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Everything posted by monagatuna

  1. At the start of this season, I would never have guessed that my two favorites would be Jasmine and Ximena. In fairness, I never expected any favorites because they were all reprehensible from the start (I am excluding Johnny simply because he doesn't seem to have any sort of personality to love or hate from the brief glimpses we got of him, and leaving Alina and Caleb out of this discussion because I don't care about them). Jasmine, for all her histrionics, at least genuinely seems to care about this cretin, inexplicably but genuinely. Maybe she was playing it up for the cameras, maybe not, but you could tell that she was genuinely upset that he displayed her photos to strangers (to her). Revenge porn is a sex crime, y'all, regardless of how much underbutt or sideboob your bathing suit shows. Edit: on Pillow Talk, the two nasally Georgia women were trying to figure out what name these two would have if you smashed their names together a la Bennifer, but they skipped over the obvious: Jasmeeno! Duh! Ximena? We all knew her deal in episode one. Yawn, another green card seeker who's bilking this idiot virgin. Right? Wrong! "You're breaking up with me? I want all my stuff back." "Fine, take it." "I could've been the best thing that ever happened to you." "My kids are the best thing that ever happened to me." "I will stop paying your rent." "OK." "I could've brought you to America, helped you learn English, gotten you a job..." "I never wanted to live in America, I don't need to learn English, and I have a job." "Oh? What job? YOU MEAN THAT ADULT WEBSITE?!" "Yes...the adult website that I'm not ashamed of, where you were my best customer." All said with the coolness and calm of someone who knows her worth. She may have used him, but he used her back, and they both knew their relationship was transactional--he just didn't like having that shown on TV. Ximena may have her problems, who among us doesn't, but she is the hero out of this bad bunch. By episode 2 I was already over Mike's pathetic possessiveness, and by the end of the season, especially after reading the individual couple's thread, he's lower than the dogshit on his own shoe in my mind.
  2. I have to admit I mentally call him Soju Boy and it makes me crave delicious soju.
  3. I would normally say I know tons of people in long term serious relationships that have bought houses together....but this is Leah. This relationship will last about as long as it takes for her extensions to fall out. I too scan the WV real estate listings, because I live in the bay area and apparently am a narcissist. Edit: masochist. Why in the world did I write narcissist??
  4. I usually skim super-long posts, but I read every word of this with actual glee.
  5. US insurance policies on dental and vision are absolutely atrocious. Dental care has a long, LONG history of affecting overall health, particularly cardiac health, and still most policies won't pay for much more than twice-yearly cleanings. I have the cadillac plans for both, and I still have to pay $500 out of pocket yearly just to be able to see. Not everyone could absorb that cost (and indeed I spent my early twenties squinting through life). I'm just lucky that I can now, and at least I have healthy teeth. I do hope Vannessa can get her teeth fixed if she wants, at some point--having healthy teeth isn't only healthy for your body but also for your self-esteem.
  6. I would die rescuing my cats before I'd trust him to do it. "Hija de puta" may literally translate to "daughter of a bitch" but dude literally said "ha ha ha" into a translator app so I really don't trust his Spanish skills to know what he was saying. Edit: it's actually (literally translated) "daughter of a wh**e," but it just goes to show that literal translations mean nothing. hijo/a, perra/puta, it means "son of a bitch." But again, no way could he know that.
  7. I was so curious how that car could've ended up on the roof of the restaurant...but after seeing the video...wow. I can't believe no one died. I hope the survivor in critical condition makes a full and fast recovery.
  8. Is it weird that I love Ben's Peruvian sweater? He can keep the hat but that sweater looks so cozy, and if he bought it from a local artisan, even better. I'm a sucker for a unique knit sweater. Not that I'm saying Ben looks good, mind--just the sweater.
  9. Aren't you supposed to avoid carbonated drinks if you've had this surgery? I remember thinking how it was bad enough that these patients had to give up beer, soda, and sparkling wine, but giving up soda water is what would get me in the end.
  10. I hope that decision is a HELL NO. I hope that tough conversation is ME GO BACK TO STATES SINGLE. I hope he takes his SOJABOY necklace into his own hands. I hope Ben's confusion deepens into the wrinkles on his forehead. I hope Mike and Ximena's relationship takes a a turn down the street where we see Mike running....oh wait, we know that happens.
  11. Zero chance that prenup is valid. I highly doubt it was written in a language they can both understand, or that it was certified translated. Not to mention all the myriad other reasons it would be invalid. It cracks me up when people think they can put any old thing down on paper, completely ignorant of the law, and expect it to be some sort of ironclad gotcha that can never be called into question.
  12. I got to experience some 90 Day shenanigans this week secondhand. I was in France (on my long-awaited honeymoon, coincidentally) enjoying a dinner at a nice bistro which, unintentionally, had a TON of Americans in it. (We tried to stay away from the touristy, popular-with-Americans places, but we ended up at this place by accidents. No regrets, it was delightful, but it was weird hearing Americans speak after a week of near-immersion.) This silicon valley bro would not. shut. up. about his job and his poor date was trying to redirect the conversation to anything else. (I live in the bay area myself and ALL people can talk about is their tech jobs. It's tiresome.) He actually seemed kind of sweet and nervous, and she seemed into him, so I hope they had a nice connection.
  13. I didn't notice this, and I do think this whole thing smells funny but apparently Peruvians wear wedding rings on the right hand. I'm American and occasionally leave it off. I also don't wear it when I'm doing outdoorsy things, or replace it with a silicon band, so the absence of a ring on the left fourth finger doesn't mean anything. There were, of course, glaring issue elsewise.
  14. They're basically saying she's a bad example to her kids and others who look up to her, she doesn't value herself as a human being, karma will get her, blahblahblah
  15. I was 40 when I got married. Best decision ever. I love being married and my wife is amazing, but I definitely wasn't stressing about it when I was 29. Hell, I wasn't stressing about it at 39, and if I was unmarried now, I still wouldn't be stressing about it. We have been married 2.5 years and are only just leaving for our honeymoon on Monday! We'll be leaving everything to come here--even our car!
  16. Skydiving tops out at about 225 pounds and you have to pay a "fat tax" (even if you are a fit muscular bodybuilder you must pay the over-200 pound tax) over 200 pounds. The gear tops out at like 400 pounds and that has to include the weight of your TI plus the weight of your rig (parachute, reserve, container, harness, helmets, etc), so...there are limitations. Which is hilarious considering these people think they are only limited by their emotions, self-esteem and fear, forgetting that physics is a factor. Anyway, who would you choose to hang out with? Tina seemed chill, bouncing around at that bungee gym. That seemed fun! She did seem prudish at the campsite but Vannessa also seemed a bit too free. It didn't seem like the kind of place that was nude-friendly.
  17. THANK YOU. Every time I see a poster here complaining that Jasmine shouldn't be upset about having her nudes shared, it makes me so mad. Jasmine CONSENTED to being shown in a bathing suit on TV. She CONSENTED to sharing her nudes with Gino. She did NOT consent to have her tits blasted out to strangers who used to fuck her man! How do people not see the difference here? That's like saying because you have sex with someone once that you should be OK with someone using binoculars to watch you shower. Apples and oranges, consent/no consent. Jasmine is absolutely 100% in the right here and Gino deserves the tongue lashing he got. You may not like her, you may think her bathing suit is unflattering, you may think she's dumb to take Gino back, but at the end of the day she is 100% entitled to being upset he shared her photos without consent. It's a SERIOUS crime in some places, and it doesn't matter if the perpetrator is someone with whom you shared those photos with willingly--they are private and not to be shared with ANYONE without consent. I don't know why this is so hard for people to wrap their heads around. How do you not see the difference between a bathing suit and intimate photos? Every last one of these couples are fetishists and sex tourists. Gino is a sex tourist. Mike is a sex tourist. Ben absolutely would be a sex tourist if he could. Same with Kimbaaaly (well, I guess she officially is now with the bestowing of the yammy yammy). Ella is fetishizing Johnny, and he could be interchangeable with any other Asian man and she wouldn't care. Caleb and Alina probably fetishize each other for different reasons.
  18. That's wonderful and you are wonderful. Planting flowers helps save bees, which helps the planet, which of course you know. The only flower I can grow is jasmine, which pretty much grows itself. Cut flowers are wonderful but there's nothing quite like a living plant.
  19. I didn't think it was a Miata but I wasn't paying attention. I agree with you, they are excellent cars. However, the two-seater thing was likely a feature, not a bug. That way he only has to deal with one (1) other person in the car at once and doesn't have to deal with having to cart around any of those pesky kids he sired. If he was cool enough he'd get a motorcycle. He's so fragile in his masculinity I'm surprised he hasn't tried. Maybe he has and was so bad at it he wouldn't allow it to be filmed.
  20. I can't imagine wanting to learn how to make tapifauxca pudding or oven toast, but I may have it on in the background just to give her another view.
  21. I'm a huge proponent of sending or buying yourself flowers if you like them. Why wait for a partnership to enjoy things? I am with the posters here who believe she is doing fine on her own and only simping for Kody for the show.
  22. I entered the lottery to climb Mt. Whitney later this year (sadly, they didn't have an 8K option), and every time I think about it I think about this jerk instead of being happy on the mountain.
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