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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Omg another Reza and MJ heart to heart, with only dry tears and fake sniffles. They have the strangest connection ever. I'm so sick of Paulina. Always whining about Mike then they are back to being together again. She's more fukkd up then he is. They were on WWHL together after the episode and are pretending to be madly in love with all their troubles behind them. I want her life. She gets everything she wants including a baby. No financial strains what so ever because she will always have daddy and mommy to fall back on.
  2. I don't get the turn around, either. He was not happy when her Visa was approved, didn't want to give the ring back, didn't want to marry her, was a jerk to her when he was with mama crusty bangs. Now he's all broken hearted. Stop with the acting, people. Aside from my believing she's fooling around with someone on the TLC payroll, Tiff seemed drunk or high to me. Her hair was a mess and she was all sweaty. Not typical for her, she was acting just plain weird. Like she was playing up to the camera guy or production. Seeeee how cool I am and what a loser Ronald is? Family Potthast is insane. Chuck crying like a red faced baby and Charlie's wife screaming at him like she has a say in anything. I wanted to punch that low class bitch square in the face! The smartest one in the family is mama Potthast for divorcing Chuck. I can't imagine what it must of been like being married to a push over like him. Asuelu's friend Tui suggesting he move back to Samoa while Tui stays in America. Hell no, Tui ain't goin' back there! What is all this land Asuelu plans on growing and building on. Does the Samoan gov't just give away land for free? Kalani saying maybe she will go to Samoa for a "few months" to check it out. Sure thing, Kalani. You do that. We will wait right here to see how that works out for you. I did love love love mother Kalani kicking them out so they can sell their house and move away! Who is going to babysit the brats? Hahaha! What happened to the happy couple looking for a house to buy just a few short episodes ago? Now they are not ready, are not prepared. Kalani is just as much of an idiot as her man child husband.
  3. Ryan said on Unfiltered that he hardly ever hunts and his friends made a much bigger deal out of it than needed to be. You can't trust the reality of this show. On another note, Ryan had shorts on and his legs are amazing. Bao is my favorite. I love everything about her. Johnny seems like a little boy to me, still a bit immature and not sexy at all. I was very surprised Bao likes him so much.
  4. I can't stand it, either. A large part of the charm of NYC are all the pre-war buildings and the beautiful brownstone buildings. The modern crap ruins the look of the city. Not so sure Steve really lives there because the apartment looked barely furnished. The bedroom looked like something from a college kid just starting out. Doesn't his girlfriend have any taste or maybe she's not allowed to spend any of his money. It was not homey or welcoming at all.
  5. THIS is what I want to see from my Housewives! Sports teams you owned and didn't even know it. Homes in the desert you forgot about or have never even seen. Kyles amazing second home. More of all that and none of Erika. Her sobbing her way in to the bathroom and us having to hear her gutteral fake cry from behind the door is going to far, BRAVO. At least she didn't have to dig deep and display any fake tears from behind the door.
  6. Interesting none of them are married and none of them have boyfriends. They need a new title for this show.
  7. She said the friends were coming over for dinner and would sample the drinks. I wouldn't think she would need to write down cheese and crackers as if she couldn't remember that but hey, what do I know. Matt, nicer? I think they both are equally awful.
  8. So Sonja is a big ole' lying liar who lies. I enjoyed the hell out of the ladies laughing behind her back and if that's wrong then I don't wanna be right. She does it all the time to them so touché, Sonja! I'm impressed with how beautiful these women look this season. Ramona, LuAnn and Eboni got it right. Even Leah looked great this episode. I still get Phyllis Diller vibes with Sonja's new look, though. Must be the thin, long nose. Ramona is a ditz but don't mess with her money. Reminds me of something Oprah said a long time ago about celebs or anybody in general when accountants and financial advisors have control of your $$$ and you are all of a sudden hit with tax liens and owing the IRS $$$$$. Don't trust people with your money. Check your own books, write your own checks, know where your money is and where it's going.
  9. Oh, Jeez. The bromance is bigger and stronger than ever. I can't. Chris stating it's every man's dream to have a lot of land so he can do his man things, create, build, etc etc..... he was practically drooling all over Matt. He was really excited out there on the farm with Matt. Matt was eating it up, he loves to be worshipped. It's gross. Why do I always get the impression Tori doesn't care for Amy? In every scene together Tori looks like she's just going along to get along and just wants Amy to SHUT. UP. Amy was writing down cheese and crackers on her wedding food list in her big wedding binder. Cheese and crackers? Ya kiddin' me? This is what the almighty wannabe chef comes up with for her wedding? I can't wait to see this shindig. Lisa and Deb are so far up Amy's butt they must be getting paid a little sumthin' sumthin' from TLC. They also appear on her cooking video's sometimes. Whatever.
  10. It's amazing how much Daniel looks like his bio dad. Twins.
  11. Cracks me up when he says to the camera "next question" in order to shut up her yammering
  12. Even Fabio was annoying me. I used to love him. There are no words for Jeff's 4 flavor potato chip potato salad.
  13. If I had a husband that was very involved with my baby in other ways and was a great dad, I would not care much if he didn't want to change shitty diapers. Does he help with the day to day? Give her baths, play with her, feed her, put her to bed at night so mommy could get some rest? These are things that would matter to me more.
  14. Ok, I'm going to say this and then ya'll can throw tomato's at me! I think Georgie (despite maybe looking for sugar mamma's and being sketchy) is hot, hot, hot AF. When he was sitting there with his friends and the evil twins with that man bun and nice jacket all I could see is his gorgeous face. Same when Darcey was driving to his "room" and he was sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window. He is the one that should be a model, not Florian. He also has nice, normal friends unless they are paid actors. At least he never yells at Darcey, telling her to shut the fuck up like Florian does Stacey. He keeps his cool with that crazy lunatic. Florian has a scary temper. Speaking of yelling, who in hell does Florian think he is yelling at Georgie about using Darcey and not paying for anything when he is doing the EXACT same thing! Georgie should have hauled off and punched Mr. Model square in the face!
  15. Asuelo and Kalani- another example of idiots getting married and not knowing anything about each other. Did Kalani not know Asuelo wanted a big family with a ton of kids? Natalie's friend is the creepiest of the creepy I have seen in a long time. She makes my skin crawl. Where's her husband? How is she living in that nice house? I think she's a hired actor. Also, how is Natalie driving and where did she get that car?
  16. Did you catch her saying she wanted a house? Girl, you just moved in to this apartment a minute ago! She's the type that will never be happy with anything, no matter what she has. She is devoid of any personality or happiness. A cold fish. Another one I can't stand.
  17. That is unacceptable. Then she has to ask everybody if they looked good, omg. No MJ, they're saggy and nasty. She's a married effing woman and a mother, act like it! If I were Tommy I would be livid. Is that any better than Adam sending dick pics to everybody? I have a feeling MJ and Tommy's marriage is not going to last. I give it 2 more years, tops, and that's only because there's a baby involved. Otherwise, Tommy would be headed out the door already. I loved GG's conversation with Reza. Telling him to stop with the crying. She's the MVP this season. I know, I know, this a very low bar but this is the skanky Shah's we're talking about.
  18. So sick of ALL of these assholes! Time to clean house and get rid of every last one of them. If TLC can't find fresh, new 90 Day participants then it's time to shut this franchise down. Masturbation Strip clubs Fist fights (Potthast's) Violent family (Asuelo's) Oh, and where was father Kalani when the fight broke out? Conveniently upstairs not hearing a thing? Everybody wants a baby when there is no way they should be having babies No thank you! I'm done with HEA
  19. Doug- goes to grocery store during pandemic and doesn't return for 4 hrs? Did Jamie demand to know where he was for 4 hrs? Another incident- Cell phone dies so he follows a random chick home to charge his phone? Doesn't return home until 10pm. If true, aside from being all kinds of sketchy, Dougie is a weirdo. Jamie, honey, you have problems. Why are they bothering showing Virgin and Eric next week? It's on social media they are divorcing. Austin and Jess, Gregg and Deonna, Jepthe and Shawniece all seemed like real life. Anthony and Ashley- I like these two but their stories are always so boring and lame. Breast milk in Anthony's food and coffee? They have a newborn and a toddler, there must be something else for them to do.
  20. I don't think this is a spoiler because Brian announced it on WWHL last night. He and Dr. Monica broke up. Or as he put it He broke up with Her. I love Anish and her relationship with her mom. I really wouldn't be surprised if Monica didn't return next season.
  21. Her kitchen is underwhelming, bland and boring. Her cabinets look like a light coffee color to me. She has enough money she could have a gorgeous new kitchen put in with high end appliances. Oh, well, to each their own. Buy the way, guys, if you want to see one hot mess take a look at her Pasta Bolognese cooking video. You can catch it on Youtube. It's a disaster.
  22. That was a lame birthday party. The cast and some random actors. Sonja and Ramona know a lot of people. Couldn't they invite some ? Where were Ramona's 50 girlfriends and Sonja's random fuck buddies from the Regency bar? Also, why were S and R buttoned up to the neck in those hideous dresses? Unusual for them. The cakes topped off an already awful party. Was there even any food? I didn't notice Sonja stuffing her purse.
  23. I don't think Chris is terrified of Amy at all. I do think he is hyper aware of the camera and doesn't want to drag out a fight because of the camera. He is obviously not a happy man. What I see is someone continually biting his tongue and quite frankly looking at her with disgust when she starts with her attitude. I don't see him hanging around once the show is cancelled. I think he already has regrets but again will wait until the show is cancelled. Two grown adults in their 50's making a thing out of buying a tiny pet fish together? Just stop it. How embarassing. Z and T continue to laugh at everything he does. They can't keep doing that. Does Z ever discipline him or does he just sit there with his mouth hanging open? She had the interior painted a lighter color which look much better. Some nice new furniture in there, too. That's all I saw.
  24. What's bugging me is that they are all on Georgie's ass but all is forgiven with Florian for cheating and having a video of him doing some chick. That's all good now but Georgie's sock money is outrageously offensive. Granted Georgies no prize but I haven't seen evidence that he is so sketchy, either). If the guy only has $1,400 to his name then he should hold on to it especially since he's involved with a nutcase like Darcey. He never knows when that relationship is going to go up in flames and will need money to get back to DC. So, for now I'm team Georgie. Also, what is Florian doing for income? Surely he's not getting paid for his modeling photo's, right? Again, he gets a pass.
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