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Everything posted by monagatuna

  1. LOL I have this on a coffee mug. The opposite side says "I need a drink!"
  2. I watched this carefully and I'm pretty sure he put it down next to the bowl, thankfully. Still gross, but slightly less so.
  3. Thanks for the info on the house flooding! One thing I noticed on rewatch are the cat trees. Did they abandon their pets??
  4. I really don't know why this show isn't more interesting. It's four mini-episodes of 600PL all happening at once! They managed to drag out 10 seasons of Whitney "doing" things, but the best they can do on a season premiere is one time around a roller rink and a thrown notebook. When I watched Megan's episode of Too Large, I was pleasantly surprised with her attitude and had reasonably good expectations for this series. But at best, it's boring. I can't believe the 180s both Meghan and Vannessa have made. Good for Vannessa, but I really hope her kid can get some help. He deserves a future. I can't imagine why one would call 911 for non-life-threatening flooding? Like, yeah, that's bad and scary, but 911 seems a bit overwrought. Police non-emergency, okay. Maybe for help in evacuating? That would make sense, but then why would she do a tour of her house poking at wall bubbles if they needed to evacuate? That said, I'm in the middle of the atmospheric river zone and live on the coast, so if I find myself in the same situation in a few hours, I guess it would be karmically reasonable. And I really don't understand why Meghan and her boyfriend (husband? IDK) can't get their own hotel room. More TLC shenanigans, I guess.
  5. "Sexy, racially-ambiguous Jesus" is my new band name, no one steal it.
  6. Well sure! He knew she was unhappy and dissatisfied, but he never dreamed she would have the courage pluck self confidence audacity to actually leave! You're supposed to keep sweet, ya jackwagon!
  7. One thing that stuck with me this episode was Kody's bloviating about how now that he's done the noble and epic deed of surviving the horror that was his feverish bout with Covid, he's so tired of it. He doesn't want to mask anymore, doesn't want to distance anymore, he's just over it. Uhhh...welcome to the last three years, Kody! None of us want to wear masks all day or stay separated from our friends or skip gatherings and events. None of us want to continue taking the precautions we have to to keep each other safe. We never did! We were never doing this for fun! We were--and are--doing it to mitigate the risks of killing each other! You had a slight fever? Poor baby--people died, and just because you got mildly sick from it, you've decided you're just going to give up? Fuck you. You can get the virus more than once, and it might kill you or someone you care about (if you're capable of caring about anyone else) next time. You could also get it and spread it to others, who may die or be extremely debilitated as a result of the virus. We're all tired of Covid, you asshole, whether we've had it or not. We're tired of losing loved ones, of going back into the red or purple zone, of our favorite restaurants, theatres, and shops closing down, of itchy face masks, of not getting hugs. It sucks. But it's our reality, so to paraphrase everyone's favorite assclown, you can go right ahead and EFF OFF.
  8. I have a running list of band names, and High End Gays is on it. My current band didn't go for it, though. :(
  9. I agree it's a stretch, but she looks great! I would definitely find an excuse to take a selfie if I was glowing like that. Good for her.
  10. I just looked it up, and wow! Disposable everything, she couldn't have even trotted out some of meemaw's old dinnerware, or go to a thrift store to get some that she could claim was meemaw's? And that ice cream and toppings, how sad. I'm surprised Meri is allowing comments at all. I'm sure she'll go through and delete all the unflattering ones.
  11. I always thought Janelle was the prettiest of all of them. She has beautiful hair, which I guess could be dyed, but it seems to always be consistent and never have roots. Her eyes are wide-set and unique looking, and her overall looks are just uniquely pretty. I agree with you that the fire in her is really doing her well. It's nice to see that fire coming from her spirit rather than the copper horses on the wall.
  12. Wouldn't they need to be milled for use in building or flooring? I highly doubt he is sourcing wood to a milling company, which likely has much better sources of raw wood. A quick Google search shows two main reasons: building furniture and building a log cabin. In no way would Kody have the talent or ethic to do either. I'm casting my vote for "it makes him look manly," with a side of "maybe he can sell them to a homesteader."
  13. You're going to have to change your handle to Meri Frauded Me!
  14. There's an actual website that addresses this (I think it's called doesthedoglive dot com or doesthedogdie dot com, something like that). I noped out of what seemed to be a pretty good horror movie when the main character lied to her landlord about having a cat, after finding that site. I agree with all that it's lazy writing. I was listening to an audiobook a few weeks ago that honestly wasn't that great, but I give the author props for not killing off the pet cat at the end. Cat was alive and well and had been taken in by the protagonist's best friend.
  15. Wow, that's it, huh? That "finale" doesn't even warrant its own thread. What a letdown. Let's see, what happened this season...Babs. And Lennie got a dog. Oh, and Jess got married. Snooze. Why did I watch this? Was that anticlimactic ending scene supposed to be a cliffhanger? "I guess we'll deal with this back in the States." Then, if TLC manages to not dig up any new nightmares (they're scraping the bottom of the barrel of boring with a former beauty queen and a couple of moms raising a blended family), they'll somehow fail upwards into a new season with more nothing to show, Lennie will suddenly disappear without a mention, and the barnacles won't even bother to pretend they're showing up for this season's vacation in a new place. ETA: Also LOL at Hunter's "props" comment and his continued support of Lennie hooking up with Hilda. Like, we all know she came from central casting (like...them prancing around on the beach right in front of Whitney and the barnacles was so, so obvious), but still, that was funny. Also, that banana boat looked super fun (until Whiney started gagging, which, ew, did we need to see that? Even blurred...gross)! I would love to try that!
  16. Pretty sure he was on Catfish long, long ago, like after they split the first time. That said, you know you're right, he moved on as soon as the check cleared.
  17. It varies by the individual, but I think you have the right idea. The best thing to do would be to ask the person, but when you're talking about a situation where you don't know that person's identity for sure, it's probably best to go neutral until corrected. And given what we know publicly about Leon, I think you have it right. And IME people tend to be very gracious when you make mistakes, as long as you're making a genuine good-faith effort to respect their identity. I am not trans, but I have a number of friends and family members who are, so while I can't speak for trans people, this has been my experience as a cis ally.
  18. It's a banana, Michael, what could it cost? Ten dollars?
  19. I'm not certain, so take this with a grain of salt. I've never cruised, but I think I heard somewhere that if you're departing from a certain port on a certain cruise line that has a particular route, you can maybe use regular ID because you're going to a series of countries that permit driver's licenses for ID. I don't remember where I've heard that, and I don't even know if it's true, so. Also, a very very good chance that all of this is fake, so there's that too.
  20. I'm sure this is true and all, but I think it's telling that she didn't mention the nature of the "inside joke," just that Liz immediately lost it and she had to go "no no, it's a joke, Liz!" Makes me wonder if it was some sort of underhanded insult against her or Ed. Not that it would excuse Liz's behavior or anything, just that I found it interesting.
  21. I agree..."consecutive" doesn't align with "max per year." If the ban is on more than 120 consecutive days, then you could just move it overnight and move it back every three months (kind of like having to leave the country every 6 months on a spousal visa, overnight trip from UK to France, then you're good for six months). If the ban is more than 120 total days per year, then it wouldn't matter whether they were consecutive or not.
  22. That doesn't sound like our Meri, who would NEVER steal platitudes from someone else!
  23. I'm not trying to yuck anyone's yum, but that song grates on my nerves even when a GOOD singer sings it. At least she wasn't summoning birds to fall dead out of the sky or breaking glass with her shrieking falsetto a la "Let Me Call You Sweetheart," but still...ugh that was bad. I don't know when or how Christine got to be the "musical one," because, well, she's not. It would've been cute for them to just sit around singing it as a family, but the effort of trying to distract [whichever kid was the guest of honor, I forget], setting up the mic and amps...all that effort just to sing and play badly. But the Browns half-ass everything, so it makes sense. Kody can miss me with his "the intention was always to have five plots and rent out two houses." Was it, Kody? Because I seem to remember the original intention was to have a plyg palace, then it was to exile Meri into the trees, then it was to have two small plots and two big ones, then it was...well you see where I'm going with this. Also LOL at "it's called an asset." These dingbats don't have an asset to their name, and we all know it. And double LOL at not knowing his kid was turning 18 at her 18th birthday party. (I know, I know, I literally just forgot her name, but the difference is, I didn't sire her.) Oh my god, what a dingus. The stupidity is breathtaking.
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