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Everything posted by monagatuna

  1. Sorry for the confusion. I'm not male either, by ED I mean eating disorder. Thanks for sharing your experience!
  2. I really appreciate hearing how others experience midlife (and beyond) weight changes. I've been fit all my life (exercise was my therapy for ED recovery and still is), but I hit 40 a little bit before the pandemic, and between getting Covid, getting older, and getting over the bad pandemic-related habits I formed during the early 2020s, I've got an extra 20 pounds I'd like to lose. I'm a runner and always have been, but long Covid messed up my pace and endurance. Last year I had my first DNF during a marathon and it was a wake-up call. I was drinking and eating too much and running too little. I snack a lot, especially on things like crackers and nuts. On a bad day I probably consume 500 extra calories from snacking. My wife, on the other hand, eats three meals, no snacking, and has cut back on alcohol along with me, and she's almost at her goal weight. She exercises, eats and drinks the same as me, just no snacking. True, she's younger, but my healthy habits in my teens-thirties should give me a bit of an edge against perimenopause and aging. So I just have to stay the course and put away the crackers. Thanks for letting me ramble. I think about this a lot--I'm not happy with my aging body and I don't want to live my life hating how I look. It does me no good to hate my body while stuffing it full of Cheez-its. That's not loving or kind to my body, which has honestly served me very well. I'm healthy despite a lengthy eating disorder in my teens and 20s. I recovered fully from Covid. I've never had cancer, diabetes, or any other major diseases. My body's been good to me and deserves to be treated well. And so do all of yours. <3
  3. It's definitely not true for everyone. I'm not overweight and I think about everything I put in my mouth. Always have. In fairness, I'm in ED recovery, so there's that, but even people with healthy weights and good attitudes toward food probably think about what they eat. I still obsess, but as I age it's more about health than thinness (though that'd be nice, looking at you, cellulite...). At any rate, I do get why people would lie about using Ozempic. Being an American, particularly a woman, you're hosed whether you're thin, fat, fit, muscular...we can't do anything right. We've long said on this board that if Whitney could take a magic pill and be thin, she would, and well...I can't say here we are, because she's not thin and Ozempic is not magic. From what I understand it still takes a lot of work to see results. It's really not our business what medical intervention someone is taking, but if her shtick is being fat and fabulous and loving herself as a fat woman, it's a little disingenuous to then lie about taking weight loss treatments, if she is indeed. But we all know that she doesn't love herself. If she did she wouldn't act the way she does.
  4. Same, I did not expect this redemption arc but I'm glad it's here!
  5. For being such jerks, these people are really on about "the disrespect" they keep facing. The Texas couple who stalked their Colorado ex-interest kept nattering on about how "disrespectful" their victim was when they showed up uninvited, unannounced, and specifically told NOT to come, and decided they were "done" because of all the "disrespect." They're done? After already having been rejected? Very "you can't fire me, I quit." Also, newsflash Einstein: not wanting to hop into bed with you is not disrespectful. No one is obligated to want to bone you. And the couple dating the pretty 26 year old? So rude. The poor woman can't even finish her meal before they shoved her out of her chair. She was "disrespectful" because she didn't divine that two-on-one dates came before one-on-one dates for this couple? Everyone has different rules, you can't blame her for not knowing your specific ones until you tell her what they are. And was the wife eating her leftover chips after she left?! Talk about disrespectful! I'm surprised they didn't chug her wine, too! Bullet dodged, friend!
  6. What a sweet family. I'm glad they're finding comfort with their siblings. I really hope Gabe's doing okay and getting any help he needs.
  7. I hope she didn't mention the length of her hotel booking out of some perceived fear that people would judge her for enjoying herself while grieving. People are going to act like she's never allowed to be happy anymore because she's lost a child. I hope she's able to grasp every last bit of joy out of life despite her grief. And I agree, it's nice to see her smiling and having a little fun.
  8. It's a beautiful photo and I'm grateful she shared it with us. I don't know if she or someone else posted it, but I hope it gives her some comfort.
  9. The awful, petty, bitter, hateful part of me saw that and thought of Kody stewing and being jealous that the money's not going to him. I want to think better of a grieving parent, but he hasn't shown us much capacity for love and compassion, and we all know he hates animals, so I'm having a hard time feeling magnanimous towards him. The others, though? I am sure they are feeling a bit of comfort and peace knowing this is his legacy.
  10. Not at all--I was not pointing out anyone in particular but rather the words that fly around when people understandably try to rationalize an action that seems irrational to them. I don't think anyone in these forums are engaging in such talk, and I'm relieved about it.
  11. Cosigning this. For some, suicide is the only escape. Labeling them as "selfish," "impulsive," or "giving up" is unnecessarily cruel and helps no one. I'm really relieved to not see such invectives in this forum. Just sympathy, kindness and wishes for healing. That's how it should be. I don't know any of you, but I'm glad you're here.
  12. You said what I wanted to say but I was pulling my punches. I don't have good feelings about Kody or any other polygamous "patriarch." Similarly I don't feel good about the direction TLC will take on this. They've been filming; they have footage. They will air it. If they can milk this tragedy, they will--not that Janelle will participate except to the extent she's contracted (and if she is contracted to participate, I'd love to see a copy of that contract--I bet there's a force majeure clause in there that she could use to get out of it with a decent entertainment lawyer). Their viewership will suffer, though. Garrison was well-loved, and we all struggled watching his, Gabe's, and Savanah's pain, among others, and swore it was our last season. A tragic death might be enough to get some new rubberneckers to the show, but a suicide? That's a step too far for most people.
  13. Like all of you I am beyond saddened by the tragic loss of such an amazing and kind young man. Of all of the Brown kids, he's one of the last I'd expect such a tragedy for. This is absolutely devastating. A mentor of mine took his own life in the same way 6 years ago and I've never been the same. I'm really glad to not see any trite comments like "permanent solution to a temporary problem" in here. Suicide is undoubtedly tragic but we can't know what a particular person's struggle is. For all we know, Garrison may have seen this as his only way to free himself from the pain. I have no way of knowing that, so please pardon my speculation. In my hopes, Kody will see this tragedy as a motivation to establish loving relationships with his surviving children. I hate to say it, but I'm not optimistic. I don't have a lot of love for cults like his where children are simply a means to an end for the fathers. If anyone is reading this who is having thoughts of suicide, if you are able to seek help, please reach out to the suicide hotline or mental health resource in your country. And please know that a stranger in California is pulling for you.
  14. Moab is super popular with adventure athletes. That said, Christine, it's a peek, not a peak. Just because the words rhyme doesn't mean they're spelled the same.
  15. Orgo is NO JOKE. At my undergrad it was the #1 weed-out course. I had to take Orgo I twice, and Orgo II I managed in only one go. It's fascinating and I loved it, but it did not love me back. You really can't take time off from it. Gwen's story checks out.
  16. Four divorces would definitely give me pause, but I personally waited until 40 to marry--had I married the first person to ask me, I probably would have been divorced myself by now. My mom was a fourth wife, and their marriage lasted 22 years before he moved on to #5 (still together after 15 years, I think). People in my family marry young, divorce young, and if they're lucky, settle after #2. No one bats an eyelash. So while I wouldn't get involved with a guy who's had four divorces, Meri is no stranger to weird (to me) partnership circumstances, so she has a higher tolerance for a varied and colorful relationship past. She's also no stranger to unusual financial circumstances, and a bankruptcy wouldn't faze her. Hasn't she had her own? And, as has been pointed out, she's dating the guy, not marrying him. She has no young kids around, likely isn't sharing her income with him, the dog likes him, I'm reserving judgment and being happy for her. Just because it's not right for me doesn't mean it's a bad decision for her.
  17. I am with you on this one. And I hope he's raging even harder that Janelle in particular is flourishing mightily without the companionship of a man. Men like Kody think that women can't survive on their own. That woman never needed him. He was lucky she ever wanted him.
  18. That, I really can't answer. My guess is that they don't read or write often; they're functionally literate but don't read for fun, and they work with their hands/body so they don't really need or care to write properly. I'm only going off people I know who have that kind of lifestyle and the only writing they do is on social media, where there are no rules. But I can't really say for certain.
  19. It doesn't really have much to do with the primary schools, though. I grew up in West Virginia, and we were taught from a young age to speak correctly, but when your parents and friends are all saying "I seen" or "we was" to you on a daily basis, it's not going to matter what Mrs. McClenihan told you for six months back in third grade.
  20. I missed this in the series (binged the whole thing last night and WHOA), but did they release these opinions before or after Natalia (actually, not legally) turned 18? She may have given them permission to disclose. Hell, even if it was before she was 18, she was "legally" over 18 and could have been coerced to provide permission to disclose. Ditto the dentist. Given his overall professionalism, I'm sure he was following HIPAA laws and would only speak on camera or otherwise with explicit permission from Natalia herself. And should any of this new information reach the level of legal evidentiary support (provided it meets the chain of custody standards and is verified), yes, Michael can be retried on it. He's a dumbass but he's right that he can't be retried on the previous evidence, but if there's new evidence, he can be charged on that, and so can Kristine. And if the new evidence sheds a different light on the old evidence from the first trial, it can be reintroduced into a new trial. I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the last time Michael sees the inside of a courtroom. I have a feeling his theatrics will be tempered a bit the second time around. We can hope, anyway.
  21. What an odd thing to wish for. Misspelled Claus, too.
  22. I read on Reddit (unsubstantiated) that Glen's company was the exclusive printer of Pokemon cards, so that's probably pretty decent. I think it's fair to say the Thores were fairly well off and likely that the family home was owned outright. I don't know how much of Whitney's "inheritance" was spent on Babs' care, or will be spent on Glen's. And I don't care. Honest-to-god grown adults have no business trying to claim money from a relative that isn't even dead yet. Nor dead ones. You didn't earn it, it's not yours. Go earn your own money and stop worrying what your dad wants to do with his. If there's no will (and there probably is), Angie is not legally entitled to anything as she is not a legal relative. However, it is likely he'll leave her and her kids some token amount, if he has a will and decides to change it. Did we get any sort of indication that Whitney is actually worried about "her" inheritance? I see a lot of speculation but have we heard it straight from her own mouth that she doesn't want Glen to give the Alabama family anything? I'm not an estate lawyer but I have heard some stories from them. People will fight with their own flesh and blood, family they've known and loved their whole lives, they'll turn a complete 180 on for the meager little peanuts that meemaw leaves behind. Let's face it, most adults are underwater and any sort of "inheritance" most of us get will be debt and a messy estate that will have to be sold out in pieces to resolve.
  23. That hideous thing is FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS? Is it made from the tears of a magic elf or something?!
  24. I am so sick of hearing "I speak Kody." Kody is a fifty-something man who has full use of his faculties and the power of speech just like every other typical human being. If he can't use his words with these women he's known for decades and his children, that's on him. Unless he's cognitively impaired, he needs to work on his own communication, not have his real wife there to suck all the attention away from the conversation the adults are trying to have.
  25. I'm not sure buying earrings at Target is a good identifier of class. Most Americans shop at Target. Pretty sure most of Whitney's decorations and jewelry came from Target, and she shills for WalMart. So maybe they don't have money. I don't think we can judge their financial situations from what we see on the show. But their actions show that they outclass Whitney by miles, middle fingers notwithstanding. (Truthfully, I have trouble judging a woman for a double middle finger to a grown woman who's been calling my child "bitch" for months, but what do I know, for me a middle finger is a lighthearted gesture of affection.)
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