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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Florian better start being nice to Georgi. He may find he needs to share an apartment with him one day.
  2. Liz is a cutie pie and very sweet. Run, girl! Coltee, stop playing. You will cheat on Vanessa as soon as she commits to you. Seriously Justin didn't mention he had a kid after 5 mos of dating or talking or what ever they are doing? Pictures on his IG are not enough. And why wasn't Brittney asking who the kid was when she sees the pictures? I did enjoy Fernanda's visit with her grandparents. The most genuine I have ever seen her. Now we know why she wanted to move to Chicago, she has family there. That was never revealed on her season with her ex. Danielle and her young friends. Please, make it stop. She drives to Maryland to have a fun girls trip. I think back to when I was in my 20's. Sure, I would be happy to waste my time playing matchmaker with a fat, old, pathetic cry baby living in Ohio. Oh, well, at least they got their 15 minutes.
  3. Unpopular opinion here but I still like Georgi. Darcey's friends are drunken, classless, assholes. I still don't understand why all the hate towards Georgi. He was right. All that BS was only hearsay, her friend didn't hear a bit of it herself. He was 100% when he said "So you heard it from a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend." Nobody commented on that. And......if he did say American Trash he probably was referring to the friends (who are trash) not the twins. Also, they were making a big deal about the divorce paperwork, so when Georgi whipped it out to show Darcey she didn't even apologize for doubting him and believing his ex wife? She also didn't tell any of the "friends" including Stacey that he proved his divorce. Why not? Fuck Florian for never defending Georgi. He doesn't want to upset his free ride. He's just as much of a user as they all claim Georgi to be. Georgi's friend is right. Georgi can get any woman he wants. He's a great looking guy. Wasn't he a trained masseuse before Covid? Is the guy perfect, hell no, but I bet he had his share of women interested in him.
  4. When Ronald was spilling the tea on that all Tiff could say was "You better watch yourself". She didn't exactly vehemently deny it.
  5. I haaaaate when people on these shows start a fight with "Here's what we're not gonna do, We're not gonna talk about my "(fill in the blank). As if that gives them control of the narrative. This time it was about Wendy's husband. It was so random for Candyass to skulk in to the kitchen while Ashley was already gathering her stuff to go and then kick her out. A little late Candyass. It's as if production decided at the last minute some shit needed to be started between these two. Ohhhhh, Candyass, hurry up and get in to the kitchen and act like you're kicking Ashley out. Maybe Ash will take the bait and start pulling on your weave. Drunk Robin was kind of funny.
  6. Yup. She knew damn well she wasn't pregnant but had to draw attention to herself some way. She also knows she's not going back to Ukraine. She has it made here. Jovi makes enough money so that she doesn't have to work and only has to see his ugly mug every couple of months. She's made herself vey comfortable on her Instagram. Score! Mike and Nat. Again with the long stares and nothing coming out of their mouths. Family Libby admits Charlie has a drinking problem. Big surprise there. Tiff and Ronald- not much said. Julia and Brandon- not much said. Kolani and Asuelo- boring. Sister and Mother Asuelo didn't need to be there at all. I have a feeling a lot of this reunion was left on the cutting room floor. Shawn was trying hard to stir up some shit. Didn't work. The only tidbit we learned was that Tiff may be doing one of the camera guys.
  7. Why are they all stuffed on to those two small sofa's? Looks like they are practically sitting on each others laps. Interesting to find out MJ tells Reza not to be so close with Destiny and GG because it hurts her. Of course we already saw that shit with Asa and Lily. She has this obsession with Reza that trumps any feelings she has for Tommy. I have always said this, I think she is in love with Reza but knows she can't have him in a sexual, couple kind of way so she will settle for trying to dictate his life in other ways. MJ is a sick, twisted, jealous bitch. Tommy will leave her and rightly so. Mike and Paulina are so gross. They bought a house together, meaning Paulina probably bought the house with her divorce settlement. Wasn't her ex or her family or someone in her life very wealthy? Now we find out Mike is the best super duper step daddy in the world. He even brushes her kids teeth, feeds them and bathes them. I think Paulina isn't showing her true self at all and Destiny and GG know that for a fact. She is back peddling wayyyyyy to much. Again, gross. Paulina lies as much as Mike does. Destiny: I didn't have anything done to my cheeks. 10 seconds later: I had fillers in my cheeks. Where is big mouth London? Oh, never mind. Not enough room on the sofa.
  8. Wallpaper is making a comeback. Just ask any overpriced interior designer. I still hate it.
  9. Difference is that Christine will make a very nice profit on that house. It's a hot market and she has it listed for 200K more than she purchased it for. I hope she keeps ALL the profit (minus realtor commission) and doesn't have to split any of it with Koduche. She was smart to buy that house instead of renting like the rest of them did. My point is that I hope she moves to Utah and tells the rest of em' to kiss her ass!
  10. Why is cold shoulder Tiffany sitting up so high like she's a freakin' princess on a throne? She needs to be put in a corner somewhere. Oh, yeah, Angela. You are such a bigggggg baaaaad bitch! Everybody scared of you!! I thought Angela's daughter was the only voice of reason in the family until now. I guess she has to agree with mama in order to get that check. Did they get a two for one deal on the fake ponytails?
  11. Don't forget these kids grew up with a house full of people at all times. They were around many little kids all the time. They never had a room to themselves. They don't know what boundaries are.
  12. I can't believe Muskrat Stan told Lisa he had more checks in his bedroom. The old man is insane! Then we have Lisa's brother acting all like the big protector of his poor, abused sister. I think the rough bitch can handle herself. Your sister is a felon and can't be trusted for a minute, asshole! Rachel has a good heart. I hope she really has learned her lesson this time and stays away from the prisoners.
  13. Steve was always casual, he has said he hated suits. Ryan and Fred were always in tailored suits even in their offices.
  14. I noticed that, too. Fred also looked good in that scene. As did Switzerland Steve. It looks like Ryan and Fred have followed Steve with the more relaxed casual look. The look still screams money, but I have always liked the way Steve dressed. They were all wearing expensive AF clothes and they all have perfect bodies with both Ryan and Fred being 6'4 and Steve around 6'. Ok, I'm a little obsessed with how handsome they all are. Then there's Tyler....
  15. Marley sneaking bites from the charcuterie board and the smart camera man catching it. Sonja: Marley, I'm mad at you! Eboni: Marley, you ate the whole damn board! Marley was the star of this trainwreck episode.
  16. Mopey Miles and his depression. Why in the world would they film that? It may be an important message but not the right place for it. This is supposed to be entertainment TV. Anthony and Ashley can really be annoying sometimes. They act childish sometimes. They have a beautiful home and two daughters, lets stop talking about poop and filming Ant drinking Ash's breast milk. Shawniece and Jep are doomed to divorce. To answer comments upthread, the building is 2 story, I think they purchased that depressing place they live in and her parents are living in the separate upstairs apartment. At least that is what I thought they said when first filming Couples Cam. Bobby and Danielle- she should be happier than a pig in shit. Nice home, 2 kids, she doesn't have to work. If she has post partem then get a script for some anti depressants. Eric and Virgin-who didn't see that coming? They stayed with it as long as they could stand each other for the $$$. I still think Eric is handsome AF. It's the pilot uniform thing that does it for me. Beth and Jamie- the most annoying people on the planet. That whole fake pregnancy thing. You look. No, you look. What does it say. I don't know how to read it. Omg stfu. Jamie O and Doug- more annoying people. For some reason he gives me the creeps. Deonna and Greg, and Jess and whats-his-name and Woody and Amani are so real and all couples adorable.
  17. I wish that little dumbass Kim Richards would come back. She's the only one that wasn't above putting Rinna in her place. I miss that. Bunny and all. She was having none of the phony bullshit called Rinna.
  18. Why was Teddi there? Does Kathy have a real opinion on anything or is she just there for some light comic relief? Rinna has fukkd up by attacking Denise last season and now backing Erika this season. The fan base is turning against her. How many more seasons before BRAVO gets that we all hate her? I won't even comment on Erika because it's all been said and is becoming monotonous and boring.
  19. Ha! MJ wasn't expecting that! She needs to move on and focus on Tommy and Shams. Fuck Reza. He made his bed with his malicious mouth and accusations and now it's too late to make amends. I'm so sick of Mike confessing and apologizing to the group about his lying and cheating and proclaiming to want to be a better man. Then they all rally around him and guess what? Same old Mike, never changing.
  20. "Going for another unattainable man" Oh, Todd. I love you.
  21. The constant kissing, pawing and lap sitting. Make it stop! Just two super horny young kids discovering sex. Micha is still my favorite. He could really have a great career in modeling if he would just be responsible. The preview of him not answering texts and emails doesn't look good for him, though. His modeling photo's on his IG are amazing except he hardly has any clothes on in so many of them, lol. The boy is built to perfection and his face photographs beautifully. He could even do runway. Now I'm sounding like a perverted old lady but I just admire how attractive this kid is! How did those parents genes produce that kid? The wonders of science and genetics.
  22. Exactly. She mentioned there is a lot of studying involved. Probably an exam to get her certification? I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of exam where she physically has to show if she knows how to train with weights, machines, etc. Not gonna happen. We know how lazy she is. Shame on Jessica for encouraging Twit to do it.
  23. What in the hell kind of re-decorating did Twit do to her house? I always thought her house was cute. Now it's just a hodge podge mess that makes no sense. Then again, I'm that person that likes rooms that have a common splash of color that flows together throughout the home. I'm sure others would think that was boring.
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