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Everything posted by monagatuna

  1. I agree with you both that it's unlikely Kody adopted those kids, or that their name change was legal. But to me that courthouse setup looked rilly rill. However, I doubt that even a private courtroom setting would allow TLC cameras in, so perhaps they were able to get an empty courtroom and actors to play the judge and steno? (I don't believe for a minute that TLC would pay for a set to be erected.)
  2. My wife and I were commenting during each Thanksgiving scene how warm and inviting each wife's Thanksgiving was compared to Robyn's Table of Silence. Even Janelle and Christine's FaceTime of Rolls was more spirited and jolly than the grim, tight faces of the Tenders, the Monogamists, and the Hanger-On. I'm not a huge Thanksgiving person, but I'd rather sit at home drinking champagne and eating a Lean Cuisine than go to that sad, unfestive Thanksgiving at Robyn's. This is what Meri has been angling to get invited to?
  3. There she goes again, using up Swiss resources this time. AMS is no joke, for sure, but there were all those other people on the mountain who could also be suffering from it. But of course it's our hWhitney who suffers the most. I do hate how the promo switched from mourning to "look at all these adventures Dadwee is going on!" in a nanosecond. Like, can we please have a moment to remember this woman before we get to see how fabulous Whit's life is? I can't wait for the wind tunnel excursion (it is NOT skydiving). I know a bunch of iFly coaches and I can imagine she would be their least favorite flier. And I'm sure she'd molest them all. Glenn looked like he did pretty well.
  4. And those brownies were LARGE. There was once a time when I didn't use cannabis much if at all, and I went to a party where the only food was a very small pan of brownies. I went for one, and the host practically left marks on the floor getting it away from me, to my bewilderment. It wasn't until later that I realized he had saved me from a very unpleasant evening. It's obvious that Lily didn't know they were hash brownies, else she would never have flippantly told Charlotte that "[friend] already brought brownies and there are too many already." I wonder if, had Lily known, would she have had some? It's easy to get mad at a 17 year old kid for using cannabis, but that assumes facts not in evidence--we need to be mad at the kid who brought them, before we get mad at Lily.
  5. This was a major beef I had in an altogether not-bad episode. Why was she so offended at the suggestion that she use condoms when she's not monogamous? She was boning her fuckbuddy once a week, and then almost got involved with the biker guy--does she just raw dog it with every casual hookup? Gross. If I was having casual sex, the inside of my purse would look like Samantha's--full to the brim of condoms in different sizes, and they'd go with me everywhere I went. I am completely in love with Carrie's comforter coat. I did feel bad for the coat check people, though--hope she tipped well. I also liked Che's chemistry with Carrie. I don't think anyone had a problem with them at the start of the series--it wasn't until they hooked up with Miranda and she turned into a pod person that everyone started hating Che. The cameo scene was so cringey, though. You can't do that in the living room (or during the day) and let your partner sleep in peace? I'm not totally sure, but I think NY is a community property state. Barring a prenup saying otherwise, Steve is entitled to half the house regardless of whether he's on the mortgage or not. And if he's not on the mortgage he may be on the deed (my spouse is not on our mortgage but she is on the deed, due to our circumstances at the time). Plus, the house is a marital property--they were already married when they bought it. AND! They haven't even filed for divorce yet. Why would he vacate his own home when they're still married?! Funnily, though, Miranda may not be able to claim any ownership of his bar. Didn't Steve buy the bar well before they were married, and indeed, while they were broken up?
  6. Unrelated, we just adopted a kitten that looks SO SIMILAR to your avatar! BIG orange cat energy!
  7. That's hilarious! Down the rabbit hole I go...and I have so much work to do!
  8. My take on this is that the family is likely Jain, which does not eat root vegetables, because they disrupt the earth and can kill bugs (Jains do not generally kill bugs but may remove them from the premises), and also destroys the plant at the root so it can't grow back. There is nothing about root vegetables' "auras" but it's viewed on a more holistic agricultural level. This is all secondhand from a Jain boyfriend from ages ago, so I can't really confirm it, nor do I know if TJ's family is actually Jain, but it's the best guess I can come up with.
  9. Yes! OMG thank you, that is the reference I was looking for and couldn't think of. I have a number of those cheap plastic Halloween wigs (favorite holiday) and yea, they all have that "plastic-y synthetic shine" you mention, and it's exactly what I saw when she was ripping a brush through it. There's something not all there with this woman, so I shouldn't be surprised she thinks she's fooling us with these terrible extensions, but it stuck out to me that she outright lied about having them AND they're really low-effort, cheap plastic ones.
  10. I could certainly be wrong as I'm no hair expert, but I have had cheap plastic extensions and up close, they look very similar.
  11. That hair is so not real at all. In the first scene where we meet her, they show a close-up of her ripping a hairbrush through the ends, and it's super obvious that it's cheap plastic extensions. And you can see clearly in the following scene where her real hair ends (below her shoulders), and those ends also stick out in the long braids she wears when she's giving that poor man his Lloyd Christmas haircut. From what I can tell, her original hair is really thick and nice, it's too bad she's not comfortable with that on its own. 5 feet of hair isn't necessary to be pretty. And if you're going to wear hair extensions, at least spring for good-quality synthetic hair (you're not going to find real human hair that long for less than a few thousand bucks--maybe horsehair, which would've been an improvement on those plastic messes).
  12. I watched this scene in France last year, and hearing Phoebe go "Ross-Russ, Russ-Ross" in a French accent was hilarious. Re Carrie dating older, I think she should lean into the cougar thing if she wants someone younger. She's got a rockin' body, is rich, and isn't ready for a relationship. She could be pulling 20- and 30-somethings left and right if she wanted to.
  13. Surprised to see people didn't know men could do kegels! Every gender can. If you're not doing them already, start now! 10 a day (though more is better) and your life will change. Not just your sex life, but it helps with incontinence and hygiene as well. I haven't watched the episode yet, but am I reading correctly that Bitsy is sending someone else's unsolicited dilz pic? Not cool, Bitsy, for the recipient or for the subject of the photo. Edit: Just watched the episode and OMG, Charlotte was over-complicating the process. Just squeeze your muscles like you're interrupting your pee flow (for those of you who don't know, which I'm sure is minimal). IDEK what she was trying to do.
  14. I never saw Miranda as the type to change her OR her kid's last name just because she happened to get married. Some women do that, sure, but not her. And frankly I never understood the compulsion to give the kid the dad's last name unless it's her own. She has to go through the pregnancy and (if she's like most American mothers) does the lion's share of the work raising them. Why default to the dad's last name, especially if he has his last name as his first? Renaming him Brady Brady makes no more sense than renaming him Hobbs Hobbs.
  15. It's his voice. He code-switches a bit, you can hear the difference in his inflection when he talks to his bosses versus when he's threatening or yelling at someone. I couldn't un-hear Pinkman once I picked up on it.
  16. I'm fairly certain he had "chew" in his mouth in his THs. People addicted to smokeless tobacco think that because it's inside their mouths it can't be seen (or know that it can be but don't care), but it changes the shape of their mouth and their speech. My stepfather had this disgusting habit. I'm pretty sure it was in his mouth during his vows at his 5th wedding. The constant spitting, half-full soda bottles of spit and tobacco juice, the smell...I can barely look at this dude without dredging up really gross memories. Imagine kissing him. :shudder:
  17. Yeah, when she landed face down in the stream I knew it was the end for Pia. Too bad, I liked her a lot too, and it was nice to see a woman taking charge of a creative and professional project. She was pushy about it, but attempted to be sensitive to her boyfriend's family involvement (to the extent she knew of it), but ultimately she was the more ambitious one. I feel like this story could've been great. It's the stuff of great thriller summer beach reads. But for some reason this episode couldn't really hold my attention.
  18. And you know that food is delicious AF. I'm not going to shame anyone for having a weak stomach, but she should've gotten a house, condo or VRBO and invited his family to dine there if she was so germaphobic. She had to know roughly how his family lived, and that she'd be there without him and no way to communicate. I know this is all for the cameras, but it's shameful.
  19. That would make sense but she posted on instagram (photo in the couples thread, posting here only because it's not a spoiler) that they stayed "in our home" with family, but it sounds like she drove them several states away to stay with her sister? I'm willing to chalk it up to a typo since that's the only thing that doesn't add up.
  20. I hate that Gino's stupid face is back on my TV again. I'm no fan of Jasmine, although she's very nice to look at, but I loathe Gino so much after he revenge-porned her (still think he should've been prosecuted for that) that I can't help but root for her. Elizzikra is right, she reminds me of Larissa, who I also didn't really care for but hated her partner (I forget or willfully blanked out his name) so much that I circled around to grudging respect for her. Same situation here. Did I see that right that Amanda's husband was something like 15 years older than her? He was her first and they obviously got together when she was in her late teens/early 20s and he was so much older. Yikes. I wouldn't be surprised if she comes back from this trip knocked up a la Jessica and Jose from TOW. I really hope the deaf guy and Sheila get what they're looking for. They seem really genuine. I feel so sad that his family never bothered to communicate with him and just shipped him off to deaf boarding school. I want to like him but after TLC bamboozled us with PrEd and Aleena, I don't trust their "you have to love this guy" presentation and am keeping my hopes low.
  21. I'm not sure why I never saw this in the episodes, but I think it's important (found on reddit): Mildred (she/her) Tiff (they/them) Mal (she/they) Yoly (she/her) Sam (she/her) Aussie (uses Aussie only) Vanessa (she/her) Xander (she/they) Lexi (she/her) Rae (she/her) I had been calling them all "she" and I wish I'd known from the beginning that that's not accurate for all of them.
  22. I just want to note that every episode (as far as I noticed), Rebecca has been wearing jewelry by Shaun Leane. I saw her hook earrings early on in this season and had to look them up. The designer is really pricey, but their creations are AMAZING. I did buy one pair of earrings from them, but if I keep looking at their collections I will be bankrupt and divorced within a year. I really loved the final episode. I get people's gripes with this season--Jack, Nate's pathetic redemption, Rupert's lack of comeuppance--but I think the finale wrapped up the series nicely. The shippers make me eyeroll--Ted and Rebecca never had any chemistry, and their relationship was friendly at most. Roy and Keely? Really? So fucking toxic. And just because they hooked up a few episodes ago doesn't mean they need to have a love connection. Sometimes sex is just for fun. And Roy is such a mess. (I won't comment on her and Jamie, though--he's adorable and I love his arc, but they were never going to end up together). I was happy to see him in therapy, though. I like Keely on her own. I like Rebecca on her own (the Dutch guy meet-cute was adorable but I liked that it was non-committal). I only started paying attention to this series this season--my wife would watch it while I was out doing whatever and was gracious enough to fill me in when I'd ask questions about some of the inside jokes--so now I'll have to go back and watch the first few seasons with some attention. I'm a little sad that I'm going to have to start hating Jamie, though, but I'll appreciate his redemption more for it.
  23. My wife gave me a recorded greeting from Dave & Annie (of 90 day fiance) as a birthday gift and it was a lot of fun. They're both very sweet and funny. Definitely a kind of "gift for someone who has everything," especially if you know the recipient likes the individual.
  24. Never enough about the music! Florence Welsh's cover of Just a Girl prompted me to suggest that song to my band, and they went for it. We're doing the No Doubt version, which is much harder vocally than you'd think. And we're doing a Sleater Kinney song as well, which made the callback in e6 fun for me. But no, I don't think this version was an Alanis cover. My wife and I asked a similar question, noting how it had a certain Juliette and the Licks flair to it, and she looked it up. I can't remember (or find now) who covered it, but I don't think it was Alanis (it wasn't Juliette, either, but I'd really love it if her band would cover it!).
  25. I completely agree with your second point. We know what was said; we don't need to hear that ugly word just for shock value. It allows the story to be told without us having to be subjected to slurs. As to not seeing Colin come out, I like how they did it. The audience already knew. We got to see the team's reaction. The story was told in a creative way and, again, we weren't pounded over the head with it. For the life of me, I cannot keep the characters Isaac and Colin straight (lol...straight). To me, the white guy seems more like an Isaac. He just looks like an Isaac to me, and I can't figure out why.
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