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Everything posted by cmahorror

  1. Donald Faison's answer reminded me of this guy:
  2. How on Earth does apple soup beat two great tasting (by the judge's own comments) desserts? Yes, the second dessert wasn't right but the previous round should have saved their butts. The guys apple pie was not even close to right and nearly inedible due to the amount of water in the pie pan. In addition, the reason they had so much water in the pie pan was because they basically blew off the comment Sanchez made to them about cooking the filling and that was a huge basic baking error. I have only made one pie in my life but even I know that you cook the filling for most fruit pies. Girls, you were robbed!
  3. This was a tough watch so I was relieved to see Kate's therapist explaining how everything Martin did was all part of his grooming her. He never intended for her to leave his house after she entered that first night, he wanted to keep her locked up, like she was a prize at his carnival booth. He knocked down every obstacle to win her and now she would be kept on his bed like one those cheap stuffed animals he was giving away. I almost think we will find out that Kate had a baby while she was there, probably premature, and the baby died. She named the baby Annabelle but has blocked out the horror of the pregnancy and birth. Martin could easily sneak out in the middle of the night and bury the baby where no one would find them and there have been several stories about girls being kidnapped and having their captors baby. Maybe it's a little too soapy for this show but I can't deny it is a possibility. Keep in mind, I watch it on Hulu and I purposely avoid spoilers so if Annabelle was mentioned in the promos, I have not seen it.
  4. Hummingbird cake is the lupus of Crime Scene Kitchen.
  5. I am a huge Stephen King fan but this is one book I read once and never read again. It had nothing to do with the story but rather the timing of when I read it. I lost my husband in 2006, when this book came out, and was looking for something to take my mind off of it. I had no idea what the novel was about because I have a hardcover collection of Stephen King novels and buy them no matter what. I should have put it down once I realized what the subject matter was, a wife coming to terms with her husband's death, and waited until I wasn't so emotionally raw but I enjoyed the writing. I keep promising myself I will read it again but just cannot seem to pick it up again. This long preamble to explain that I am now unsure as to whether or not I will watch this series. I love Julianne Moore and I have seen almost every Stephen King film and miniseries (excepting a few Children of the Corn films) but I hesitate to commit myself to the series. If I start it, I will finish it, but should I even bother? Has anyone seen any previews beyond the one above? Does this look like one of the better Stephen King adaptations or another bad Children of the Corn film?
  6. cmahorror

    S01.E02: Patient X

    Widow speaking here - I sometimes do talk to my dead husband's photos and I talk to his grave when I visit. Sometimes it is catching him up on what has happened with our children and grandchildren or what is going on in my life. Sometimes it's just letting him know I miss him. It's my way of still feeling connected to him, of maintaining some small connection. It may seem creepy to others but to me it was just a way to express his feelings and maintain a connection with his late spouse.
  7. Per The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon's three knock ritual comes from accidentally walking in on his father in bed with another woman, so I do believe that George will engage in an affair with Brenda because this is a fundamental part of grownup Sheldon Cooper. George is unhappy, his life isn't what he wanted, his wife and him are arguing more and more, and he is spending his time at the local bar drowning his sorrows. It is a recipe for disaster missing one ingredient - a willing partner. That is where Brenda fits in. Yes, Mary should have stopped to ask what happened, but I don't think that is a complete parenting failure. Missy is sad and upset but that still does not give her the right to purposely destroy Sheldon's property, especially something that means so much to him. Fair or not, they share a room and Sheldon should be able to hang up his picture without fear of it being destroyed by his upset sister. But Mary should have also asked her why she did it and maybe explained why it was wrong of her to tear the picture. Yes, she does favor Sheldon and Missy was right to call her out on that but that does not excuse Missy's actions. I was happy to see the twins bonding at the end of the episode. To me, Young Sheldon is a lot like Mom, a sitcom that isn't afraid to delve into the sadder and more upsetting parts of life. The bad times only help the good times feel much more deserved but that is just my opinion.
  8. I wonder if Dylan's dad is the real father and killed Erin to stop her from telling the truth.
  9. Mare did give Frank plenty of opportunity to talk to her away from everyone. She asked him several times to speak with her outside before finally saying why she wanted to speak with him and, even then, she didn't drop the big bomb, just told him she knew he lied to her. Then Frank left the door open for everyone to hear what was going on, including his daughter. That is some passive-aggressive assholery of the first order there. It makes Mare look like the bad guy for questioning Frank even though he was the one in the wrong to lie to her in the first place. Does Mare want to get fired? Does she want to lose custody of her grandson? Is she such a master at self-sabotage that she managed to do both things in one action? I'm interested to see how this plays out.
  10. I'm enjoying this but am I the only one getting a "Wild Things" vibe from this show? I almost feel like both girls were working to get money from Kate's parents. Before throwing stones, hear me out... Kate is pissed at her friends and boyfriend for moving on without her while she was missing and her mom for cheating. She finds Jeanette's necklace at the house, maybe it had fallen off during one of Jeanette's visits before Kate was kidnapped, and decides to blackmail her into getting revenge. Kate will accuse Jeanette in public, Jeanette will sue Kate and her family in retaliation, win by trial or settlement, and then the two girls split the money and go their separate ways. Silly theory, I know, but it would definitely be an interesting twist...
  11. I think Hazel knows that if she gave Byron the other ultimatum, save my father and I'll stay in your life at a distance, he probably would lie to her and then take advantage of her being distracted by her father's failing health to take her back to the Hub. In her mind, at least she is deciding to return to the Hub on her own terms and saving her father's life at the same time. Byron is a control freak megalomaniac - he would never agree to help her father unless she came back to the Hub and she knew that. To Hazel, I think this was the lesser of two evils. Despite their estrangement, Hazel does love her father and at least she has a chance to be with him and time to rebuild their relationship by agreeing to Byron's terms. If she had refused or tried to bargain for her father's life and lost, his death would haunt her for the remainder of her life and Byron would have no problem reminding her every chance he could that she was responsible for her dad's death, that she could have saved Herb if she had only swallowed her pride and come home with him.
  12. I really enjoyed this show, especially the last episode. Yes, she went back but it was to save her father's life. Was that her decision to make? No, but it also reflects that she would go to great lengths to save someone she loves, just like Bryon thought he was doing for her all those years. Byron was wrong for what he did and Hazel, no matter how altruistic the reason, is wrong to do this to her dad. You cannot force someone to live the life you want them to live without them resenting you for it. I wonder if the reason Herbert decided not to fight to cancer was because he didn't think anyone would care if he died. He hadn't seen his daughter in a decade, his wife was dead, the only person who would have cared was Judiff but he broke up with her, probably to spare her the pain. He was hurt when Hazel said she would rather him die than go to the hub but that may have also reinforced his decision to not fight the cancer. Did the medicine get slipped into his pancake batter? How long will it be before Herb finally figures out what is going on and how will he react? I really hope we get a second season because I have a lot of unanswered question.
  13. I'll defend Taylor Swift's 1989 and Folklore as both were wonderfully written, produced, and cohesive albums and deserving of their wins as Album of the Year. I would say that the one that didn't deserve it is Fearless, definitely one of her lesser efforts. Red and Reputation were both much better albums and far more reflective of her abilities, especially in songwriting. To me, both records reflect what the Album of the Year should be. Folklore drew me in from first listen to now, the same as 1989. Thematically, they work as a whole listening experience with matching themes and call backs throughout to different songs in the respective album. I also appreciate that there was a lot of variety in the winners. There were no sweeps, no one artist taking everything. There was a lot of great music released last year and the Grammys did represent a fair amount of those artists and songs. Is it perfect? Not even close but at least it is a start.
  14. All I ask is that Kristen does not get pregnant by Rex.
  15. My feelings on this "newest" Kristen plot: And when Brady finds out Kristen raped another man: Of course he'll end up forgiving her because "she's changed" but I am beginning to wonder if that just means she's changed the persons' face she is wearing that day...
  16. That was a hard watch but interesting. Like many have said before me, all I had heard earlier was all the accusations came solely from Dylan and Mia but it is apparent that many people saw what was going on and told Mia about it. Allen's phone call makes it apparent that he wanted to have his cake and eat it too only Mia didn't bite. I have never been a big fan of Allen's movie, there was just something off about the writing that never really connected with me, but one film I did like was Manhattan Murder Mystery. No one really talks about this film but it was during the time of the child custody suit. Diane Keaton replaced Mia Farrow in the lead and the much younger woman journalist in this film was a 41-yr old Anjelica Houston. Several news outlets claimed this was Woody's way of mitigating the Soon-Yi scandal, eliminating the art reflecting life status of films like Mahattan. Dylan is a brave woman and her ability to openly discuss this horrible incident is truly remarkable. She refuses to be shamed about what happened to her or take the blame for what he did to her. The story about the spaghetti dinner and learning what would happen to her if she said no helped us understand the feelings of a child who is trying to protect herself from harm by not fighting back makes a lot of sense. Her focus on her brother's train, trying to ignore what he was doing to her, in essence disassociating from the abuse is a common defense mechanism of abused children. She should be proud of what she has accomplished and her ability to create a stable life as a published author with her husband and daughter.
  17. I find Dylan very believable and her story matches what people outside the family are saying. I remember when all of this happened and the thing that struck me was the reason they didn't pursue charges against Allen. It wasn't for a lack of evidence, it was because the prosecutor didn't want to put Dylan on the stand. When I saw the pictures the only thing I thought was that the older kids were holding the younger kids to help them all get in the picture. With that many children, you need to figure out a way to get everyone into frame and holding the little kids not only accomplishes that but also keeps them from running around or even off. I have a ton of pictures of me holding my nephew when he was little and I was not the primary caregiver, we were just close and posing for pictures it was easier. That being said, I do think Mia probably did lean on the older kids to help with the kids because she took on too much and no one told her to stop. She saw herself as their savior, a Mother Theresa type for bringing these children from difficult circumstances into a better life but, to reference The Good Place, I believe her motivation was corrupt. It seems to me she did it to make herself feel better, to show what a good person she was, without considering the consequences of her actions on not only herself but also the children she already had.
  18. Wow - I love Kyra Sedgwick but this is just not funny. There is potential but the writing is bad. So the daughter completely rejects her mom and then gets upset because her mom listens to her as does what she asked? That is BS. If you want your mom to come back with you, say it. You are an adult and have the ability to communicate so use those skills. I think I am out - the kids need to go, and maybe focus on a 50-something widow embarking on a new romance after years of being alone. There would be a lot of opportunities that could be comedic but also serious, like Mom. Like Allison Janney, Kyra Sedgwick is an actress capable of that careful balance needed to pull off both emotions in the same scene.
  19. First things first - I'll be the idiot to ask what's SWORD? I know HYDRA from the movies but I have never read any of the comics so I have a very limited knowledge of the Marvel Universe. I am loving this show. Elizabeth Olsen is wonderful and her small adjustments to her acting for both shows was perfect. There were subtle differences in the cadence of her voice and her way she reacted between the 1950's and 1960's - and it wasn't just the clothes or the set design, it was her. Paul Bettany is very good but he is a supporting character in the show - it is about Wanda and what is being done to her. I don't trust Kathryn Hahn at all, she almost seems like a handler for a witness protection program, making sure Wanda stays lost in the show and doesn't want to leave. I am also interested in seeing if this "child" is real or just another illusion to keep her rooted in this reality. Letting her live out her fantasy of a normal life with Vision and their child is a great way to keep her from fighting to leave. As a fan of Simon Pegg, all I could think about when the said "For the Children" and then repeated it was Hot Fuzz. The bad guys in that movie always claimed what they were doing was for "The Greater Good" and it was always repeated.
  20. I don't think that was clear - he was told he was going to Great Beyond only after he had failed at getting 22 to spark. Because the rules are not given to us, we have no way of knowing if he could stay and mentor more souls. But even if that was true, if they could make the exception and send him back to Earth, why couldn't they make an exception and, because he cracked the toughest case, he was allowed to stay in the mentor position? To me, that makes much more sense than allowing him to return to Earth because of one good deed. Again, I appreciate the open ending but I do not believe that Joe earned the ending he got. It would have been much more impactful to me if he had either stayed on as a mentor or accepted that, having finally been completely honest with his mother and achieved his dream of being chosen for a professional job as a jazz musician, he had accomplished what he wanted to and gone on to the Great Beyond. His returning to Earth was a little too pat and cliche "happy ending" for me.
  21. In theory, I don't mind the open ending. Maybe Joe did decide to remain a teacher or did private lessons on the side when he wasn't touring but I still don't like that he cheated the system and was rewarded for it. Joe didn't actively help 22 until the very end of the film - until then his only concern was getting his life back, not helping her. He didn't sacrifice his life for hers - he was not supposed to be alive. He had his time on Earth and now it was time for him to move on. Negating that fact because of one sacrifice just doesn't make sense to me. He could still have learned his lesson and used what he had learned to teach the new souls as they head out to their bodies. That ending isn't sad or dark to me, it is a logical conclusion to the story. As always, YMMV.
  22. Can I join this party because the ending left me really cold too. I wanted Joe to realize that his purpose was teaching music, not becoming a jazz musician but being an inspiration for others and influencing a new generation to love music. We saw his influence with Curly and Connie, so it wouldn't have been a stretch. He would realize that he did complete his purpose and stay in the Great Before and be a mentor for new souls. Instead we get a "happy ending" where it is implied that the teacher quits educating children to become a jazz musician and, as someone who is studying to be a teacher, I do not like the message that choice sends. Teaching a noble profession and to be treated as a second choice for anyone is not fair to the millions of teachers who have stepped up during this trying time to continue to educate our children. In addition, the arts are losing funding every day and many schools are cutting music programs, despite the documented link between the arts and the positive effective it has on learning. I liked the film but that ending really bothered me. I expect Pixar to take more chances, to go beyond the typical ending, to show us that there are times we need to make tough choices and accept the consequences of those actions. Instead, Joe cheated the system and was rewarded for it.
  23. TS debunked this theory - they were using fake titles during the album mock-ups and simply forgot the word was there when it went into pressing. Now for the albums: Folklore - Loved this on first listen. I know I am in the minority but I would have cut "mirrorball", just doesn't click for me. There are songs I loved and just really liked after that. The only ones I may skip are "peace" and "mad woman" and that is only once in a while. "at least i'm trying" is my favorite song and contains the great lyric "They told me all my cages were mental/so I got wasted like all my potential". I work in an ER, just the secretary, but given what I have seen over the course of this pandemic, "epiphany" hit me hard. I know it is not a lot of people's favorite but between the war imagery (my Grandpa was a WWII vet and had a hard time talking about it) and the hospital imagery, it just worked. Evermore - I was scared that this would be too much of a good thing but, honestly, this is just as good as Folklore, it just took me a few listens to really get into it. "willow" is a great transition song between the two albums. I also think she took more chances with her sound on this one. The sirens and storytelling of "no body, no crime" helped it become one of my favorites, and the work on "evermore" and "coney island" with The National and Bon Iver are great collaborations. The only time it really didn't work for me was on "closure". I get the point, the drumming of her ex invading her space, but I would love a second version without that damn backing noise. Don't care for "gold rush", just not my kind of song. The two songs that had me in tears, no I am not kidding, were "tolerate it" and "marjorie". I have been in that situation where I felt like the person I loved just seemed to want me around to take care of things and not because they loved me. It is devastating and each line hit harder and harder. I am a widow so, even though the song "marjorie" was about her grandma, it still resonated with me. I especially loved that she had recordings of her grandma and was able to incorporate her singing into the song. YMMV as always but I am loving singer songwriter TS and hope she stays in this lane for awhile.
  24. One question - why the hell would Charlie keep Tripp's note instead of, oh I don't know, burning and destroying the evidence? Seriously, this has got to be one of the stupidest twists and criminals ever to have kept the note and brought it to Salem with him from another country across the ocean,
  25. Really, now Kate is claiming that the comfort one night stand is actually love and Jack gave her his heart before rushing back to take care of his comatose wife? REALLY? This whole story is BS. All it is doing is making Kate, Jack, and Jennifer all look bad, along with Abby of course. Kate looks like a jealous long-time lover, not a one-night stand. Jack is now a cheater and that is the one thing he would never do to Jennifer. He pretended to be gay to keep a woman (Greta I think) from trying to date him, all because he wanted Jennifer back. Jack has many, many flaws but his love for Jennifer is the one constant in his life. He would never betray their wedding vows, not ever. Jennifer is coming off as a bitch, instead of a woman who is rightfully upset that her husband had a one night stand with the DiMera welcoming wagon (Stefano, Andre, and now Jake). True, they didn't get a chance to consummate their new marriage since Jenn was tossed off a balcony and thrown into a coma mere minutes after the ceremony, but that still doesn't excuse him from sleeping with another woman. Abby looks bad too but, quite frankly, I don't like her so I am fine with that. It was stupid of her to air her parents dirty laundry in the middle of their anniversary party and not expect some kind of reprisal from her father or anyone else. There is a time and a place for these kind of reveals and humiliating your mom at her anniversary party to your dad was not the time or place.
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