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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I think after all these years she still wants to get married so she doesn't have to leave India every 6 mos then turn around and go back. I would imagine flights to and from India every 6 mos is very expensive. If they marry she won't have to do that. It's the only reason I can think of that would make her want to still marry that loser. On the other hand, she can go back to the US and never return to India! That would make to much sense for a dingaling like Jenny.
  2. Doubt it. She has NO job yet deserves a live in nanny. Her parents are paying for it because they obviously don't think their daughter can handle being a mother. With NO JOB outside the home. I had to add that again because I can't get over it.
  3. Exactly. They needed 3 people for that? There were hardly any supplies at all! It must have taken all of 3 minutes to complete that big project. What a joke.
  4. Heather is crazy wanting her kid to go to college and be "wild". Seriously, any college kid doesn't need to be told that. They will make up their own mind and hopefully do what's right. They can have fun and not go out of their minds crazy which is what is sounds like what Heather wants for her kids because she didn't have the chance when she was young. How stupid of her to suggest that. I liked Heather last season but her repeatedly going back to Jen's abuse, then this advice makes me think she has a couple of screws loose herself!
  5. Summeat's parents will never, every accept Jenny. He knows it, too. Stop saying "I will talk to them". You have already said and done that a million times, Summeat. Stop lying. Jenny, stop believing. Alina needs to leave SteVen. He stupid antics could put her in to great danger. I worry about her. Hitchhiking in a foreign country, not speaking the language, barely knowing where you are going. Yet, he has managed to survive doing those type of things. Go figure.
  6. If Jen has someone handling her social media and "liking" posts that shouldn't be "liked", has she fired this person yet? I would think if she wants to make amends that would be the first thing she would do. How about taking 5 minutes out of your pathetic day and "liking" your own shit instead of paying someone else to do it.
  7. Gizelle is such a mess. She makes for great TV, though. You could see Wendy seething at Karen bringing her candle gifts to Gizelle's. That's how you do it, Wendy! She has a lot to learn. I am fascinated on how that top stayed up. So does the Grand Dame have a bit of a drinking problem? Regularly drunk dialing people in the middle of the day? Or night?
  8. I am so done with Veronica. She is way overboard with her support of train wreck Darcey and her hate for Georgie. How can anybody sit there and believe it was ok for Darcey to contact and meet up with Georgie's ex and then continue to text with her but it's a crime that Georgie contacted Jesse. The double standard here makes me sick.
  9. I also loved how each of them in their confessional said that separately. They all said there must be more to the story because it doesn't make sense to hear Jose tell it. I just love it when someone is lying, yet the truth is all on tape! Jose must have forgotten he was being filmed. Busted!!
  10. Soooo did nobody open the door for Rachel? Do any of them stay in those apartments or do they all live separately and go there for filming only? Hmmmmm are we being duped? I think there is so much more going on off camera than we know. Or maybe I should say so much less.
  11. I think Gil and Rachel would have made a great match. Myrla and Ryan maybe. Bao and Johnny remains to be seen. Jose, Zack and Michaela no match with anybody ever. They have too much work yet to do on themselves. Brett deserves better than any of them. She's a sweetie. Wears her heart on her sleeve. Doesn't know how to be anybody but herself. She can't pretend. That's a beautiful quality to have. I hope she finds a great guy but Ryan isn't it.
  12. I agree but how sad this guy is 35, not 20. He should have matured by now. Guess not. He still has a kid like view on relationships.
  13. I think Charley offered to help him in the episode before this one and he said No. RA's pride getting in the way again. He really is foolish sometimes. I can't get past that.
  14. The guys coming down on Jose was the highlight of the episode! They don't buy his bullshit at all! Zack goes straight in to meltdown the minute Dr. Viv leaves. He is a strange one. I can't, I can't, I tried, I really wanted this, I'm heartbroken. Sob, Sob. Except we don't get to see the tears because his hands are hiding his face and he's wiping his face with his shirt. I've said it before, I think he is just as unhinged as Michaela. One rule of this whole "experiment" should be that you don't get to go sleep in your real home. You stay in the apartment with your spouse until decision day or you don't get paid. Running away every time you feel like it isn't what this is all about. Why do the experts not implement that? Ryan is cool when he's with the guys. I like his dry sense of humor. Then when he's with Brett he freezes and goes back in to dead in the eyes mode. I think he is used to the barbie doll look and Brett is not that. I think she is so pretty, unfortunately just not his idea of pretty and he can't get past that.
  15. It's probably the other way around. I bet he's an investor going to hand over money to some creepy weirdo's so he can say he's in the movie bizz. The creepy weirdo's want nothing from him except his money.
  16. Then complaining because they weren't ready made to stuff in her pie hole immediately! She's insufferable. Nothing will change that awful personality. She must be unbearable to spend any amount of time with. Kudo's to Tal, Todd, Buddy, Heather and Ashley for hanging around this horrible woman since high school.
  17. Could Ethan and Olivia be any more depressing? Go spread your wings, Olivia. Too bad she didn't realize that is what she wanted to do before she married Ethan and broke his heart. Moriah needs a clothing and makeup stylist to teach her that having her red lips, ass cheeks and belly on display all the time in public is not the way to go. Such a beautiful girl, she could be positively stunning if she knew what to do with herself. Her boyfriend did a poor job of trying to explain that. I like that these two talk things out, though. The complete opposite of E & O.
  18. He will keep her around as long as her pittance of a social security check and TLC money pays for his life. The man does not want to work.
  19. Dear Dinyell, If you are smelly there is a solution. Shower daily, brush and floss, wash your greasy hair and use a douche when needed. Done! Still wrong for Mohammid to say it on national TV. He learned his lesson, that shit don't fly in the good ole' USA and Dinyell is going to make him pay over and over again for saying it.
  20. So Brittney's friends are just as obnoxious and annoying as she is. Good to know. Why doesn't her "boyfriend" want her to visit him in Canada? Is he hiding a wife up there? Molly, get out of the relationship. He wants kids, you don't. Enough said. Ed is a disgusting stalker. Liz is adorable. She likes to go out with her friends after work. Ed's not having it. Stalking and jealousy storyline to be continued..... Coltee's 5 minutes of famewhoredom are done. No more storyline so he has to go dig up Jess to apologize for being an asshole and drag Vanessa along with him to admit they were sexing it up throughout the entire relationship. Trash people. That includes you, Jess.
  21. All of this^^^^! Yes, Darcey, you are stronggggg, you deserve betterrrr, you are Freeeee. Go run around Istanbul in the rain like a 5 year old screaming it at the top of your lungs. Only problem is you don't really believe it for a minute. I'm so sick of Florian going along to get along with the sisters. Never once has he stood up for Georgie. Never once did he try to point out to Stacey that maybe his "sister" Darcey just might be wrong. I can't stand that back stabbing weasel. Couldn't wait to run and tell Twinsies that Georgie contacted Jesse. Darcey will never, ever have a solid real relationship and she's pushing 50 now. It ain't gonna happen for her. Once Florian is ready to move on and no doubt he's just biding his time until the green card, then Stacey will be in the same boat. No amount of new teeth, noses, fake hair and boobs are going to change the damaged train wrecks that they are.
  22. Kenny needs to back off. I don't know what his problem is. Armando knows best how to handle his family. His dad is coming around, the family was happy and having a nice time. Armando knew that would not be the time to spring the marriage on them. It will happen, just chill, dude. I can't believe a grown 57 yr old man doesn't understand this. I also think there is something a little off with Kenny's family. It's not normal for all the crying. His daughter crying at the table like that, and crying in the car after being picked up at the airport. These are adults. Sure, you miss your dad but their actions go beyond that. Did Kenny do everything for them when he was living in Florida? It seems so.
  23. I fell a sleep twice. It's still on my DVR. I think the PT couples don't have much to work with because this season is such a bore. How does Dean rate having a spot on this show? He was barely on TOW, it was mostly his brother and now he's nowhere in sight. Weird.
  24. How many back and forth trips does Jenny have in her? She ain't getting any younger and it must be exhausting, not to mention expensive. Summeat knew it would be easy to get a replacement passport. He just doesn't want to do it. He will do anything to avoid having to marry the old hag. Ari looked heavy in this episode. I thought she lost a ton of weight and was supposed to be borderline anorexic. Something is out of sequence here. Even Leandro said her big belly was in the way of their goodbye hug. I wasn't expecting that comment to come out of him. Was that maybe dubbed in to sound like he said it? I put nothing past this show. Steven is sick. Ellie is delusional. Evelin and her sisters are bitches Exactly. You keep your US bank account, the SS is direct deposit every month and will continue to be as long as you remain a US citizen. I'm familiar with the Ex pats in Mexico doing it all the time.
  25. Ashley, you got your two kids now, just what you wanted. Leave that old pervert, collect your 18 years of child support and keep all your checks to yourself that you're making on this show. You will be just fine. Do it! Didn't Gizelle's daughter just get her DL? Why all the screaming every time she had to turn the corner in the empty parking lot? Was avoiding the cones that traumatic? Something is out of sequence. Also, side note, that girl is unbelievable gorgeous! Looks just like Gizelle with dark hair. Good genes for sure. When you are raised by Dorothy there is no way you will come out of it being a happy, well adjusted, kind individual. Candyass is a mess and she is mean. She needs many years of deep therapy.
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