice, too.
  8. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I just couldn't pick the correct reaction emoji for this post since there were a few that I could have used... 😄 Therefore, since I like you despite your incredibly flawed judgement in what teams to love, I'll just suggest that you push through and enjoy what you can. It will get better at some point. Meanwhile, there must be something good to latch onto. Or, you can sign up for @janeyjay's TED Talk. I'm sure it's quite inspiring.
  9. I find Flo, Jamie and the gang annoying enough on a regular basis, but that Barbie movie tie-in with Jamie ranting about insuring the Dream House... I just want to slap him. Hard.
  10. It does, indeed, happen on my phone (a Galaxy using Chrome). No confirmation needed. I do have the confirm popup box on my laptop (also using Chrome). I just never posted about it because I thought it was normal.
  11. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I can get behind all of these reasons that ratings are down. It makes me sad. Also, I feel I need to say that I'm not in favor of miking up the players in real games at all. If they'd stopped talking to the players last night and concentrated on calling the game, it would have been vastly better. I'm not really in favor of mic'd up players in meaningless games like this, but the booth was so bad, and the players were at least entertaining, so...there you go.
  12. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    If they just mic up all the players, they can dispense with the booth. That would vastly improve the viewing experience.
  13. I understand, and appreciate the need for ads so we can all enjoy this place for free. This is why I don't use an ad blocker. However, today the ads have taken a great leap to out of control, rendering the site almost unreadable. The page jumps around for several seconds while the ads load. There are ginormous ads between forum sub-topics and between posts in those sub-topics. There's a small YouTube-like square in the bottom left corner of the screen playing an ad (which has caused the up arrow circle to move up - which is good I guess, since I can still get to it). There's an ad taking up part of the entire right side of the screen (that one only happened once). There's a gigantic video playing at the bottom of some screens. The rectangular ad that used to be in the center on the bottom of the screen now stretches across the whole screen. I was really happy for a while when the ads were mostly at the bottom of the page, but that was too good to last and it went back to "normal". What I wouldn't give for "normal" now. This is...bad. Not sure there's a fix, but thanks for at least reading this.
  14. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I hate both unis, but the NL "wins" by a lot. Blech. And wow, what a fun start to this game!
  15. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    How bout them Os, hon!!
  16. HA!! Now, how many vegetarian or vegan foreign born has-beens are there? Not to mention what got her to change her mind. Could it be an Australian or Canadian? So, way back in the day when I worked in theatre, Sheena Easton came through in Man of La Mancha (with the incredible Raul Julia). She was stridently vegetarian/vegan to the point of sending her dresser out to our office to complain that the fried rice she'd gotten had "bits of flesh" in it and what were we going to do about it (nothing, since we didn't order it...). However, I have frantically googled "Sheena Easton cattle farm" and come up empty. Ah well...
  17. It's perfectly safe to mail checks as long as you take precautions. Don't put them in your mailbox, don't put them in blue boxes overnight. The best thing is to take them inside the post office and put them in the mail slots there. We definitely do not need mail going to the private sector. https://www.postofficereview.org/articles/usps-asserts-security-mailing-checks-amidst-contrasting-reports
  18. Lovely article on Lorraine Toussaint's new home in NY - with pictures! Someone in the comments mentioned there was an article on her NYC apartment a while back. I'm going to look for it. This is a gift article from the NYT so there shouldn't be a paywall. Does the Hudson Valley Beat Malibu? Ask Lorraine Toussaint.
  19. So the becoming one with my couch was going to be interrupted tomorrow.... but now I'm sick! So I get to be one with the couch all weekend!! Yay?
  20. I need a nap just reading that. Have fun...?
  21. I will become one with my couch! We were supposed to go see 1776 tonight, but we're both feeling under the weather, so we're going to go next Friday. Sunday is baseball, then a visit to the cemetery to visit my sister, then dinner at her favorite restaurant. Happy holiday/weekend everyone!
  22. I kept waiting for the list guy to correct him - maybe not outright, but perhaps work the actual title into a sentence somehow. Alas... I like only "having" to watch the last half hour of the show on my WFH days. It's usually centered on the arts somehow, which I love.
  23. Thanks for the rundown. I don't have any interest in NY, NY, especially after seeing the performance on the Tonys (and I saw the movie and it's not very good). I'm coming in the week after Parade closes, which is fine because I don't want to see it anyway. And no thanks on Lea or Funny Girl. I'm considering Kimberly, and Shucked, and Goodnight Oscar. I see there are finally discounts for Goodnight Oscar, but they only go through mid-July. Full-priced tickets are ridiculous for a play. Or maybe we'll just go out for nice dinners for 3 nights... 😄
  24. I have tickets for Some Like It Hot and Sweeney Todd for our August trip. We have room for 2 more shows. I'll decided between the 3 or 4 other things I have slight interest in. I just bought tickets for Swept Away in December here at Arena Stage. Avett Brothers wrote the score and the cast looks pretty good. I've read good things. Something to look forward to. Oh, did I already mention I have tickets to Mockingbird at the Kennedy Center in August? This will be the 3rd time / 3rd Atticus we've seen. Love the play.
  25. I've been really lucky with my jobs - other than the one that fired me. I have somehow managed to get the 3 full-time (and one full-ish-time) jobs I've had from people I know. Which is good, since the ones I applied for from the classifieds on my own lead to nothing. I'm aiming to retire next year. I'll miss the people a lot. I won't miss the commute. And may I just add that no one really "retires" anymore. There are no pensions in the private sector, so now one just "quits" when one is ready and starts drawing on social security and any retirement savings. And yet, we still call it "retiring".
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