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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Can Reza ever talk to MJ without crying? That effin' shaky cry voice. Man up, ya baby! MJ needs to have her husbands back, end of story. Reza is garbage and doesn't deserve to be in their lives at all. Tommy has the right idea.
  2. Like I said in my post, she lost her ass and gave up. She had no idea how to flip a house. You buy in a neighborhood that you know has resale value. You don't buy in a broke down neighborhood that has no hope of anyone wanting to live there no matter how pretty you make it and how over budget you are.
  3. I'm not against him. I'm also not for him. I am, however, 100% against Natalie.
  4. What happened to Robyn's house flipping business? Did she lose her ass on the first one and then just gave up?
  5. So Mike and Nat make love have sex, 10 minutes later she's out of there and goes to her girlfriends house where she has a room. She also takes all of Mikes Christmas gifts he gave her and brings them to the girlfriend's house to give away. Who is still feeling sorry for Nat? She is a stone cold psycho! This is Yara's first baby and she is in mommy mode. Jovi is not home enough to adjust to being a dad and a husband. He doesn't get that life has changed. It's different but not worse. Having said that, the baby was with grandma. Yara needs to understand that date night is important so that she and Jovi can stay connected or the marriage will be in trouble. And yeah, if your husband is away for months at a time there should be sex when he is home!
  6. She's still messy. She couldn't wait to tell Gizzy about what Mia said about her. Was Ash really filming a few days before giving birth? Damn, more power to her. She looked so uncomfortable. She's dedicated to get that paycheck, I'll give her that. Gizzy has the pamper party for Ash and the turns around and leaves everybody there. See ya, I'm bored with ya'll, I'm outta here! Who does that?
  7. Ha! she wouldn't move 2 hrs away to Wilmington for Chase but she will contemplate moving to Paris? What a joke. Except we know she never would.
  8. It sounded to me the "frenchman" isn't french at all. He had no accent. He sounds American. An expat living in France teaching the language over the internet. She probably paid some actor to play the part of her new man and he agreed as long as he doesn't have to show his face. This is going to be an easy con since the guy doesn't have to actually show himself. How effing stupid does Whitney think her audience is? How is Whitney freezing her eggs? I though she had no good eggs which was her reason for exploring adoption with Tal a few season's ago. Or maybe her eggs are ok but she just can't carry a baby and she will try for surrogacy. We will see. What I am excited to see (judging from the teaser): Buddy getting in to it with Whit because he has a girlfriend and Whit is once again jealous because he doesn't have time for her. Todd back to his shady talking heads about Whit making more stupid man choices. What I am not excited to see: Babs not doing so well. Barely clothed morbidly obese people. Whit throwing up in the bathroom. Whits make believe boyfriend, of course.
  9. Is Tyler doing so well in Real Estate that he can afford $12,500 monthly rent? If so, he should be buying, not renting.
  10. That could be very true. The sister doesn't talk to Risha either which is strange. They haven't seen or spoken in 10 years. Something big must have gone down. Either the husband is a controlling weirdo or Lopa is well.....Lopa.
  11. Uh Oh.... The shady ass Kemsley's again. Why don't these people pay their damn taxes? https://pagesix.com/2021/07/22/dorit-and-pk-kemsley-owe-1-3-million-in-unpaid-taxes-report/
  12. Without Amy there is no show. What would we watch? Zach and Tori talking to "J" and gushing over everything he does? Matt and Caryn and their separate but together lives? Amy is here to stay.
  13. They both have mommy's number and call her out on her bullshit. They are smart kids. Dorit and PeeKay (and the nannies and the assistants and cooks) are doing something right with them.
  14. I don't even think she's all that clever. The I'm a rich bitch who needs someone to carry my bags and I don't live in the real world schtick is wearing thin. I did like her calling out Kyle, though. "What's so funny"? "Why are you always laughing"? I don't think Crystal, Sutton or Kathy are buying Erica's BS. They will go along with it for the camera, though. Why has Rinna always kissed Erica's ass so much? What's in it for her? Erica walking through the door with hand held to teary cheek, "It's bad and it's going to be bad for a long time". Then they all run over to her and hug. Make it stop, I want to vomit.
  15. Dr. Monica can do much better. She's a complainer, that's because she's not happy with the relationship. Brian is a man child. Man, the aunties sure like to use their curse words. Especially the F word. Amrit's mom and dad are so awesome. Talking about the wedding attire. Mom said something about Amrit getting a nice outfit, dad says they should get a BOGO! I love these people. Sad to hear about Risha's sister. Now I understand why her mom is so nasty to Vishal. She's afraid another man is going to take her other daughter away, so she takes it out on Vishal. I like Monica's mom and Dad getting together for dinner. They were nice to each other and funny together for the sake of Monica. Good job, parents!
  16. Amy was reluctant about inviting Caryn to her house, too. I remember her sour face over having to invite her. Neither one of them want this forced "friendship" but TLC wrote the story and if they want to get paid they will do what they are told. Caryn is much more aware of being nice in front of the camera where as Amy doesn't care.
  17. I also think she doesn't believe she did anything that deserved being arrested. Delusional.
  18. So there are going to be approx. 150 guests at the wedding. Who is painting 150 friggin' rocks? I don't think just because you have to get along with an ex and their new squeeze that you have to visit their homes, drink wine and eat munchies. Ever. Be nice at social gatherings that include the kids and grands and call it a day. That is all that you need to do. Of course all this visiting is for TV only. Does it always rain in Oregon? How miserable. A lot like Seattle I guess. I couldn't imagine planning an outdoor wedding in a place like that.
  19. Yes, she is looking like Chrissy Teigen with those over plumped cheekbones which is not a good thing. Do Darcey and Stacey's parents realize how insane their daughters are? I found it, watched this first ep and set it up to record weekly. Thank you!
  20. This is the problem with Sonja. She's not funny when she's drinking. Nobody is laughing at how funny she is. She can't see it. Can she be funny without drinking? I have seen her throwing some fabulous shade in her talking heads when she appears to be sober. I also think Sonja drinks because she thinks she is securing her spot on the show and if she doesn't get crazy drunk she will be fired for being boring. I actually didn't hate any of these women this episode. That's a first in a long time.
  21. That's because she's pretty much retired now. She's 65, she's allowed. She owned that business that sold clothing to places like TJ Max and Ross. Made a lot of money doing it. She sold that business. After that, she tried her hand at wine and skin care both of which I don't think were very successful. I don't know what she did before that, she always made her own bank, long before she met Mario. Her ex had a lucrative family business. Combined they were very wealthy. Divorced they still remain separately wealthy. Ramona has said many times that she watched her mother stay in an abusive relationship because she had no money or career of her own. She made a point to never have to rely soley on someone else's income. She instilled that in her daughter, Avery to go to college and have a career that is self supporting. Ramona in no way got her money gold digging. Ok, I'm off the Ramona love train now. Still on the Karen is a poser train.
  22. The difference though, between Karen and Ramona is that Ramona has real wealth. NYC apt in the sky, huge Hamptons house, and a place in Palm Beach and ability to travel anywhere she wants. Karen has none of that and never will. Living in her rented house with her cheap wigs.
  23. How did I miss this coming back? Was it on last night? I'm assuming TLC. What are they calling this train wreck so I can look it up ON DEMAND. Thanks!
  24. I can't and never could stand Karen. She's a liar and a poser. I think her life with RayRay is a sham. What I don't get is that I listen to some (too many) podcasts that analyze these crazy reality shows and so many of them love Karen. They call her Queen. Ugggghh! They think she is the best star of all the Housewife shows and can do no wrong. Do they not hear her lies, her double talk? She's ugly inside.
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