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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Ok, obviously UO here but I thought Whitney's display of what robotic sex looks like was so funny! Her confessionals are the best. I do not think her husband finds her as exciting and sexy as he did when he was having the affair with her. Reality sets in at some point and mundane life takes priority sooner or later. I don't understand why these older women think that hair parted severely down the middle is attractive. Unless you are 15, this is such a bad look but because some juvenile fashion influencers decided side parted hair is out now everybody has to go to what's popular. No matter how bad you look. Another example that pisses me off is the mom jeans! Remember how it wasn't cool to be wearing them just a few years ago? Now it's all you see. Those ugly high waisted jeans. I hate em'.
  2. I also love his knowledge of the LA area. He seems to know every street in that city and the back story on every home on each street. He amazes me. A kid born and raised in LA, born in to money and a family with all the right connections. He is one lucky guy.
  3. Rachel should have kept her cheating on her ex to herself. It happened a long time ago, she was much younger then. Why bring it up now? Stupid move. Jose ain't gonna forget that. I've been with my hubs for 28 yrs. There are a couple of things he doesn't know about me from my past many, many years ago from before I met him and he never will. It has no effect on our relationship what so ever. It's not a crime keeping some things to yourself.
  4. Kevin and Sharina moved to Florida! Just one big, happy family!😋
  5. I think both Harry Hams and Rinna are obsessed with being thin. He looked really nice all cleaned up and in his suit when he entered Dorit's fake bridal show (with all of 5 dresses) but in regular clothes he's skin and bones, face is sagging and I'm sure the rest of his loose skin is as well. You can really see it on Rinna's stupid IG dance posts when she's dancing around Harry and he's tending to his garden and ignoring her. He has a great head of hair, though.
  6. Twice a month if they are both chipping in or taking turns paying which married people do then I don't see it as a big deal. Twice a week with only Gil paying, then big deal. That's not what she's asking for. If Gil wants a woman that is happy staying home every night and going to Wendy's once a month then maybe that's why he is (or was) still single.
  7. I don't think Jose is gay. I think he is a weird little short guy with a Napolean complex who feels important when he shows the world how organized and sharp he is with money.
  8. I agree with most of this except now way was Kevin making her dinner. He was too busy at the side pieces house, leaving Wendy alone to bother with that. Wendy always used to talk about going to the grocery store and telling us about all the weird stuff she liked to buy and eat. Hell, she even taped an after show where she went to the grocery store in the city and bought all kinds of crazy shit back when she was in her vegan phase. Also, when Wendy and Kevin first split, remember Wendy pretending to be a Sex and the City single girl? Hanging out with all her new besties, The Kardashians, Nene Leakes, Tiffany Haddish, etc...going to the clubs and jetting off to LA all the time? Where have all these friends gone? They all left her and now she is alone. Where is the new boyfriend? Plus her mom died and she was on the outs with her brother. I have no sympathy for her but damn she must be living a very lonely existence. No wonder for the relapse.
  9. What kind of "ongoing treatment" do you get for Graves disease? I think now they are using Covid as an excuse for her newest breakdown. I swear this show that refuses to be cancelled and Wendy have 9 lives. They just keep going on and on and on.......
  10. Beth, leave Jamie alone. He's working. Working hard so you don't have to. She's such a child. Virgin crying conversation with Erik about why they should divorce. Too private to have a camera in their face. Erik looked like he couldn't wait to be done with the whole thing. He already had his mind made up.
  11. Something about the way he talks really bugs me. He sounds like a 5 year old when he speaks and he is not articulate at all. All nervous and twitchy. He keeps looking around and not directly at who he is talking to. He is just as weird as Michaela. I did have to laugh when she was looking at him like WTF is he saying? Gil, honey, going out to dinner twice a month and brunch one weekend day per week is not much to ask. Ease up, buddy. I think he complains too much. Omg Stone face Ryan. Could he be any more boring? Not sure what Brett sees in him. She's cute and sweet and is trying with him. He gives nothing in return. Maybe he prefers cold, distant bitches. Johnny and Bao had sex. And they are very, very happy about it. Good grief. Jose, just stop talking. He is an annoying little shit. I'm liking the ladies a lot more than the men this season.
  12. That was everything! They had Dorit and Kyle laughing before long, too. Wonder what Ice Queen thought of that little segment when she saw it.
  13. Why doesn't Whit's dog like Todd? I worry about that pretty poodle.
  14. I saw that and thought it was sad. She was walking in to the school and there was a group of girls off to the side talking with each other, before going in to class. Ava looked lonely, like she didn't have any friends. There was Alex in the car commenting on her baby Ava. As if she was sending her off to kindergarten. She is too much.
  15. I'm about 15 years younger that Babs and Glen and I'm terrified of stairs! I don't understand why they are being so stubborn about it. That must be one hell of a master suite and bathroom they have up there! They said something about the bathroom downstairs being too small. I get that but it seems they have enough money to be able to remodel the bathroom to make it more appealing to them. They really should give up the stairs. One more fall (they have already had a few, right?) and it could kill one of them or they could break hips, legs, shoulders, arms...etc. Ya'll get the picture. 🙂
  16. I don't know why that would even be a problem. Micah was in the car with him. Ethan could have parked at the bottom of the driveway and Micah could have gone to the door. I like Ethan a lot but that was silly. Does Olivia have a relationship with her own family since she got married? I'm just curious.
  17. 47 year old eggs are not good for freezing. They are rotten. The Dr. knows this, Stacey knows this. Are we done with this storyline yet?
  18. Ethan and Olivia will not make it. He is depressed and miserable and she is already packing regardless of what he has to say about it. I have no doubt that when they divorce they will both find partners that are more compatible. Ethan wants to live in the country setting, have space to work on his cars and his yard. He doesn't like crowds. Nothing wrong with that. Olivia has goals, she wants more excitement which a bigger city can give her. Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is that this wasn't discussed before they got married. Their young horniness and lust got in the way. IMO this is why you should have some sexual experience before getting married. Sex clouds everything. LOL
  19. I have an awful feeling something is going to happen with either Darla or the baby. Please, don't go there, show. Where is Calvin? Did he turn himself in? If so, doesn't Nova visit him? That was a quick exit.
  20. 37 going on 17. Now she's moaning about Avi. This show is all over the place. It's as if production doesn't know what to do with her. She is an embarrassment and so is this show. C'mon Heather. You know this is a joke and your friend is delusional. Todd looks really thin. The first thing I thought of was drugs but I don't think he would go there. Ashley should not be allowed to do confessionals. She's boring. Typical of Whit to make that nice dinner all about herself. Pouting over Avi. Those poor gals having to listen to her. My god, have some self respect, woman!
  21. Leandro could not breathe when Bini had him in that choke hold. That was not cool. Bini trying to show his macho power fighting skills could have killed the guy. He was pounding on the mat to be let go. Not a fan of spoiled Ari but not a fan of Bini even more.
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