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Everything posted by cmahorror

  1. Lark - you are all lying to each other. That is what the game is about. There is a lot of money on the line so why are you shocked that LC is playing to win. You should be too. Louise knew her time was up, even if she was the guesser. I pretty sure she had no idea who the other contestant's relatives are so she would have been eliminated either way.
  2. I will never understand people who go on a show like this and then complain because the other people are trying to win. Amara was gunning for Louise but throws a fit and acts like a toddler because she was caught in her own trap. This is a game and you get rid of the people who are a threat. Amara, you were a threat and you knew it. You may as well have worn a shirt with a target on it in the last few episodes. She was getting ready to throw Louise under the bus and instead Louis turned the tables on her. Don't be mad at Louise for trying to win, be impressed that she pulled it out and respect her game play. I haven't listened to country music consistently for a long time so I had no idea that Jason Aldean wore that kind of hat. I could see Logan being related to him. I think Logan has been underestimated throughout the season and only now are they realizing what a threat he truly is. I see him, Lark, and LC as the final three. Logan has been playing it cool, making reasonable suggestions and slowly guiding people to eliminate the people he knows will make the final rounds difficult. I wouldn't be surprised if he has already figured out the LC is related to Keke Palmer and is holding on to that nugget until the finale. He is also the only one who I am not 100% certain who his relative is. I know Lark, Louise, LC, and Pepper, but Logan could still be a surprise. Man, there are a lot of L names left.
  3. Loved it! I get why they had the fake out with Alice - they needed Becky to slip up and her jealousy over Mabel being offered the podcast after she outed Alice the final push. Becky had planned everything out to get her own podcast and recognition from Cinda. Letting Alice take the fall means that she would get nothing and Mabel would get it all. Her anger and need to be in the spotlight caused her to admit to knowing about Lucy being in the tunnel. Between the sneezing, the knowledge about Lucy, and her DNA on the knife, she trapped herself and Krepps. I love Paul Rudd and cannot wait to see this mystery unfold over Season 3. It looks like Andrea Martin will be joining the crew for the next season too and both are welcome additions to the cast. One question - am I supposed to know who Ben is? It seems like the show expects me to know who he is and I cannot place him at all.
  4. I think Logan is Scotty McCreery's cousin. Scotty won American Idol and had that same deep voice. The clue about someone being related to the greatest of all time is Simone Biles. Totally didn't call Maxwell being Chuck Norris's grandson but it was really shitty of him to break the rules. Grandpa Chuck is not going to be happy about him breaking the rules.
  5. Agreed which is why this is the perfect time to reveal that she isn't Jack's daughter, that the paternity test was fixed. Kills two birds with one stone - gets rid of a plot development that never should have happened and gets rid of Gwen😜
  6. Fine with Gwen dying - maybe we could also get the reveal that she wasn't actually Jack's child and she manipulated the paternity test results? Maybe she switched her sample with Abby's so the test would say she was Jack's daughter? None of this will retcon the character assassination they have done on Jack. I think it was a bad decision by the writers to have Jennifer encourage Jack to forgive Gwen for all she had done after Abigail exposed her at the wedding. Jennifer should have been furious and supported Jack instead of pushing him to reconcile with Gwen so quickly after it all went down. In addition, it would have provided Gwen with a cleaner motive for Abby's murder. What a shock, bad writing destroying characters on Days - who would've thunk lol
  7. I enjoyed the first episode back but I do hope for some more lighthearted moments in future episodes. They needed to address the reality that many of the crew would be mad that Isaac was allowed to serve again, seemingly with no repercussions from his actions. Charley is our gateway character for that and I really did not have any problem with her. She was mad and had no problem expressing that. I thought the actress did fine with the material she was given and I bought that she would bring Isaac back to help relieve the boy of his guilt. She is hurting and doesn't want someone else to hurt if she can help them. Makes sense to me but YMMV. Isaac was a traitor to his crew and his inaction caused deaths - there is no getting around this. Because he is a robot and has no emotions, he can feel no regret or pain for what he did. That is one of the big reasons people seemed to have an issue with him - that he has no way of understanding just how devastating the attack and his part in it was to the feeling members of the crew. To him, it was just another day. To them it was a day that changed their entire lives and most of them for the worse. Isaac's inability to understand or comprehend this and his being able to still walk around like nothing happened is an open wound that is constantly getting salt poured into it - it will never heal as long as he is there. I like Isaac but they took him to the point of no return in the last season and no amount of whitewashing is going to change that.
  8. Given how much Fake Byron and Fake Hazel were having sex and the fact that Fiffani said Hazel was very early in her pregnancy, I am guessing it is Byron's baby. I almost wonder if that will infuriate him even more, being unable to control his child's upbringing.
  9. Just watched the second episode with Nichelle Nichols. I have, unfortunately, had a lot of experience with older relatives with dementia and I saw a son trying his best to protect his mother. Nichelle was officially diagnosed with dementia almost a decade ago and that is not a disease that gets better with time, it is a degenerative disease with no cure and the person only getting worse as their brain deteriorates. Things were happening that probably would not have happened if her son had been more involved in her life and she did not have dementia. Her son recognized that and stepped in to save her from a predator who had taken thousands of dollars from his mother under the guise of being her friend. I know a lot is being made about her house being sold but that was probably the most realistic way to handle the situation. It is a romantic notion to want to die in your home but the reality is that she was getting worse and it was getting more and more dangerous for her to be alone. Kyle didn't sell the home and then throw his mom into a nursing home, he moved her in with himself and is taking care of her himself. The funds from the sale of the house went into the conservatorship and is probably being monitored by the court. He even took her to a convention to make an appearance and she looked very happy there. There was also several mentions about Britney Spears and her conservatorship. These are two very different situations. Britney is a healthy woman who had some mental issues in her youth but was able to get help and proved that she was taking care of herself and there were no barriers to her being able to continue to do so. Nichelle Nichols is a 90-yr old woman with dementia. The reality of the situation is that she will not be able to take care of herself, no matter how much she wants to, because her body will not let her. It isn't fair, no one is denying that, but that doesn't change the situation.
  10. It was even worse than that, he also disinherited his oldest two children and said Paulina had "abandoned" him. Keep in mind, she was caring for him during his medical issues, driving him around and coming to the house to check on him. I would hardly call that abandonment. I always loved The Cars but that was an extremely dickish thing to do to the woman you were married to for decades and your children. She won her court battle and, according to her, received what she was owed as his spouse according to the New York State law. I am watching for Jodie, Paulina, and Lauren. I think they are going to do well.
  11. Really not looking forward to Steve Burton joining the show. The only time he has gone beyond the monotone line readings in the last 20 years is when is working with Kimberly McCullough (Robin, GH). They had some really good scenes a decade ago when Robin thought she was dying. He also did a good job when he found out Robin was "dead" but that is only a few good scenes that I can think of. Maybe I am just frustrated as someone who has worked in an ER throughout this entire pandemic, but why doesn't Days have a vaccine mandate? No offense, but a good portion of the cast is over 60 years old and on the set a lot. We have seen Julie, Doug, Marlena, John, Steve, Kayla, Jack, Jennifer, Justin, Bonnie, and Abe a lot over these last few months, not to mention Suzanne Rogers (Maggie) who has a chronic neuromuscular disease. I know Jennifer Aniston is looking out for her dad, but who is looking out for everyone else if the production company won't?
  12. As an 80's bad horror movie lover, this is the first thing I thought of when I saw the alien baby in the toilet: Anyone else? Bueller? Bueller?
  13. I know I won't. I hope that is true because I really think it is short-sighted to kill off Abby. She is a legacy character and has firm times through her family and The Spectator. Long-term, she has a lot of miles to go before she is out of story for the right writers. Hopefully, Abby is her father's daughter and beats death like he has multiple times.
  14. Finally catching up and, man, was Thursday just glorious. I loved every single moment of Abby's takedown. She had every right to do it publicly and to make sure every person knew exactly what Gwenny had done. Justin and Chad's facial reactions were cracking me up, just so much fun! I have watched it several times and will continue to do so. This is where they need to put in a retcon that Gwen isn't really Jack's daughter. A flashback to the hospital where she sneaks in and changes the test results to say Jack is her father. Why? She was devastated that her mother lied to her about who her father was and, desperately wanting a father and a way to explain everything she had done, she changed the results. If she can sneak into a secure lab and switch vials, a computer would be nothing. Why is the devil being so timid? You want the baby - stab Ben, put the knife in Ciara's hand and a tie around her neck. She wakes up unable to remember what happened but assumes Ben tried to kill her and she defended her and her baby. She goes insane realizing she trusted a murderer and Ally helps with the baby once Bo Damian is born while Ciara is in the institution. Who knew the devil was so afraid of being evil?
  15. I took the ending to be like "The Shining", where we see Jack in the picture at the hotel from many years ago. Rosemary is a former nurse who probably died in that house when it was an asylum (and it was the same house) and has been haunting that place ever since, driving the women in it mad. I do wonder if the plan is to bring Judith Light back in season 2 for the reveal that she wasn't crazy, she was just possessed. My big question right now is did Terry survive the attack or not? Legally, he would be the one to commit Pat but it was Gaynor that did it at the end. Yes, it completes the arc (Pat commits her mom, Gaynor commits Pat) but it doesn't make sense if Terry is alive.
  16. I get where both parents are coming from but I tend to relate more to Mary. First off, it is no fun being the one keeping the house going. My late husband had his job and a volunteer job. I had my job, my volunteer job, running the children around, cleaning the house, and doing the yard work. I would get told I am not as much fun as when we first started dating but how could I be? Someone had to take care of everything and that fell to me. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and never regretted falling into that role but it is a thankless role. People don't appreciate what you do, only complain if you do not do it. It is hard to be the fun one in that situation. George didn't let Sheldon stay on campus because it was a learning experience for him - he did it because he didn't want to be bothered to drive and pick him up. It was all about George and had nothing to do with Sheldon. I get the inclination, I sometimes joked I needed a chauffer's hat for all the time I spent driving my girls and their friends around, but it was lazy and not in Sheldon's best interest. I get he had a bad day and he is worried about what it going to happen with his job but that is not an excuse to stop being a parent. I just feel like sometimes Mary gets treated like the bad guy for being the responsible adult. Could she loosen up a little? Definitely but when your partner doesn't want to share the responsibility of running the house, it is damn hard to do it.
  17. I really liked this film - I would put it third for me behind the original and Scream 4. Interesting tidbit I just found out - when Jack is investigating Woodsboro, one of the survivor videos he watched was for Kirby from Scream 4. I am thrilled because I think it was a big mistake to kill off the character. I would totally love to see her team up with Sidney and Gale for the next film. One question, is the Scream franchise going to be like Star Wars franchise and kill off one of the original three in each of the next films? Is Gale going to be killed in the next film followed by Sydney in another one?
  18. Going to recommend the podcast Muppeturgy - they are going through each episode and dissecting it and I have thoroughly enjoyed each episode. They have some interesting background information on each episode, including the guest star and song histories for each episode. They also note which guest stars seem to be enjoying their time on the show and which ones are simply phoning it in. My favorite episode of all time is the Vincent Price episode - not really too surprising given my screen name, is it😈?
  19. I didn't remember Josh Peck from Grandfathered (a show I really need to rewatch along with another gone-to-soon show The Grinder) but he did a season of Turner and Hooch on Disney+ and I really enjoyed him on both that show and this one. I know he is not the one but I am enjoying watching Sophie have her first serious relationship and figuring out what she wants and needs in one. He is a good starter boyfriend for her. I think we are going to get a swerve and it will end up being Sid that is the father. They are pushing Jesse too hard and we are definitely seeing cracks in Sid's relationship with his fiancée. I could easily see her deciding that her career is more important to her and she is staying in California while Sid is tied to New York because of his bar. Plus, that scene with him and Sophie in the hallway was adorable and there was an easy chemistry between them. Maybe it is my Piz dislike shining through but I really do not want it to be Jesse - it is too obvious and I want the show to be a little better than that.
  20. Fun fact - the girlfriend in question was then and still is Seamus Dever's real life wife, Juliana Dever.
  21. Thank you ROC - I was worried I would miss Days of Our Lives during the Olympics but you came through with scandals and melodramatics galore. Heck, you even managed to include a current storyline on the show and include the perfect Devil in Eteri. I feel sorry for all the other skaters whose Olympics, possibly their only Olympics, experience has forever been tainted by the ROCs cheating and getting away with it once again. I will watch the Free Skate tonight because I watch all skating competitions every Olympics, not because of the scandal.
  22. That would be a step in the right direction. There is automatic 1-point deduction for falling on the ice so if the base value was lower, the 1-point deduction might put the points earned below a clean triple of the same type of jump.
  23. Let me be clear - I do not want to ban jumps, I enjoy them when they fit the program and are performed cleanly. A clean triple flip should be worth more than a fall on a quad flip - that's my issue. Because a bad quad jump is worth more than a clean triple jump, there is no concern for making the jump part of the program. Let's throw in three quads - even if she falls on one, she will still win. That is wrong. A clean program with triples should score technically higher than one with quads and falls. And more jumps does not mean we have to lose the artistry of the sport. Again, I loved Kamila's short program and felt it was a wonderful blend of artistry and athletics. I just wish her long program had followed through the same way.
  24. I'm not against jumps but I want them to be incorporated into the artistry of the sport. I really felt that Kamila's short program was a perfect example of artistry and athleticism. The program was beautiful and she also had a lot of jumps but they melded together into a cohesive program. Last night she lost all that artistry and it was more like a kid jumping up and down and going "Look what I can do". It didn't fit the music and there was no cohesion between the artistry and the jumps. I understand that figure skating must evolve but that shouldn't come at the expense of the heart of the sport. Figure skating was basically ballet on ice. There was nothing balletic or graceful about Kamila's long program. Her short program was both balletic and graceful. There needs to be a return to the importance of the artistry of the program. Yes, there is rhythm dance but that is only for couples - there is nothing like that for single skaters. If they are so concerned about the jumps, we are getting closer to something like a slam dunk contest with the skaters going out and doing nothing but jumps for a few minutes. It's exciting at first but gets boring after a few people. By embracing jumps over artistry, you are losing what makes the sport special IMO - the melding of artistry and athleticism.
  25. In my opinion, Valiyeva is missing the artistry we saw last night from her. It looked like two different skaters out there. Seriously, I actually needed to double check and make sure it wasn't a different skater from the short program - that is how great a difference I saw between last night and tonight. But congrats on the quads - too bad they came at the expense of her artistry.
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