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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Yeah, a couple of people mentioned it, and I kept my "WTF?" to myself. I didn't want to be rude to them, but I don't get it. My whole family hated this movie.
  2. I'm watching this now, and wondered if Kevin was what's his name's son. If they'd had an affair. I'm afraid of drowning. The underwater bit had me feeling a bit dizzy. Was that John???
  3. I haven't re-watched the previous seasons - can't believe it's been so long since last September, when I caught up with it before - but that's what I can't understand about Marco. He was so eager to convict his partner, that he let someone like that have immunity? He knew how awful Danny was. You would think he would have understood if something happened. They were like his family, and suddenly, he wanted to put them in prison. He definitely didn't deserve to die, but I have trouble believing that he would go that far, when the victim was one of the people responsible for those poor girls burning alive.
  4. I saw this in March - can't believe it's been two months - and it wasn't as bad as I feared, but I didn't agree with the happy ending. She was rightfully pissed before that. The android creeped me out - he was like the bartender out of The Shining. It was better than Alien: Covenant, though.
  5. I hated this movie - and I'm a Liberal (responding to the OP) - I totally agree with you, about how awful the family was. I've only ever seen it once, because I hated them so much. Funny, I was just talking about how I've hated some of the movies that seem to be most loved. I know people who have this as their favourite Christmas movie.
  6. Well, I skimmed this thread before going to the theatre, and thought about not going... only to be just as stupid as most of the characters in this crap movie, and wasted money on the tickets. I also wished I'd stayed home, by the time the flute-playing scene came on. I couldn't blame the girl who got killed when she was just cleaning off - she tried to reach for her gun, although I think I'd have wanted someone else there with me, considering. That captain trusting David, after he had just treated a monster like a pet, was beyond ridiculous. I usually end up being like the couple of people here, who enjoy the movie, or end up not thinking it's that bad, when others are slamming it. I've loathed movies that were hyped up like Pulp Fiction (horrible movie!) - but this was mostly crap.
  7. Meg, finally. Also: Kevin lying in front of his wife. Stupid, but predictable. Now she knows they're all lying.
  8. I don't remember. Kevin, John, and their mother are just awful. I said in another thread: I don't care if he's a criminal, I don't want to see him get punished for someone else's crime. Get him for what he did, sure. Not for what John and Kevin did, though.
  9. And now I loathe John, as well.
  10. Police harassment of an innocent woman, is not okay. That was horrible to watch, and I figured it would send her over to her brother's side - which is rightfully where she should be, considering. I haven't felt that sorry for John, until the last two episodes, when I realized that he was worried about Eric, and that he is trying to help in some tiny way. I haven't hated Kevin this whole time, but this episode? I loathed him. He's happy and letting an innocent man sit in jail, rubbing in his brother's losses (you're a murderer, Kevin!).
  11. I like John, but I don't want to see anyone else go to jail for their crimes. Even if that person was already a criminal. The series started with John living a good life, with his family, and now Kevin is saying that his life is the best it's ever been. I know he got into trouble because he was helping his brother, but he then murdered Marco.
  12. I remember him from Homefront. I was a teenager, I think, when he was on that show. I loved Early Edition, though - that's what I mostly remember him from.
  13. So I'm cursed? :/ I once asked on another board, if it was possible for a house or something to be cursed. When we moved in here in 1998, we had bad luck until my parents threw out a really creepy picture that was in the basement, and a bunch of mirrors or mirrored tiles - can't remember which. We've also had our share of good luck though, too, like my managing to put out a fire (a rapidly spreading one on a bed), and things like that - that fire was four years ago. I'm normally scared of it, but guts took over for a change, and fear or anyone dying. I didn't really think it was ghostly activity. Just wondered why I was missing things that were right there. Unless my mother is screwing with me, from the other side.
  14. He is good at playing creepy characters. I could see him, and Jessica Lange.
  15. I'm not loving Paige adjusting to the idea of being a spy. I suppose she has no choice, but I don't like it. WTF Tuan?! I'm glad that they told him to put a stop to it. That poor kid! I don't think she is, either.
  16. Thank you. I don't remember her mentioning Hannah when she was with Moira, I appreciate your responses. I thought she was five or six when they were taken.
  17. I liked it, and I have no problem with Luke. Their daughter is beyond adorable!! I hope they do save her. It was jarring, seeing Luke and the mute woman in a pretty place, free to do as they pleased. But a good jarring. The wall also reminded me of the 9/11 "missing" flyers. So she did write something, and the ambassador's assistant is on the up-and-up. Good!! They aren't just sitting and twiddling their thumbs, thankful it isn't their country, in Canada, and hopefully that man is working to stop it from happening in his. I can't remember how old their little girl is. It seems like it's been about nine or ten years since the coffee shop incident? Three years since he escaped to Canada, so many years before, when their baby was born - I don't recall seeing her, or any mention of her, when they lost their bank accounts and jobs.
  18. I'm watching this again, thanks to Amazon Prime. I loved it when it was on.
  19. Audrey was hilarious. If she's depressed, it is cruel to send her to eternal darkness. I've dealt with severe depression, and you're already living in darkness a lot of the time.
  20. So Laura saved her husband from that lynch mob? Sounds like she loved him, to me. I'm still watching - I've made it this far. Looking forward to seeing Audrey again.
  21. ^^ Yep. As far as I could tell, most people adored and/or respected her. Mellie had good reason to hate both her and Fitz, but now she adores her, too. They're all so entitled, acting like they're owed the White House, and the power that comes with it. I liked the business woman who helped people in trouble. She wasn't perfect (the affair), but she did her best to help people. Now she's one of the monsters. I can't picture her ever making jam, but she had the option of a second home in Vermont, and still running her business. Let Fitz make the jam. These people have options, and I can't relate to the need for the power of the White House. I get that we now have a black woman running things on the show - Mellie is the President, but Olivia is right there with her - I just hate how they got her there. haha! Your post wasn't there as I was writing, but I agree. My "yep" was for slade's post. Wait, what did Mellie to do deserve jail? The others have murdered people. Did she know about what they did to Luna?
  22. Yep. I thought she wasn't the only one that needed to be taking those pills, if it was based on her arranging for someone's murder. Luna kills herself, but Olivia is still meeting Daddy every Sunday - the man who killed Luna's husband. Cyrus was VP after all? I missed that, and wondered why Olivia said something about nominating him. Of course he had to be the one to plant the seed in Luna's mind - but Vargas' ideas weren't dying on a vine - he won the election!! Yeah, that was funny. So is Fitz leaving the show? One thing that bugs me, is that Marcus said he wasn't going to be Olivia Pope, last week, and now Fitz seems to be taking off. So it was fine for Mellie and Olivia to be "the woman behind the man" but they won't stick around and be the man behind the woman.
  23. Glad they didn't kill off Stephanie, and that Minnick is gone. I liked the way Meredith handled the situation with Riggs (?). Hated seeing Maggie all shmoopy over Jackson, who seemed to be the only person concerned about Stephanie, although April also handled that well (talking to Maggie). It would be nice to see them develop relationships outside of their circle. The dead person was the rapist. The one that Stephanie set fire to.
  24. Yes, Aaron. Thank you. :) I missed a couple of episodes, so I didn't know that he quit the job with her. I don't watch Criminal Minds. :) I figured it had been done before, but I watched Quantico, last year (the show where people's hair seemed to steal scenes every episode), and that was what I was thinking of.
  25. I haven't seen them on netflix, but I remember watching one or two episodes a few years ago. The Canadian one, on one of the other Roku channels like Crackle. I'll have to look it up.
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